
Do you see that pretty shiny glossy picture right up there?  That, is a cookbook.

That, is a cookbook with one of MY original recipes in it.

Let’s let that settle in for a minute.

There is a cookbook that is going to be published with one of MY recipes in it!

This cookbook is really special to me, not only is it the first cookbook that I’ve ever been published in but, it’s a cookbook dedicated to teaching people to eat smarter and help improve their memories and support brain health.  My Granny is suffering from alzheimers.  Our family, is suffering because of alzheimers.  This cookbook is so very important for so very many reasons.

The Thinkfood cookbook is a collaboration between Posit Science and 50 food bloggers from around the globe, each of whom has contributed a recipe featuring an ingredient known to improve memory, concentration, mood, or other brain-powered functions.  Foods like blueberries, almonds, tuna, spinach, cinnamon, and more — doing their tasty brilliant thing in recipes ranging from snacks and side dishes to main courses and desserts.  These recipes will not only help you to eat smarter, but to be smarter, too.

I can’t tell you yet what my recipe is but, you can sign up for the Recipe of The Week e-mail to receive a delicious recipe in your inbox EVERY week for FREE!

The hardcover cookbook will be available for purchase in mid-July!  However, if you sign up for the Recipe of the week e-mail today! You’ll receive one recipe via e-mail every Wednesday for the next 50 weeks!  Those emails will have a link to the printable recipe as well as more information about the blogger who created it and about the featured ingredient!

My Recipe will be featured in July and during my featured week, I’ll have one Hard Cover Cookbook to give away so please stay tuned!!!!!!


  1. How unbelievably exciting! Yes, girl, I would let that sink in for a bit! Signing up for the email list and can’t wait to try your recipe when it arrives! Congrats!! 🙂

  2. WOW! Rachel, that is so exciting. Congratulations! I signed up to get the recipe e-mails.

    1. YAY! and Thank you!
      Yep, it’s kind of exciting!!!! 😉 and unreal! I can’t wait to buy my copy so I can see my name and picture and recipe in print!!!!

  3. Any of those recipes that will help me remember….. remember…….OH yeah, songs? I am very excited for you and of course always proud. Love ya!

  4. How exciting for you, and much deserved! This is awesome and of course, I signed up for the newsletter. I have found so many new family favorite recipes here. You should publish your own cookbook too.

  5. How exciting is THIS!? I signed up for the weekly recipe before I even finished reading your post! We can’t get enough good ideas and advise about brain/heart healthy foods around here!
    Thanks, Rachel!

  6. OUTSTANDING! So excited for you! Our family also knows how Alzheimer’s is a terrible, dignity-taking disease – glad to see your talents will go towards the fight against it. *raises toast* Cheers to you! xoxo

  7. Congratulations…..looking forward to the cookbook….would love to win it. We don’t have alzheimers, but a severe brain injury left my husband with short term memory loss. He’s a walking talking miracle, but brain food is a must… your site1

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