Chicken Thighs marinated in Tequila, Lime and Orange Juice

Tequila, Limes and Orange Juice

There’s so much to love about this simple, tossed together recipe.  I love every bit of it.  Heat, sweet, zing, zest, bite… just yes.

Tangy citrus, zingy tequila, subtle heat from the jalapeno… marinate for a day and then grill… oh yes.


This is one of those recipes that just works.  There’s acid and heat and subtle and sweet and it all works with the ridiculously juicy thighs to make an amazing grilled dish (this also does amazing things to shrimp.. just sayin’)

Tequila Citrus Chicken Thighs


Tequila, Limes and Orange Juice

Tequila Citrus Chicken Thighs

Tequila, Limes, and Orange Juice combine to turn ordinary chicken thighs into a spicy, sweet, deliciously flavorful meal.
Print Recipe


  • 6 chicken thighs
  • 1/2 C orange juice
  • 1/2 C lime juice the juice of 4 limes, save the “bodies”
  • 1/2 C tequila
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper
  • 1 jalapeno fresh, chopped (if you’re sensitive to heat..remove the seeds)


  • Chop 1 jalapeno (seed it if necessary)
  • zest 1 lime
  • juice 4 limes and save bodies
  • mix together jalapeno, lime juice, lime bodies, lime zest, tequila, dash of salt, pepper and orange juice
  • place chicken thighs in a bag and pour the marinade over it.
  • marinate overnight. Turn every 4 – 6 hours to ensure that thighs are fully coated
  • grill over medium-high heat until fully cooked or sautee in a skillet with a bit of butter
Author: Rachel


    1. It’s SO good, Tara. The chicken is ridiculously moist and has a really yummy flavor!
      I keep a bottle of tequila in the freezer for cooking 😉

  1. Oh yum! Thighs are my favorite piece of chicken and these look mouthwatering for sure. Can’t wait to try this out soon. My husband’s birthday is tomorrow – I bet he’d love this!

  2. love chicken thighs as much as I do breast and they are cheaper alot of the time as well. I am so happy that you posted this recipe it is different than many other chicken recipes I have and I believe my family will enjoy

  3. That looks tasty! I would certainly destroy this if I tried to cook them myself, however I have sweet friends that are amazing cooks and feed me on a regular basis. I shall pass this onto them, and hopefully enjoy sometime soon. 🙂

    1. I served it with grilled corn on the cob and it was delicious!
      A nice cilantro lime rice or black beans would be delicious, too.
      A crisp green salad is always a winner!

      Can’t wait to hear your thoughts and what you do with it!

      1. Thank you! I got some corn and I may doctor up some couscous. I am rice-ed out at the moment. I wanted to drink the marinade this morning! 🙂 Smells like a Chuy’s Texas-Tini. Thanks. I was wondering what to do with the chicken thighs I have.

  4. Oh this recipe sounds absolutely delicious! I can’t wait to give it a try. Thanks for sharing it and for hosting Mouthwatering Mondays (sorry I’m a bit late linking up – I’ve been travelling to New York from London!).

  5. This looks very yummy…..I don’t suppose there is anything that I could substitute for the tequila???? Maybe just omit that ingredient??? We are a non-alcoholic household. Any thoughts would be great! 🙂

    Love your blog! 🙂

  6. I *really* need to start doing this again. We actually had something similar grilled last week. I love using Margarita mix, and the man broke out the Patron to cook with!

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