Happy Monday, y’all!


I’m going to start today on a bit of a sad note and with a P.S.A.

PLEASE – PLEASE – PLEASE, if you drink – do not  DO NOT Drive.  Our family lost a very dear friend this weekend.  Friday night, my Mother-in-Law’s very best friend was hit and killed by a drunk driver who ran a stop light going 60 mph.  Paula was one of those genuine, giving, beautiful, shining souls, and her loss has left a black hole in the world.  The young man who hit and killed her, his life is irrevocably changed, too.



On to happier things, y’all are making some really amazing things, and it’s time to share some of the yumminess from last week’s Mouthwatering Monday.

I am head over heels for this Twix Caramel Popcorn from Six Sisters’ Stuff

Twix Caramel Popcorn from six Sisters' Stuff



I adore my slow cooker, I actually have a slow cooker chicken recipe coming up for y’all this week, so when I saw this yummy, tangy Pulled Pork with Carolina Gold Sauce from Phemomenon – I knew I had to feature it this week!



The temperatures are heating up outside and this Mango Greek Frozen Yogurt from Honest and Truly looks like the perfect thing to cool off with! YUM!

Mango Frozen Yogurt


We’ve never been to Disneyland, but I can tell y’all that this Pumpkin Better than Disneyland Pie from Busy Mom’s Helper has me wanting pie, and a vacation!


Thank y’all so much for your deliciousness!!!!

I can’t wait to see what y’all have in store for us this week!

I’d hate for y’all to miss out – so here’s the recipe for the Roasted Poblano Chipotle Cheddar burgers that I teased y’all about last Monday, plus a link to 22 other hamburger recipes to help you celebrate National Burger Month!

The new button is ready yet, but I can tell y’all that it’s going to be great!

Link up your recipe

Visit each other

Link back to A Southern Fairytale in your linked post.


  1. Thank you oh so much for featuring my Pumpkin better than Disneyland Pie today – totally put a great big smile on my face! Looking forward to another great party this week 😀 Sorry to hear about the dear friend….such a sad loss!

  2. The link for the pulled pork is not working. I need to make a large amount of pulled pork for this weekend, can you fix it? Please and thank you!

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