Hi! That’s me, Rachel, the girl who writes this blog ๐ Yep, didn’t lose that 20 pounds that I was aiming too, sigh oh well.. such is life.
Last year, when all the BlogHer posts were making their round, I was a brand new blogger and I was torn between jealousy for those who were going/there and confusion, I had no clue what BlogHer was.
This year, I’m going!!!!
I’m thrilled and grateful beyond belief. So many people have written their own “what to do/not do at BlogHer posts” I guess I might as well throw my hat into the ring.
I speak just like I write.. in exclamations, caps and with EXTREME enthusiasm and yes, I really do cut the ‘g’ off a lot of my words. I’m a Texan, y’all.
I squee.
I hug.
I exclaim.
I drink beer from the bottle.
Be prepared… I hug, a lot. I talk with my hands, I frequently touch as an exclamation and as a gesture of caring.
Depending upon what time of day it is and where we are I can be found one of two places, throwing myself out there and introducing myself to everyone who passes by, or huddled in a corner wondering what the hell I’m doing there.
On the ‘what to wear note’ I love sundresses, skirts and cute shoes. Granted my typical cute shoes are Yellow Box flip flops… but, for BlogHer I am leaving those at home and going with grown up shoes ๐
I love the feel, the flow, the swing, the subtle swish of femininity that I get from wearing dresses but, that’s me.
If you’re rockin’ the sweats, the jeans, the shorts, the capris, the pajamas I don’t care, if it’s you… rock it. Be you. Be comfortable. Be real. Isn’t that why we blog? To be real, to discover ourselves and then share the real us.
I blog because I love tucking those memories away, jotting them down, only to be re-discovered one day by surprise.. a treat, a treasure that brings joy, laughter, tears and that “oh yes” feeling. The pure pleasure and delight that I have gleaned just from the last year and half of my archives is beyond measure. I blog for my kids, for my past, present and future and the biggest surprise and one of the greatest joys.. the community that I have discovered and come to love. The moms, dads, women, men and friends that I have made, the true holders of my heart, those friends who strike straight to my core. Those precious friends whom I have come to know, love and cherish beyond belief, they are an unexpected bonus and a treasure beyond measure.
If you see me at BlogHer and want to say Hi, PLEASE DO! Run, walk, jog, scream.. whatever, I am thrilled beyond belief to be going, to meet you, to hug those I’ve already connected with and to meet and squee with those I don’t yet know. Plus, I have 195 business cards that I’m dyin’ to hand out.
Now, it is 1:04 AM WAAAAY past my bedtime, I have to pack, paint my toenails and try to find the miracle product that will keep my hair from looking too terribly dry and frizzy ๐
If you’re going to BlogHer please say Hi and let me know! Leave me your twitter name so that we can find each other there!!!
SQUEEE!!!! I get to see you VERY soon! I can’t contain my excitement and I’m freaking excited! to get another hug from you. xoxo
.-= Piglet´s last blog ..I hear a doubt, with the voice of true believing. =-.
If I make it (still hoping against hope) oh BOY do I have the hair goop for you. I’ll hunt you down with it!
.-= Mr Lady´s last blog ..We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Hiatus For A Bit Of Regularly Scheduled News =-.
I am still hoping against hope that Canada will release you and then allow you back in. PLEASE!!!!!!!
Have a blast! I am where you were last year, so maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll be going next year!! Can’t wait to see pics and hear all the stories!!
.-= Maria @BOREDmommy´s last blog ..Birthday Girl =-.
I am so crazy excited to be meeting you!!!!!!! I’m squealing just thinking about it! xoxo
.-= Scary Mommy´s last blog ..Gone on Safari =-.
I might even spoon you…
.-= DesignHER Momma´s last blog ..Mealtime Optional =-.
WOOHOOO!!!!! My Saturday Night Roomie! I can’t wait!!! Spoons and hugs and yay!
I’ve seen you drink beer from a bottle!!! ๐
Have fun have fun hot mama!
.-= Jamie´s last blog ..Back-To-School Traditions And A $100 Visa Gift Card Giveaway =-.
Im going to give you a huge hug. HUGE,
.-= OHmommy´s last blog ..This aint your Mother’s kind-of hobby =-.
I have a GIANT hug with your name on it!!!
You better save me a dance!
.-= Don Mills Diva´s last blog ..Out with the old =-.
Dance with DMD ๐ Check.
I cannot wait to FINALLY meet you!
I’m one of the lucky few who have gotten the privilege to drink a few beers from the bottle with you. And plan to do it again in a few days!
.-= BusyDad´s last blog .."I’ll Have a Busy Dad." =-.
Happy Birthday my sweet friend! Cheers and see you tomorrow! YAY!!!
I’ll be there! Look for me in the cowboy (cowgirl) hat!
.-= TexasRed´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Desert Willow =-.
Consider yourself looked out for ๐ Can’t wait to meet you!
See you tomorrow, baby!!
.-= Angella´s last blog ..The Truth About BlogHer =-.
I already have your camera strap cover packed away and I can’t wait to see you!!!! and hear your accent, I know you have one ๐ MWAH!
If I were going, I would totally run up to you and give you a big hug and tell you how hot you look! And, I would try to say “y’all” as much as I could!
Have a great time:)
.-= Krystyn´s last blog ..Izzy the photog =-.
You’re such a doll <3 hugs! Wish you were going, too!
I recognized those grown up shoes right away from twitter! Have a FAB time! Maybe I will make it next year!
.-= Karen Hartzell, Graco´s last blog ..Wondrous Wednesday #82 =-.
This is me to a TEE: “I hug, a lot. I talk with my hands, I frequently touch as an exclamation and as a gesture of caring.” … too bad we won’t meat this year but maybe another conference, another year!! SO excited you get to go!!
.-= Brandy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Feeding Horse, Making Mama Nervous =-.
I hope you enjoy every minute of it!
.-= dysfunctional mom´s last blog ..The Stupid Thing I Did Today, Part II =-.
and how FABULOUS and FUN it was to meet you in person. You rocked your first BlogHer girlfriend!
.-= Janice (5 Minutes for Mom)´s last blog ..TJMaxx/Marshalls Mommy Blogger Event =-.
this feels like a million years ago. cannot wait to see you again! xoxox
I love your haircut!!!