PMS crunch 1

Chocolatey, Crunchy, Sweet, Salty, Rich, Butterscotch… Tonguegasmic.  This snack, this crunchy delight is perfect for anytime but, even best for that time of the month when you need the sweet, the salt, the crunch, the richness… the only thing it doesn’t have is heat.. but, you could add a dash of cayenne if you wanted that.

PMS snack

This is easy, delicious and quite possibly a necessity.

  • 1 bag butterscotch chips
  • 1 bag chocolate chips (i couldn’t find dark but, i would use dark)
  • 1 box rice chex cereal
  • 1/2 bag pretzel twists ( i use these for my salt.. you could use peanuts but, I don’t like them in this)
  1. Melt the chocolate chips and butterscotch chips over low heat on your stove.
  2. I spread my cereal and pretzels in my big 10 x 13 baking dish

PMS mix 1

  1. Spoon, drizzle, pour the chocolate over your cereal and pretzels.
  2. Mix it well ( I use my hands, it’s messy but, it works)
  3. Spread the mixture out on parchment paper to cool

(beware of tiny crunch snatchers)

PMS crunch being snagged

This delightful crunchy mixture will not be so hot that you can’t snag little handfuls of it but, I warn you.. you will not want just a handful.  This stuff is addictive, it is delicious and it disappears quickly.

PMS crunch 1

I usually portion it into snack bags and put it in the fridge because it is SO humid here that it never completely hardens unless it’s put into the fridge.  Plus, the snack bags are the only way that I can monitor myself and not devour it all in one sitting. 🙂

Join the tonguegasmalicious fun! Link up your recipe to Mr. Linky with your name and post URL. Make sure that you say Hi, Howdy or what’s happening in the comments. Grab your tonguegasmic button and link back here so that others can share the foodie recipe sharing love and make sure to stop in and say Hi to the other linkers!!! Thanks and happy eating!


  1. I can speak from experience, PMS Crunch is ah-mazing!! I like it with peanuts AND pretzels. It’s good “anytime” but is definitely satisfying during “that” time.
    .-= Malia´s last blog ..Wicked =-.

  2. Oh emm gee – that sounds amazing. My husband laughs at my cravings for salty/sweet. This would be fab and I imagine with the butterscotch chips I wouldn’t be able to sit and scarf it all down at once (which is good because I don’t need to). Drool – I’m going to try this!
    .-= Michelle Smiles´s last blog ..Birthday photos =-.

  3. OH MY WORD, YUM. I just licked my monitor. SERIOUSLY.

    I might have to make that this week, for sure!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Blogging 101 =-.

  4. Okay, so I gained SEVEN pounds over the long weekend by eating my Grandma’s cooking and you are so not helping me to lose it this week. 😉 This looks awesome!
    .-= Tara @ Feels like home´s last blog ..Apple Fritters from the Gold Medal Flour Cook Book =-.

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