That’s right. Today 08/07/08 I am 30. I was born on 08/07/78.
People keep asking me; “How do you feel about turning 30? Are you freaking out yet?”

Honestly y’all, I’m not. Really.
I know that 30 is some huge milestone and that a lot of people have an issue with it… but I’m looking forward to it.
I’m looking forward to a new decade of life, the second decade that I’ll be blessed enough to spend with my husband. The first full decade that I’ll spend as a parent.

My twenties were full of turmoil, happiness, laughter, tears, self doubt, frustration, helplessness, blessings, stress, love, death, life and more changes than I care to think about.
But every bit of that has made me stronger and I am grateful for everything I have experienced.
I am a better woman, friend, wife, mother and person because of all that I have gone through.
I look forward to my thirties with anticipation, hope, faith and excitement.
I hope that I’ll be: A better woman, a more dedicated friend, a more loving wife, a more patient mother and a more faith filled person.

I look forward to all that I have yet to learn and to applying all that I have learned thus far, to becoming that person.
“Happy Birthday to Me”
“Happy Birth Day to my mom”
Thank you for giving me life, teaching me, loving me, and most of all… letting me live this long πŸ™‚

Don’t forget we’re blogging the recession so if you’re reading this through a reader, click on over and read me live!


  1. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Rachel! Happy birthday to you!

  2. Happy Birthday! I’m glad you’re handling it so well. 30 was horrible for me, but I’m 35 now and it doesn’t bother me at all!

  3. 30 went ok for me but 35 kicked my ass.

    hmmm. that was a loooooooooooong time ago.

    i’m old.

  4. Happy, happy birthday. In your thirties you really start to understand who you are and where you’re going. The 20’s are great but too tumoltuous. It only get’s better.

  5. Happy Birthday. I turned 30 in January. I didn’t like it because I still think in my head that I am in my 20’s- but no other reason then that.


    Popular day – it’s my momma’s birthday too πŸ™‚

    Hope you have a LOVELY day and all your wishes come true!

  7. Happy birthday, love.

    I know that our 30s will rock. It feels like I have figured out a lot more and am more at ease. πŸ˜‰

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Have a fantastic 30th birthday! Let me know how it goes….that’ll be me next year.

    P.S. I love the pic of you and your mom!


    I hope you find your 30s as much as I am…I never understood how people have "issues" with getting older. I find I'm *much* more comfortable in my own skin than I've ever been in my entire life.

    That pic of you & your Mom is priceless. Very sweet.

    Hope you have a great day!

  10. Have a wonderful day you young whipper snapper you! πŸ™‚

    Love the pictures (evil dog…snort!)

    Also love that you are celebrating your mom’s “birth day.”

  11. No need to freak out about 30 or any birthday for that matter. I think you’ve got the right attitude! And my birthday is tomorrow, so we’re almost-birthday buddies!

    Happy Birthday to us!

  12. Happy Birthday Rachel. I love your attitude, turning 30 never bothered me, but turning 40 did! Now those years are so long past and I wonder why I spent so much energy dreading. Enjoy and look forward to every year and every decade, this is your life, year by year, and life is good.

  13. WOOHOO! Happy Birthday, Sweetie! I hope it’s as special as you are!

    Ya know, my thirties have been much better than my twenties.

  14. Happy 30th Birthday! I dreaded mine as it was coming up on me, but once it actually happened (May 3rd of this year) I realized it really wasn’t bad! LOL

    CUTE pic of you and your mom!

  15. Happy Birthday!

    The 30s have been good to me. I had no problems at all with turning 30 (or with any of the birthdays since) For whatever silly reason turning 27 really freaked me out. Go figure.

    Oh – I almost forgot. We tried your wamsutta recipe last night! It was a huge hit. My husband isn’t big on casserole’s – where everything is thrown together, but everyone else (my parents were there) loved it!! Thanks!!

  16. The only problem I had with my 30th birthday was that I spent it cleaning up my kids’ vomit. Of course, there was something kinda poetic about that too. πŸ™‚

    What a beautiful and wise post! You have a wonderful attitude. I love it!
    Happy 30th Birthday!!!

  17. I LOVE this post, it is so true! My 30s have been so much more awesome than my 20s were!

  18. Happy Birthday! You’re a very young 30. And I’m a very young 37. We’re far too cool to get old. You know that!

  19. SHUT UP! You’re just NOW turning 30? Well don’t you just kick ass?

    Happy happy happy birthday. 30’s are the coolest. You’re gonna like it here.

  20. Happy Birthday!

    I have heard 35 is the new 30 on freaking out πŸ™‚ That’s when you have to check the next box, lol.

    Hope you had a great day.

  21. The thirties are so much more fun than those 20s. You can relax, be you and not worry so much about what others think. It’s a beautiful feeling. Happy Birthday!

  22. Happy belated birthday! I am a August baby too. I happily celebrated my 35th birthday on August 4th. Happy birthday to us. You are right about your 30’s. They are fabulous.

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