
One swims and One runs
you ‘otter’ know, they bonded
this shot steals my heart

So much attitude
4? No way, more like 14.
This shot says it all.

The 5-7-5 craze has a home with the witty and wonderful Christina.
Don’t forget we’re blogging the recession so if you’re reading this through a reader, click on over and read me live!


  1. Thanks for dropping by. My monkey and princess are now my grandchildren. Loved the Haikus and the pictures. I have a question How did you get the watermaker on your prints? I post a lot of pictures and would like to mark them in a similar way. Thanks

  2. Rachel, Please do explain the recession. I usually read you through reader. What’s the dealio? Do you have a post you can direct me to? Cute otter shot, btw.

  3. LOL! cute pictures! love the attitude one. It’s amazing how even the teeny newborns can be rather full of it, and by age four it’s perfected

  4. the otter shot is ADORABLE.

    and … um… i think i’ve seen that attitudinal look in my house — on a slightly larger frame

  5. My kids loved the river otters at the Aquarium last month. They’re such cute little critters! Hey…I hope it’s OK that I nominated you for the Hot Blogger Calendar. πŸ™‚ There’s bling there you can add to your blog once your name shows up on the nom list. Have fun and good luck!

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