Every Thanksgiving, my family gets together for food, fellowship, football, silliness and fun.  We each bring our favorite dish, and a bottle of wine (or beer, in my brothers’ case).  I’ve discovered some new wines and even gone out of my Merlot Comfort Zone to try a few whites, and found how much I enjoy them.

If you or your friends and family share this same tradition, I encourage you to visit One Hope wine and get your wines from them.

ONEHOPE Wine - One Hope, Many CausesI had the distinct pleasure of spending some time at the Social Luxe party at BlogHer at the One Hope Wine booth.  Shauna and I bonded quite a bit over tasting the different wines and talking about the various charities with them. There I learned all about this amazing company that gives 50% of it’s profits to charities.  Each bottle of wine (flavor) has it’s own charity. full disclosure, they did give each attendee a bottle to take home.. .mine broke 🙁

The Cabernet, supports Autism research

The Chardonnay, supports Breast Cancer Research (and y’all know how close to my heart that cause is.  The Chardonnay was delicious and I am decidedly NOT a white wine person.

The Merlot (my favorite), supports AIDS research

The Zinfandel, supports Our Troops

The Sauvignon Blanc, supports our Planet

If you’re going to be purchasing wine to take to your Thanksgiving, Housewarming, Birthday Party or any other Holiday Party, I strongly urge you to buy this wine, you will truly enjoy drinking it and you’re doing something good for someone else at the same time.

This post is in no way sponsored, I’ve received nothing from them, they don’t even know that I’m writing this post. I get nothing if you buy wine from them, you and the charities they support are the only ones who’ll receive anything. 🙂

I’ve been inspired by so many things lately, the most recent being Anissa and the way that our community has come together and rallied in support of her and her family.  Anissa loves wine (hee hee)  and she loves the One Hope Wine Company and their causes.  She and I talked numerous times about them and their charity work and then argued about which kind of wine is better 😉

If you want to know how you can help Anissa’s family, you can read on Aiming Low

Peter wrote an update in his own words today: entitled, I’m Going To Need A Little Help On This One The site is running a little slow due to traffic, so please be patient.

You can follow all the tweets by tracking the #prayersforanissa hashtag


  1. Awesome. I too, love merlot’s. Actually my husband and I both do. But I am open to new experiences and will certainly step out of my box to try a new wine.
    I feel as though I am the only one in the blogosphere that didn’t read Anissa. I am SO behind! (As per normal procedure.) But I have read tons about her in the past couple of days. My prayers will be mixed in with everyone else’s.
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..The kindness of strangers =-.

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