There once were two children who dreamed of Santa and candy canes and reindeer .

They helped their parents to Christmafy their house.

Their joy was contagious as they put up snowmen, Santas and garland

the only snowman these south Texas kids are likely to see

Princess topped off the tree with the family angel

Which meant Monkey had to do some Christmafying too.

Once the tree was completed they cuddled together and shared memories and took stock of their blessings

The only thing left to do?

Go visit Santa.

Princess was thrilled and overly tired and Monkey…

Well, he wasn’t too sure about this bearded stranger.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

My first official post at my new home (squeee) is Photo Story Friday which is hosted by the darling duo of Cecily and MamaGeek


  1. Great pictures! Love the one with Santa! I’m soooo stealing the words “Christmasfy” and “Christmasfication”….I just don’t know how I’ll use them yet…but I promise to give you credit!!

    Leslie’s latest brilliance..Our Day Together…

  2. Shhhh…. i’m sleeping.

    But that is one awesome tree! So big. Everything is BIGGER in Texas, no?

    OHmommy’s latest brilliance..Want this. Want this one.

  3. That’s an awesome Santa, and he’s got two darling kids on his lap too.

    I bet they’re on the ‘nice list’ for sure! 😉

    love you ~xo

    ps. your tree is lovely, and so is your NEW blog!!

    Piper’s latest brilliance..Keeping It Real

  4. Congrats on your new home…what a wonderful Christmas present for your family!

    I’m sort of loving the word Christmafy…I think I might use it!!

    And that shot of your son arching his back at the tree? Awesome!!!

    Cecily R’s latest brilliance..Photo Story Friday and The Basics

  5. Monkey has got some extremely interesting poses during his portion of the christmafying, and your hubby is super strong to be able to hold him while he’s all contorted like that. LOL

    The Santa pic is adorable (we’re supposed to see Santa this Wednesday, I’ll be interested to see how that ones goes over with Connor)

    LOVE your tree. You guys did a nice job

  6. Great PSF! I love the photo of Little Monkey! So funny! Your tree is amazing and so pretty!

    Alisha @ Izzy N’ Emmy’s latest brilliance..PhotoStory Friday- Eat Cake!

  7. Ya know, that tree looks really familiar but I am REALLY glad I ain’t putting it up! It looks great and I want to see Dad lift the kids like that when they are 10 years older ;-}


  8. I think I’m a bad mommy. I’m one of the few Christian moms who won’t put up with the lines and screaming kids in order to see Santa. Oh yeah, and shell out 10 bucks for a so-so picture. Can you really take your own?

    Those photos are great!

    Nissa’s latest brilliance..Sweet Giveaway!

  9. I didn’t know you could make Christmas an adjective or is it adverb? Hell, I don’t even know what I’m talking about.

    Your decorations are splendid! Thanks for the reminder, that I have almost none up and still have to visit Santa!

    Krystyn’s latest brilliance..You HAVE to watch this

  10. At least there were no tears. I’m hoping to be able to be so lucky this year. We weren’t able last year.

    Kelli@GohnCrazy’s latest brilliance..K-Girl and her kitties

  11. What a beautiful new layout you have!!

    And I loved your PSF. Isn’t decorating the house so much fun with the kids? I am sure that half of our stuff will be broken before it makes it to the tree, but fun non the less!

    Thanks for visiting my PSF, and I totally look forward to meeting you at BlogHer!!

  12. Your tree is gorgeous, but my fave shot is of the monkey Christmafying… too cute! He’s got great rocket form LOL!

    I LOVE the new look! And noticed you’re going to BlogHer, hopefully I’ll be there too and can’t wait to meet you!

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