I know it’s not October anymore but this is a Boobnanza post so I figured a picture of the Bewbs couldn’t hurt :-).

Thank you so much to everyone who donated prizes, commented, spent hours clicking, posted the button and did so much to help make the Boobnanza a success.

Without further ado… here are the winners:

Piece Of Me wins the Double Whammy Target/Starbucks combo from the amazing and generous Anglophile Football Fanatic

One of my favorite ladies Casey won the photo cards from the super talented Lisa

The Roo Girl’s pics are going to look even better now because Janet won the Picnik Premium membership from me.

Lucky Elizabeth won the book Dirty Little Secrets From Otherwise Perfect Moms from the fabulous Jamie.

The super darling Michelle won the truly enviable prize of custom mommy cards made by the extraordinarily talented Karla

A fellow Texan, (woot) Deeanna, won the much coveted Target gift card from the generous and lovely Colleen

Bonobo won the wonderful board book set from the snarky fiancee of AFF, the one and only BurghBaby

Lucky Girl MommyJen99 won the movie tickets from her royal highness Qweenie.

The lucky and pregnant Pam won the absolutely perfect gift of an item from the seamstress darling, Rocking Pony’s Etsy shop.

and the darling Chelsea each won a gift basket of bath goodies from the super generous Queen of the Cheap Seats, LaskiGal.

The very lucky Skywaywaver won an autographed copy of the extremely talented Andrea’s Book, My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy

Forestcrow won the great giftcard to Land’s End from my darling fellow Texas Mommy, Eternal Sunshine.

Congratulations to all the winners and a huge thank you to the 145 people who commented and supported my mission to earn money for breast cancer research.

Because of y’all I earned $60 in Ad revenue to send to Breast Cancer Research. Because of the fabulosity that is Nap Warden I have an additional $20 to add to that total. She is illustrating a Princess for my new blog design and donated the fee to breast cancer research. Gotta love that woman.

Don’t forget, all of October’s Ad Revenue is going towards Breast Cancer Research because Racks Rock. So come back and click click!



  1. Awesome job, Rachel! Thanks so much for the giveaway — I am totally psyched to start using my new Mommy Cards. Woot!!! 🙂

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