I think Casey says it best; “No one looks worse, when they smile”

Even people who should NEVER use sun in on their  naturally auburn hair 😉 because it makes their hair look like straw.

10th grade 93.94

Oh yes, I just shared a picture of me from High School — thanks, Dad 😉

I’m lucky, I was a very confident teenager; I had parents who worked to instill confidence  and independence and self respect and a positive self image in me from the beginning.  (sometimes my Dad says they did too good a job with the independent thing)

We moved around while I was in middle school and high school such an easy time in love to up and move and start all over again {insert eye roll}

However, I had a secret that helped me to find friends and meet new people.

I met their eyes and I smiled.

I know, I just blew your mind, right?

A teenager who looked people in the eyes and smiled at them!

Smiling at people, even other teenagers, even when I felt awkward or shy or silly, it was like putting out a welcome mat and fresh baked cookies.  It drew people in, made me seem accessible and it turned strangers into friends.

My Dad always told me that smiling and laughter were powerful, he was so right.

As a teenager I was so confident in my smile, I had pretty, straight teeth, both my brothers had to have braces and so many of my friends had braces, too.  I was odd, I was almost envious, I wanted the metal mouth — the rubber bands — something about it appealed to me so much.

Well, life laughed at me.  At 28, my wisdom teeth came in and my perfectly straight teeth have shifted.  Now, as a 32 year old woman I’m occasionally self conscious of my smile just like so many teenagers..

However, a lifetime of laughter and smiling, a lifetime lived knowing the power of smiling — I’m not going to quit smiling just because my teeth aren’t perfectly straight anymore.

As a mom to two beautiful little people, I want them to grow up with the same confidence, knowledge, secret and self esteem that I had, and I know that the best way for them to grow up with that, is to see me living it.

I want my children to remember me as someone who smiled and laughed and greeted others with a joyful face.

After all, as my 4 year old says; “Happy people are nicer than sad people”

The power of a smile isn’t just something that you give away, although, when you smile at others you are giving them a gift, when you smile, you just feel better.  I dare you to try to be upset when you’re smiling, when the kids or I are grumpy or tired or frustrated, we smile — I know, it sounds silly but, it works!  We just go to a mirror and smile and make goofy grins at ourselves or each other and before we know it, we’re smiling without effort and we feel better about our day and ourselves.

Want something to smile about?  Want to hear what some moms (myself included) have to say about Smiles, Self Confidence and Parenting?

Check out our newest BlissTV Episode

Make sure that you enter to win a New Smile for your teenager from Blissfully Domestic and Invisalign Teen

I am lucky that I am able to participate in this campaign with Invisalign Teen. I have been compensated for my time and participation in sharing my story and the Invisalign Teen contest on Blissfully Domestic, and while I’m not paid for an opinion, I have to tell y’all — if I get braces as an adult or if my kids need braces someday — I’m totally getting Invisalign, those things are awesomeness.


  1. It’s brilliant. It’s perfect. Your story too. As Tyra says – you smile with your eyes. I am looking forward to meeting you at Blissdom.

    Oh, and tonight, the Chicken Parm was perfect. Just needed practice. I cooked! Thank you.

  2. i had braces in college, but my teeth are all kinds of wonky again. seriously considering doing something about it… maybe (maybe???) i should look into invisalign!

  3. Great personal story! I love the part about looking people in the eyes and smiling. I want my boys to be confident like that (and have the confidence that I never did as a teen). I’m going to write that down, and encourage them to do that as they get older.

  4. Dee always told me that the job of a parent is to prepare their children to leave home and never look back. I see in your picture the determination to greet and meet every single person in the world and be the “Big Sister” and blaze a trail for the little brothers. I ALSO see a glint of the red headed devil that lurks inside there as well! AS always, may your arms be long enough to hug the world.

  5. This is a wonderful story about the power of a smile, thanks for sharing.
    One of the best things about Invisalign Teen is no-one need know you are wearing aligners. Invisalign rock because everyone should love to smile.

  6. I also believe in the power of a smile! It’s the best accessory a person needs to wear. If you aren’t too confident about flashing this because of bad teeth, there are many braces options adults can choose now for treatment, thanks to technology.

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