
That’s right ladies and gentlemen. It’s time for the third edition of The Royal Banana Awards.
I have discovered some new blogs, fallen deeper in awe with some of my regular reads and I want to bestow upon them my fantabulous award that was created for me by the amazing Courtney of Judith Shakes Designs.
Now remember, this is an awards ceremony so I expect speeches, formal wear and papparazzi.
Here are the winners:

June Cleaver Nirvana
: This is a ‘newish’ discovery of mine and I adore visiting her blog. She’s a SAHM and her blog is adorably retro, her wit is always well sharpened and she has a great sense of herself and the world around her.

Redneck Mommy at Attack of The Redneck Mommy: I have just discovered this blog recently and I was instantly riveted. Her blog design is unique and eye catching, she is brutally honest about herself and life, I devoured her archives and laughed, cried and found myself wanting to find out where she lives so I can force hubby to quit his job and find a new one there so I can stalk her in the real world send her chocolate and baked goodies. I will be stalking her site daily. Beware of the eyeball story though. You have been warned

Karla at Looking Towards Heaven: Karla’s blog is beautiful, inspirational, lovely and special. She is a wonderful woman who writes honestly and without reservation. She designs wonderful headers, great web pages and makes beautiful handcrafted note cards, invitations and such at Fruition Designs
. She is truly yummy and deserving!

Jim, the always awesome Busy Dad, and father to Fury, is the second daddy to win this award. He is the brilliant creator of Blog Hoppers. He is funny, adorable, forthright and a great voice for Daddy bloggers everywhere. His blog is a treasure, he always comments in response to your comments and he is wonderfully humble and humorous.

Momo Fali: What can I say about this woman and her blog? She is awesome. She’s funny, she’s brilliant, she shoots straight from the hip, she has a fantastic writing style and it’s a joy to visit her blog.

Jennifer (not Jen or Jenny) at Playgroups Are No Place For Children: I have been stalking visiting her blog for months now and I adore her. She sent me sweet e-mails when her blog was sending all my comments to spam ( I am no longer lunch meat thank you very much), she has a fantastically sharp sense of humor, she writes straight from the heart and shares her life beautifully and honestly with us, her readers. I am proud to come out of the closet as an avid “playgroupie”.

Anglophile Football Fanatic: This blogging bad ass chick makes me frequently snort diet coke out of my nose. She puts herself right out there in her blog with wonderful honesty, humor, self awareness and a healthy dose of snark. She is adorable and a fellow Texan so, hell yeah!

Amanda at Shamelessly Sassy: This is another recent discovery of mine and a ‘shameless’ addiction. Amanda keeps me rolling with stories of 80’s lady, she’s a vegetarian, which I totally respect but I have no clue how people live without meat (quit snickering) and she is a brilliant writer and I enjoy reading about her perspective on life.

There you have it. Thank you for attending the 3rd edition of the Royal Banana Awards. There are many other deserving blogs, and their time will come, too.

Find the size button that you want to use, copy the code below it and replace all ( ) with and it will make it a working linked button πŸ™‚ Thanks y’all.
Please display your award with pride πŸ™‚


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(a href=””)(img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket”)(/a)


  1. Rachel you so rule! I have never seen so many adjectives used to describe me. I have seen this award floating around and now I don’t have to admire it from afar anymore! WOO HOO! Thank you!!

  2. The fact that you thought to include me in such a great group of bloggers humbles me.

    I bloggy heart you.

    And I love me some bananas.

  3. How’d you know I needed some new decor on my phlegm-filled day? Oh, bananapants! Love it. And, thank you, tootsie.

  4. Thank you so much for the all of the nice things you said about me, and for the award, also. It’s been one of those days, but receiving the royal banana makes it a lot better! I enjoy your blog a lot also!! πŸ™‚

  5. aawwwwwwwwwwwwww
    what a pleasant surprise!! And what sweet words!


    going to put my bananas on my blog.

    Blessings, (and thanks),

  6. excellent choices…some of these are a few of my favorite reads. i am going to have to go check out the others, i am always looking for new bloggy goodness!

  7. I’m blushing! You are so sweet to think of me and say such nice things. I can’t wait to get “home” to hang the bling. I also have a few blogs to check out…

  8. Great post – I will have to go check out these sites! Thanks.

    Stop by today to check out Fitness for Newbies – the first in a series along my own journey towards to a fine bod (with the help of Fit Yummy Mummy of course!)

  9. Hi there! Thanks for your comment on my Friday Fight the Frump post. In case you’re interested, I FINALLY posted my before and after pictures. Come check them out if you want!

    Thanks and have a great day!
    Melody @ Eternal Sunshine of an Empty Mind

  10. How sweet of you to honor these great blogs with the royal banana…as a former winner, I’d like to say that it has changed my life…

    People stop me on the street and make monkey noises and throw banana peels at us…it is humbling… πŸ™‚

    The Egel Nest

  11. Great…

    just when I thought I couldn’t possibly jam another blog into my reader, you provide me with a handful more that I have to go and check out now.

    Thanks alot πŸ˜‰

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