“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
“To talk of many things:
Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–
Of cabbages–and kings–
And why the sea is boiling hot–
And whether pigs have wings.” ~ Lewis Caroll, 1872

Okay, so it’s not that time.

But because I am not raising the next Billy Ray Cyrus

And I can do this, and he looks cute, a little too cute.


We’re going to get his hair cut for the very first time today. In one hour to be precise.
I know it’s not that big of a deal, but it is. After the first haircut they cease looking like babies and start to resemble little men.

Do you hear that sound? It’s my heart breaking just a little bit. This is just one of those last firsts. He’s my last baby, so all these firsts are doubly sentimental because I know they’re the last firsts.
*double sigh*
Okay, sentimental time over for now.
I have to go shower and get everyone dressed and ready for the scissors.


  1. Awwhhh.. I know exactly how you feel (being that my little guy is the last baby). I hope it goes well..

    Oh, and i bet he will love you when he gets older for the hair bow in his hair!! πŸ™‚

  2. It is a big deal…My Little Man isn’t there yet, but he’s heading that way. Stay little Little Men, stay little!

  3. That is sad. When my youngest got his first haircut they took his baby beauty away and replaced him with a big kid.

  4. Even with shorter hair..he will always be your baby….he will still be cute…just in a different, “little man” sort of way…

  5. WHAT?! No mullet?

    Good luck and post a picture of his little man haircut if you get a chance you PhotoShop temptress you!

    All these little growing up milestones can make a mama sad, can’t they?

  6. aw. πŸ™
    it seems like my last firsts came all too quickly too- i guess that’s what grandkids are for. πŸ™‚

    i can’t wait to see the pics…

  7. You’re brave to do it yourself. My attempt at that was disasterous. Good luck – you’ll have to post the results.

  8. He will still be cute! Cuter than ever even!!

    Getting their hair cut for the first time is a BIG thing! It’s one of those moments you are not likely to forget! I still remember Bradley’s first haircut!! And that’s a looooooooooooooooooong time ago!!

    Have fun!


  9. He will still be cute! Cuter than ever even!!

    Getting their hair cut for the first time is a BIG thing! It’s one of those moments you are not likely to forget! I still remember Bradley’s first haircut!! And that’s a looooooooooooooooooong time ago!!

    Have fun!


  10. the pic with the bow…hilarious!!! i just got my son a haircut, this past friday…i just posted pics. he looks like a kid, now…after all, he is 4!!

  11. Oh that’s so hard!! I put off my first little guy’s haircut until some kids at the park offered to push my little girl on the swing . . .

  12. He is going to kill you for that bow picture one day :), I know what you mean though, we just want them to stay little sometimes. Can’t wait to see the new “do”

  13. Good luck with the first cut! Cant wait to see the pics and hear how well he does.
    Awe, mom…its gonna be okay! ((hugs))

  14. He looks so cute with his hairbow!
    We recently gave my youngest bangs because her hair was always in her eyes.

    It was so painful. πŸ™

  15. The bow is totally cracking me up!! I waited until my FOURTH daughter before I ever put one of those things in any of their hair.

  16. awwwww sorry I missed this post yesterday…I was taking a break trying to recollect myself.
    The last of the firsts are the hardest to deal with! I know because I am going through the last of the firsts with Sam. He too is my last baby and his firsts always leave me in a blubbering mess.
    I like the photo of him in the hair bow! Had I not known he was a boy…I would swear he was a girl!

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