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That’s right ladies and gentlemen, it’s Royal Banana time again! Aren’t you excited? Are you at the edge of your seats? No? Well hell. Sit back, grab your drinks and enjoy.

First I must thank the amazing Courtney at Judith Shakes Designs for designing the Royal Banana award for me, and for shaking up my page. Thanks honey.

Here are the 2nd group of winners of the Royal Banana Award for Blog Yumminess.
If you don’t know them yet, get on over and check them out!

Jamie at Blonde Mom Blog: Jamie is witty, intelligent and funny. She has a great perspective on life and motherhood and she’s been a wonderful bloggy friend. She and her blog are truly yummy!

Kellan at On The Upside: Kellan is a fellow Texan so that right there means she RAWKS! Her blog is inspiring and funny, she tells the most hysterical stories and as her blog name implies, she finds the upside in everything. She is inspirational yumminess.

Kim at Jogging in Circles: Kim is fairly new to blogging, but she has a real flair for it. Some of her posts make me laugh, a recent one made me cry, but she always makes me happy I stopped in to visit. She’s like the girl next door.

Mishi at Secret Agent Mama: Mishi is unique, she’s brilliant, she’s witty, her photographs are amazing. She is one of the most interesting and unique (yep, used it twice) blogs I have come across. She is just blogtastic fabulicious yumminess and I adore her.

Christine at Chicken Fried Therapy: First there’s the name. You had me at hello, LOL. Seriously, Christine is another rawkin’ Texan. She’s got some serious snark, a wonderful perspective and a wonderfully witty writing style. She’s a yummy blogalicious gem, and I would totally hang out with her in TRW.

Whiskey In My Sippy Cup: The name alone is yummy award deserving goodness. She’s Canadian, she’s funny as hell and she has phenomenal taste in movies. She’s someone that I’ve just recently discovered and I absolutely adore going to her page… she’s an addiction really.

Lotus at Sarcastic Mom: She’s the brilliant mind behind Weekly Winners, she’s truly one self proclaimed Sarcastic Bitch. I find her to be utterly fantastic and totally brave because she posts about her real life, the good, the bad and the ugly. She’s sarcastic yumminess at it’s best and I would absolutely hang out with her if I lived in Nashville.

JJ at Dirty Laundry: First, there’s the name and the blog header. I get the biggest grin out of a girl who uses underwear in her title and in her header. JJ lays her heart and soul out there in every single post and I think she’s amazing. She’s someone that I look forward to checking in on every single day. She’s funny, snarky, strong and someone with whom I would absolutely be friends in the real world. She’s avoiding housework yumminess!

Nap Warden: She is the photoshopping queen and I want to be talented like her someday. Nap’s blog is funny, heartfelt and warm. Visiting her blog is always a laugh. She posts embarassing pictures of herself along with stories that’ll make you cry and wish you’d been there too. She’s just a real woman posting about everyday and she makes you wish you lived nearer to her so you could be a part of her real world.

Melissa at Such Simple Pleasures: She’s really got it together. She’s funny, she’s smart and she knows it really is about the simple things in life. She’s crabby and not afraid to let you know it, she tells absolutely hysterical stories, sweet stories and everything in between. Melissa is just simple pleasures yumminess.

and last, but so certainly not least:

Don Mills Diva
: DMD is someone I just happened upon one day, her post made me cry and her blog header made me laugh. She is brilliant, funny, sweet and not afraid to post about slutty shoe loving. She’s one of them there Canadians, too (damn, that’s 2 in one award ceremony) They’re taking over folks. LOL. I adore reading her, and although she’s a new find, she’s a keeper.

Now, as this is an awards ceremony, I expect acceptance speeches and if you need an example, here are my two favorites: Amy’s at Memories and Musings of a Mommy or the fantastic Dixie Chick’s speech here

Congratulations and thanks for all the laughs y’all have given me.
Display your awards proudly and feel free to pass them on.

Find the size button that you want to use, copy the code below it and replace all ( ) with < > and it will make it a working linked button πŸ™‚ Thanks y’all.
Please display your award with pride πŸ™‚


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  1. Excellent WINNERS, and so deserving!

    I love me some mamamishi, and Chicken Fried Therapy…and sarcastic mom…and…well, I love them all!

    You are the best Rachel! kisses kisses!

  2. First let me say that I am honored to be in the company of such wonderful, wonderful blogs… *tear/sniff* I never expected to win a Royal Banana, I don’t have a speech *sniff* I really must thank the good people at Adobe for allowing me to use such a wonderful program (Photoshop), without them, my blog would not be possible. I need to thank my agent, for being with me from the start and seeing me through all the hard times. Oh no, not the music, I have so many others to thank, my publicist, my stylist…Really this is my moment, you are not gettin’ me off this stage…Most of all I’d like to thank the lovely fans, everthing I do is for you…Oh and my Husband, I almost forgot my Husband…Really, thanks so, so much…I love you all….*blowing kisses into the air*

  3. Wow! You like me! You really like me. I really appreciate this and mostly I just want to thank God for this award and also all of the little people. Ya – God and the little people. Oh and Rachel – thanks!

  4. You like me, you really really like me!

    I love my Royal Banana Award! I am so honored. πŸ™‚

    Thanks so much Rachel. You rock!

  5. Hi Rachael – this was so sweet of you and I am thrilled to receive this really great award – thank you so much. I have so enjoyed getting to know you and consider myself to be lucky to have found you – thanks again. Kellan

  6. Oh my gosh…sniff sniff… thank you soooooooo much! i’m so excited to display this awesome award on my blog!!! i want you to know, i adore your blog, too! hold on…blowing nose…really, thank you!

  7. Thanks so much Rachel!!! I really appreciate it!!!


    I am waiving the award proudly!!

    I love the company you have put me with too!!

  8. Oh NO you din’t. Thank you so much.
    This might be the BEST award evah!

    A Royal Banana!!!!!

    I frickin’ love it. This made my week!

    Thank you from the bottom of my banana.

  9. Happy Wordless Wednesday!! Wonderful winners πŸ™‚ Sorry I have not been blogging lately! I have been taping shows. What was I thinking?? Hah! Maybe it is a good thing I wasn’t thinking! If you get a minute, check it out. I’d love to hear what you think. I am inviting all my blog friends over for feedback. Your stories are great and my whole idea behind this show is for other moms to share real stories like you do. Sponsors are donating neat prizes like chocolate baskets and mini-chef aprons and way cool cookery stuff. Anyway, I’d love to hear from you.

Talk to me!

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