BOOBS:need I say more?

Ok, so when Rachel (A Southern Fairytale rocks by the way) asked for people to contribute for the “Month of the Boob” (as I call it) but to you people out there who don’t know. ITS BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH! I was more then happy to put my two cents in!

Hey tits it’s time to let everyone  out there know to check “The Girls” and remind them to do the breast exam every month. (Um no honey I’m not playing with myself in the shower you can’t come in)

Remember to go for your yearly Mammogram you know… sing along with me .. ” Let’s do the Smash,  Let’s Do The Booby Smash..The Booby Smash!”

I mean, this is important ladies.  We are talking about a great asset here.  You know what I mean. (Eyebrows wiggle up and down).  These This is how we get our way. (Stop protesting you know it’s true) and As Erin Brockovich said “It’s called boobs Ed.”

Our Spouses and Significant others love these things and not to mention, for some it is a food source so we need to take care of these suckers!!

Ok so here is something you should know…..

I’m not a breast cancer survivor, never had breast cancer, and never knew anyone with breast cancer. So, you ask yourself why you are writing this, Tracie?

Well about four years ago. I really got into taking care of myself; you know losing weight etc… And I entered a 5k race and that race happened to be the Susan G Komen “Race for the Cure” and this race well it opened my eyes to this disease that takes so many Moms, Wives, Sisters, Aunts, Cousins, Grandmothers and daughters.

As I was running and looking thru my rose colored glasses I started noticing the backs of people’s shirts. “I run for my mom” “I run for my Best Friend” “I run for myself

I can’t even put into words how I felt at that moment.  It was just an awakening from some where deep inside.  At first I thought to myself I don’t belong here – I don’t have anyone to run for – I never had breast cancer.

But then I realized I do belong there!

1. I am woman

2. I have boobs

3. I am running for that person who doesn’t have anyone to run for them, someone forgotten, and someone who doesn’t make it on the back of someone’s shirt, that never had anyone able or willing to help “run” for them.

So whoever you are out there. Know that I and others like me are running for you.

So get your ass out there people and Let’s Save the TaTa’s.


Post By: Tracie Ortaliz

Otherwise known as

“Your Royal Highness of the Esteemed Hood”


Rachel Note: If you have never run in or attended a Susan G Komen Race For The Cure, or any Breast Cancer Walk/Run/Race.  Do it.  It is a life changing, powerful experience.

Please help us to Find a cure.. in honor, tribute and memory of the nameless and every woman: Donate Now


  1. It is a powerful feeling knowing you’re representing so many strong women.
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..My kids have caught the Aiming Low bug =-.

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