There’s this friend, this woman, this person whose heart beats with power and beauty and poetry.

It comes alive in her pictures, her words and when you meet her… she simply radiates.   She reminds me of a prism.. the light hits her and thousands of rainbows dance all around it.   I can’t figure out though, if she’s the light or the prism.. but she makes everyone feel like their own special, beautiful rainbow.

Mishi and Me

I’m talking about Mishi..

Mishi, Secret Agent Mama, has written a few posts about her friends and each one brings tears to my eyes because she truly sees the soul of a person and the poetry of her words captures their true beauty in ways that make my breath catch.

I want y’all to go and read her posts about Piper, Angie, Lou and Lotus.  They are gifts, they are perfect examples of the power of this community and what happens when kindred spirits connect online and then in real life.


  1. glad I read your post. you got me with “….whose heart beats with power…” there must be something there, more to the story, I have to keep reading and find out what you are talking about. Truly made my day.

  2. Awwwwwww Rachel, I love you!! Today it’s Mr Lady, and I have tons (well not tons, but it conveys the volume) more on my list. I just have to do it this way. You all, my friends, have moved me to do so.

    Love always, dear sweet friend!
    .-= Secret Agent Mishi´s last blog ..Meet Mr Lady =-.

  3. aww thats so sweet!

    She’s such a good person too 🙂 Did a guest post for me even when she didnt even really knew me 🙂

    And her pictures.. are like amazing
    .-= Pamela´s last blog ..We’re All Moms =-.

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