Also known around here as First Day at a New School Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies

We have been in the new house in Katy for exactly ONE WEEK today!!

One whirlwind week of family, unpacking, friends, school supply shopping and trying to get the house organized to the point where we can live it, and the kids can feel at home.

The neighbors are amazingly wonderful people and there are oodles of kids for Princess and Monkey to play with, and the fact that I can open the front door and let them play without fear of a car whizzing down our street and plowing them down… y’all just don’t know the peace that brings my heart.

My littles started their new school on Monday

First day of School in Katy

While there was definite excitement about the new school!! and new friends!!  Monkey actually cried when we reached his classroom.

I think it was a combination of  excitement, and anticipation and then seeing 20 heads all swivel towards him, and 20 pair of unknown eyes focus on him… it overwhelmed his sweet little heart.  I hugged him, whispered a prayer in his ear, and promised him a treat when he got home.  He immediately perked up and asked for chocolate cookies.

Well y’all who am I to refuse a child Chocolate cookies on their first day at a new school???

I got home and immediately forgot where everything was in the new kitchen.

Y’all think I’m kidding?  I’m not.

I grabbed my recipe card from college for The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies and set out all the ingredients.

The main ingredient, of course being, oodles and oodles of chocolate chips

and not just any chocolate chips.  DARK chocolate, because that’s how we roll here in the Matthews house.

In addition to dark chocolate chips, I think the use of vanilla sugar and dark brown sugar really lend a wonderful depth to these cookies.

vanilla sugar

Judging by the chocolate rings around the kids’ mouths when they got home, they agreed.

The kids both love the new school and their first two days were a great success.

I’m really excited to share these Chocolate Lovers Chocolate Chip Cookies with y’all today, because they’re the very first thing baked in the new house!

I hope y’all enjoy!


The Ultimate Chocolate Lovers Chocolate Chip Cookies

Dark Chocolate Chips melted and whole combine with vanilla sugar, dark brown sugar and more to create the ultimate chocolate lovers chocolate chip cookie.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:15 minutes
Cook Time:8 minutes
Total Time:23 minutes


  • 4 1/2 C Dark Chocolate Chips divided 2 C and 2 1/2 C
  • 2 2/3 C all purpose unbleached flour unbleached is my preference
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 C 2 sticks butter softened
  • 1 C packed dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 C vanilla sugar regular white granulated sugar, if you don't have vanilla sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • 3 eggs


  • Preheat oven to 375°F
  • In a large bowl, mix together: flour, baking soda & salt - set aside
  • Melt 2 C chocolate chips in a small saucepan over lowest heat, stirring frequently until just melted - remove from heat.
  • In a mixing bowl, cream together: butter, brown sugar, vanilla sugar, vanilla and almond extract.
  • Add in the eggs one at a time, mix well after each addition.
  • Add in the melted chocolate, mixing well.
  • Gradually mix in the flour mixture, 1 C at a time until fully incorporated.
  • Stir in the remaining 2 1/2 C chocolate chips.
  • Drop by rounded Tbsp onto parchment lined baking sheets.
  • Bake for 8 minutes.
  • Cool on the baking sheet for 2 minutes, then fully cool on a wire cooling rack.
Servings: 3 to 4 dozen
Author: Rachel


  1. Salivating here. Are there any left? I wasn’t kidding when I asked if there would be any left on Sunday. 🙂

  2. Rachel, the cookies were AWESOME! I’m ashamed to say that I ate 3 before I even let the girls know they were out of the oven. 🙂 I’m just going to stuff my face with them today as my comfort food to ease the pain of not going to Blissdom this year. 🙁

  3. These sound DEEEEElicious! But please tell me, where do you get vanilla sugar? Or do you make it? Or what??? Its spring break this week & our 11 yr old daughter is home from school, looking for great things to bake!

    1. Hey Donna!I make vanilla sugar, you can absolutely use regular sugar 🙂 To make vanilla sugar split open two vanilla beans and scrape the seeds out into a container of sugar – seal tightly and let it sit, shaking every week or two. You’ll see a difference in the sugar after a few weeks and it smells wonderful, too!

      Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!!!

  4. Oh good! You DID make something incredibly indulgent! Hope you have great times in your new house. I’m glad someone else asked about vanilla sugar. I’m going to make some too! Glad too that the kids like their new school. It won’t take long for them to make new friends!

  5. Welcome to the “neighborhood”! So glad you made the kids such decadent cookies. So much excitement and anticipation in the first day of a new school. Glad to hear everyone is settling in.

    1. Thank you, Laura! The kids shared the cookies with their new friends and loved doing it 🙂 We’re loving the new neighborhood and so far everyone has been so sweet!

  6. Hi Rachel,
    I’m so glad to hear they are enjoying their new friends and the whole family is liking the neighborhood. I know you’ll be fast friends in no time. Enjoy! Laura

  7. I can over from another blog because of this recipe, and I had to laugh when I read that you’ve been in your house in Katy for exactly a week. We’ve been in our new house in Lake Jackson for a week and a day. Isn’t that funny? Of course, at this point, you’ve been in your house longer than we have, but it’s still an amazing coincidence, isn’t it?

    This recipe looks delicious, and I plan to try it! Thanks!

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