Just take in the yumminess of that picture!


Okay, I *had* a pasta post planned for today but my internet is fighting with me (still) So, I’m posting a teaser about tomorrow’s recipe that’s an awesome dip for your next get together to watch football, hockey, the Olympics or just because!!

So, in order to get this up before my internet takes a dive again!!!

Y’all know the rules, link recipe, link back in your post, share the love by visiting others.


PS: If you’re going to Blissdom, don’t forget your shoes for Soles 4 Souls to send to Haiti!!


  1. Gorgeous picture, and I reallllly want to come over and eat all of that dip myself.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s last blog ..Chicken ‘n’ spinach bake =-.

  2. Now, I KNOW there is no fat or calories in that dip. Right? 😉
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..Awards and Contests! =-.

  3. I want the recipe to that dip!!! Thanks so much for hosting –
    .-= The Little Brown House´s last blog ..Tasty Tuesday – Game Day Nacho’s =-.

  4. Oh my goodness! That looks absolutely delightful! I’m heading to Blissdom as well this weekend! I would love to meet you and I will definitely cheer you on at the Tastemaker’s Party!
    .-= Kris´s last blog ..A Giant Robot, Harry, and The Super Bowl =-.

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