These are quite honestly the most amazing Chocolate Chip Cookies ever. (Chocolate Chip cookies are one of those foods where everyone has their favorite and their exact idea of what produces, the perfect chocolate chip cookie: These however… won the FIRST EVER Cookie Cook Off at the Spudz household. Thankyouverymuch.)

Cook them just enough and you have those chewy, soft, doughy, delicious brown sugar and vanilla flavored cookies that are the favorite of so many chocolate chip cookie lovers; cook them just a mere two minutes longer, until the edges are a deeper golden brown and they take on the crispness that is valued among those other chocolate chip cookie lovers πŸ˜‰

The bestest chocolate chip cookies ever I apologize to y’all.Β  This recipe will not have the normal amount of instructional pictures… if you follow me on twitter and were around on Saturday, you’ll know why:

OMG. my @kitchenAIDUSA MIX ..._1283739697761

A moment of silence, please.Β  I do not know what has happened to my beloved KitchenAid Stand Mixer’s on/off lever/switch/toggle. Β  I’m now crippled in the kitchen as I use my mixer weekly, often daily even.
My wonderful 80 + year old neighbors lent me their hand mixer which has been around longer than I have so that I could make these cookies and other goodies for our guests and I’m eternally grateful.Β  Β  Since I was wrestling with a hand mixer instead of my beloved KitchenAid stand mixer… I wasn’t able to take my normal pictures.Β  Hope y’all forgive me πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

ENOUGH about me πŸ˜‰ On to this recipe which I promise y’all will thank me for later!

Princess wants me to tell y’all the the dough is *nearly* as delicious as the baked cookies πŸ˜‰

chocolate chip cookie dough

Recipe: The Most Amazing Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever


  • Dry Ingredients
  • 2 1/4 C all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt (sea salt, if you have it)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • (Wet/Creaming Ingredients)
  • 2 sticks butter, softened
  • 3/4 C light brown sugar, packed
  • 3/4 C vanilla sugar (this is the secret)
  • 1 tsp PURE vanilla extract (don’t you DARE use imitation)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/4 C Dark Chocolate Chips (or semi-sweet if you don’t like Dark)
  • 1 1 4 C Milk Chocolate Chips


  1. Pre-heat oven to 375 (F)
  2. In a large bowl mix together: flour, baking soda and salt.
  3. In a large bowl, cream together: butter, vanilla sugar, brown sugar and vanilla.
  4. Add eggs to your butter mixture and beat well.
  5. Gradually add in flour, about a cup at a time and beat until fully incorporated.
  6. Gently add in chocolate chips, mixing with a spoon or spatula until they are completely mixed in (this ensures 1 to 2 chocolate chips per bite)
  7. Use a table spoon to scoop out the dough and place rounded spoonfuls about an inch and a half apart on the cookie sheet.
  8. Bake 8 to 12 minutes (light hint of gold around the edges for the chewy soft chocolate chip cookies, deep tawny golden brown around the edges for the crisp crunchy chocolate chip cookies)
  9. Allow to cool completely on a wire rack
  10. You really don’t need to worry about storage on these.. they go so fast πŸ˜‰


* I L-O-V-E walnuts in my chocolate chip cookies. Add about 1/2 to 1 C chopped walnuts to the cookies to send them into an even more delicious state. * 1/2 Tbsp cinnamon will give a crazy depth to these

best chocolate chip cookies ever

*** if you’ve never made vanilla sugar.. YOU SHOULD!Β  I haven’t written a tutorial for it yet πŸ˜‰ Luckily for y’all.. the wonderful Baking Bites has a super easy tutorial πŸ˜‰

The Picture Linky has been really popular so I’m stickin’ with it πŸ˜‰ I have to admit.. my visual heart LOVES IT so much more than the text linky πŸ˜‰ Thanks so much for y’all’s input!!!

y’all know the routine πŸ™‚Β  Link up your recipe URL, leave a comment, visit others, link back here so others can find the recipe sharing fun.




  1. My husband is going to love you when I bake him these later this week, walnut and all! I make so many decorated sugar cookies that I go weeks before I make a cookie just for him.

    I think the only thing I will change is the pure vanilla extract. I will add vanilla bean paste instead. Have you ever tried it? I can’t bake without it. I kid you not.

    Your cookies look delicious.. Thanks so much for posting the recipe.

    I feel for you in the breakdown of your KA. I only recently acquired mine and now I don’t think I could function properly in the kitchen without it.

  2. Just made CCC and always end up making the recipe on the bag because I forget where I put the recipe that I want to try. Printing….filing….hopefully remembering for next time πŸ™‚

  3. Oh Rachel…..I’m crying for you!……hope you can get her fixed…and SOON!!
    Your recipe sounds awesome!!

    I saw Paula’s comment about the vanilla bean paste, I use it too, but usually in frosting’s and such where I want to SEE the flecks of vanilla……for my cookies like CC I use my Mexican Vanilla……..oh YUM!!! I think I’m a vanilla whore lol… that I think about it, I have Mexican Vanilla, Clear Vanilla, Vanilla Bean paste, Vanilla Beans and of course vanilla extract….

  4. As Rachel’s guest, I sampled these cookies myself and let me tell you…I have NEVER had better in my life. I will be following this recipe to a T from now on. Thank u for giving us a few for the road too, they made awesome breakfast and snacks in our hotel room πŸ™‚

  5. I like my chocolate chip cookies crispy, and I welcome walnuts. I hadn’t heard of vanilla sugar. I don’t need to eat sweets but I do love them, and I’ll remember this recipe. I hope a brand new KitchenAid drops from the big Texas sky into your lap.

  6. My husband is a chocolate chip cookie FIEND so I can’t wait to try these out. They sound and look incredible.

    I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your KitchenAid. I hope it is repairable and that you’re not without your dear friend too long. I would seriously cry if something happened to mine!

  7. I saw the cookie picture on Spud’s site. the recipe looks so good, I ran out and bought vanilla beans so I can bake a batch. But, I have to wait a week or two for the sugar to flavor….can you send me a cookie to tide me over?!!

  8. My daughter is making me the Tollhouse cookies right now. πŸ˜‰ She has the recipe down from memory. I always let her get ungrounded when she makes them for me. Does that make me an ogre? πŸ˜‰

    I’ll have to share this with her. She loves to bake.

  9. These look and sound awesome! I am going to make them and then promptly eat the whole batch sharing only a cookie or two with my lil ones. Sorry about your KitchenAid…. That is a huge bummer….

  10. I would just like to eat that dough. Lots and lots of that dough.

    I will begin to contribute recipes again soon. It’s been craptastic, but I have taken pictures of some of my cooking, knowing I’ll want to post again sometime soon.

    1. You know what, Jennifer.. I forgot about that! I think that would be fun! Heather sending me hers and me sending her mine.. or an impartial party πŸ˜‰ LOL

  11. I love your blog. The pics of food are amazing and the recipes are heaven. Thank you for bringing such great meal ideas to this blogging world. I’ll be adding a link to your blog from mine. Best Regards, Chef Matt

  12. Oh my freaking god your blog makes me hungry. Have you done pumpkin pies before? I want to try and make a pumpkin pie from scratch, crust and filling and would love any tips. I have a general idea of the spices I’m going to use but as far as anything else, nada.

    Those cookies make me want to lick my screen.

  13. These were absolutely delicious! Bringing a few to my best friend who is the biggest chocolate chip cookie snob so I’m excited to see what she thinks! I think they are awesome!

  14. Rachel, these are wonderful! i thought your pound cake was kicking but i think it’s been beat! hope all is well with yu and yours during this holiday season!

  15. OMG!!!. …I just made your Chocolate Chip Cookies, they are WONDERFUL!!!!. and YUMMY.

    Thank you so much for sharing!!

  16. Rachel, is this an original recipe? If it is, someone posted as their own on I Love Texas Recipes. What are chocolate eggs? Is this a typo?

    1. It’s a typo – and that’s my problem with those FB pages… they take recipes from other people’s sites and post them as a whole or take pictures that don’t belong to them.. sigh. can you copy the URL from the cookies and email it to me so I can see it?

Talk to me!

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