When someone says Tea around here, they’re talkin’ sweet.Β  Possibly even with some fresh mint and sliced lemons.

Down here in Texas, tea is sweetened and served cold.

Pitcher of Sweet Tea

So,Β  when I was offered some Tazo Tea flavors to try and a recipe book… well, you can guess which of those things piqued my interest :-).Β  I’m game for trying new things and heaven knows that I’m not likely to turn down a recipe book (heh).

I was intrigued when my box of goodies arrived and I saw this:

Tazo TeaThis pic is obviously AFTER I have already started to use the products πŸ˜‰

I have to say, the Iced Black Tea,Β  Yum.Β  I added the delicious Blue Agave syrup as a sweetener and it was really yummy! Nice and subtle with just a hint of citrus.Β  I could easily see myself making this instead of our regular sweet Tea.Β  The Green Tea was yummy too, which surprised me because, all the Green Teas that I’ve tried (you know the bottles) have been bitterish and not appealing.

So, the recipe book…Β  I decided to make these lemon awake cookies using the Awake Tea packets..Β  The cookies, the kids loved.Β  I mean loved, loved, loved.Β  I loved, loved, loved this lemon icing that was made using the contents of an Awake Tea Bag, lemon zest, lemon juice and powdered sugar.Β  Y’all.. I want to create entire desserts just to use this icing.Β  It is.. nom.. citrusy, zingy, light.. just heavenly.

lemon cookies

As if my pretty pictures and opinion aren’t enough for y’all…

I have a Tazo Tea goody pack for TWO of y’all! Just like the one that I received!Β  This is awesome. Trust me. The white platter is mine and not included in the goody pack (sorry).

  • One piece of advice: When you get your purty glass pitcher… Do not put hot tea into the pretty glass pitcher, because there’s a chance it might shatter. All over your kitchen counter and floor. (not that I know from experience or anything)

NOW The nitty gritty dirt band details:

  1. Leave a comment telling me about your favorite kind of tea (1 entry)
  2. Twitter this and leave the tweet url in a separate comment (1 entry)
  3. Visit Tazo Tea’s website and tell me what flavor you’d most like to try in a separate comment (1 entry)

This contest is open from Sept 1, 2009 until Friday Sept 4, 2009 at 10:00 PM CST . Random.org will be used to choose the winners! Good luck y’all!

In case you didn’t gather it from the post… I was given the Tazo Tea goodies to try and if I so chose, write about.Β  The giveaways for my readers.. just a bonus!Β  I may have received these items for free (THANK YOU!) but, my opinions were in no way bought, paid for or compromised in any way.Β  Y’all know that I’m as transparent as glass that has never seen a smudgey child’s handprint.

RANDOM.ORG - Integer Generator_1252952910707

Congratulations to our Winners!Β  Ree from The Hotfessional and Stacy from A Boy Makes 3


  1. Welllll, my favorite tea is the only Tazo tea I’ve tried – the passion tea. YUM! I also drink it iced. I’ve never found a green tea that I like, either. πŸ™

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE lemony ANYTHING. One of our favorites is lemon poppyseed crisps made with lemon muffin mix. Mmmmmmm.
    .-= Holly Anderson´s last blog ..Who Wouldn’t Wanna Be Me? =-.

  2. I have never been a big tea drinker, so the only tea I’ve ever really had is just plain old iced tea. But now that I am dieting (eek!) and trying to lay off the pop/soda, I have decided that tea might be a good thing to try out.

    Enter me in the contest… thanks!
    .-= Sincerely, Jenni´s last blog ..SMART Goals =-.

  3. I’m not a plain tea drinker πŸ™‚ it’s got to have SOMETHING in it! I think so far my favs have been peach tea and blueberry tea. and COLD! unless it is cold out, in that case I need it warm to warm me up! but I like the convenience of the Crystal Light teas so I can pop one in my water bottle.
    .-= Alisha in Ohio´s last blog ..WANT! =-.

  4. I’d love to try the Sweet Cinnamon Spice! Can you just imagine sipping that while cuddled under a blanket in the cool autumn weather?! Well, maybe not in TX but definitely in OH-IO!

    all of the herbal infussions look mighty tasty though!
    .-= Alisha in Ohio´s last blog ..WANT! =-.

  5. Starbucks makes a great Tazo passion tea lemonade that is my go-to drink in the summer!!! It’d be great to make it at home!

  6. I have finally pushed thru my diet coke addiction and discovered tea. It took long enough … but then my mother’s tea isn’t the sweet tea of the South (she likes it unsweetened.) Tea was something I always associated with adults drinking … guess I finally admitting that I am an adult. πŸ™‚
    .-= Tracy´s last blog ..Facebook Fridays =-.

  7. Because I’m about all things autumn/fall right now, the Sweet Cinnamon Spice tea is really calling out to me!

    Wishing the Internets had scratch n’ sniff capabilities.

    And I have to say, the little teapot cursor on the site? Darling!
    .-= Malia´s last blog ..School Daze =-.

  8. Tazo tea is my all time favorite! We have it at work and I always stop in Starbucks in the summer and get half black tea half passion fruit on ice….so refreshing!! The cookies sound fab! So nice of you to share the love/tea!!

  9. i LOVE Republic of Tea teas. their ginger peach makes an AWESOME iced tea. But I use TAZO citrus tea with my standard tea bags because it gives it a ZING. πŸ™‚

  10. Oh you lucky girl! I LOVE tea and Tazo is awesome. I want to make those cookies!!

    I love all sorts of tea, but my favorites are classics – Earl Gray and Darjeeling.

  11. I would like to try the Tazo calm! i know my mom used this when she had surgery and it really settled her stomach and nerves and helped her get the sleep she desperatly needed!

  12. What kind of tea do I like? The kind that goes in a cup or glass. Tea is my fav (just barely behind water). I guess my favorite is a mild peach tea.

  13. I visited the Tazo website and found several I would like to try. I have had many of them but the one I would like to try is Zen.

  14. I would love to try the African red bush decaf or the calm. Mama needs calm. πŸ˜‰

    I am trying Twinings of London African Rooibos tea right now at work!

  15. Actually, I like hot tea. My favs are Lemon, Raspberry and Mint Green tea. IN fact I think I’m going ot have a Lemon flavored one now!
    PS – I hope you didn’t shatter your pitcher!

  16. My favorite is sweet tea from Chik Fil A or McDonald’s. I also love Rx Stress Tea from Arizona. I would love to branch out and try Tazo Tea, though.
    .-= Laurin (@LaurinEvans)´s last blog ..Not Today. I Have A Headache. =-.

  17. I love, love, love tea. Hot, cold, in recipes and just in a mug. My mom and I always bonded (girl chat) over cups of hot tea at the kitchen table. Now, my mommy girlfriends and I chat it up over cold pitchers of tea in my kitchen. I have several boxes of Tazo tea and although Chai isn’t my fav…my friends seem to enjoy it. I would love a recipe book to make some tea time snacks to go along with everything!
    .-= Karen´s last blog ..Afraid of Failure =-.

  18. Black tea is one I’ve never tried and I love all types of green tea…bitter or smooth so I’d like to try that as well!
    .-= Karen´s last blog ..Afraid of Failure =-.

  19. A TEA giveaway! Squee!
    Love this. OK fav flav is Lapsang Souchong. I don’t sweeten my tea, so I really love the smokey aroma. Also? I can not tell you how many times I’ve had to fight for unsweetened tea at local restaurants. Oh the shame of being Southern but not drinking sweet tea!
    .-= Joie´s last blog ..SAD in Suburbia =-.

  20. I would probably try TAZO’s Mambo tea. Hey! Mambo! and now that song is stuck in my head…
    .-= Joie´s last blog ..SAD in Suburbia =-.

  21. Other than Sweet Tea with Lemon, my favorite 2 teas are Tazo’s Passion & Aveda’s Comforting Tea! I’d love to have a sampler. πŸ™‚

  22. I just LOVE Tazo’s Passion Tea, and their Chai (which is srsly like crack!)

    I would LOVE this gift pack! LOVE IT!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Image =-.

  23. I’d love to try the Green Tea, mostly because I’ve heard that it’s much sweeter & not as bitter as other green teas!

  24. Oooooh, I love Tazo tea. My favorite is their Green Ginger. Now I must go look at the other flavors!
    .-= ree´s last blog ..Some Things =-.

  25. I have just discovered red tea, so I think the one I’d like to try is the African Red Bush. Yum.
    .-= ree´s last blog ..Some Things =-.

  26. I drink a lot of tea, and my favorite is passion fruit. Arbys has a great tea!
    .-= short pump´s last blog ..Invisalign Teen – more than just a pretty smile! =-.

  27. I love tea – all kinds. Tazo makes wonderful tea flavors – my favorites are: Chai, Refresh, and Calm. I especially love a fresh pitcher of iced tea with some fruit slices (peaches, blackberries, or strawberries) added on those hot days!
    .-= SentimentsbyDenise´s last blog ..Where Did Summer Go? =-.

  28. I’ve never been a big tea drinker, but I just started brewing tea at work because I figured it was good for me. Turns out the tea I have been brewing is quite good. It’s a green tea with papaya and pinapple in it. Ok, enough about tea. Let’s talk about desserts with lemon!!!! Why? Because desserts with ANYTHING lemon in em are my FAVORITE. Cookie please?
    .-= BusyDad´s last blog ..Give a boy a cheeseburger and he’ll get a Happy Meal toy, teach him how to cook one and you’ll get a blog post =-.

  29. I am a chai drinker, myself, but just about any tea with a dash of sugar and drop of cream is really *my* cup of tea. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for the chance to win! I’d really like to try that icing!
    .-= Chick Hatchers´s last blog ..Watch this! =-.

  30. The lemon/citrus tea and the mint tea would be my first to try, if I had them. I love lemon (thus, my eagerness to try that icing!) and nothing like warm mint tea helps a sore throat in the winter! Mmmmm. Thanks for the second entry!

    I’d tweet, but I have a private Twitter account and my hubby is my only follower. It wouldn’t do much to get the word out. Sorry.
    .-= Chick Hatchers´s last blog ..Watch this! =-.

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