The time is near, the culmination of the past three months of potato mashin’ and the battle of the spuds, it’s time to peel back the layers and see who’s the …. Okay, I’m fried.  I have no more tater puns.

Seriously,  It’s only 3 weeks until the Blissdom conference! Where on Friday night, we Tastemakers will be front and center at a Tastemaker party and my little southern heart is gonna go pitty pat pitty pat when I get up on stage with the 8 other Tastemakers and participate in a recipe/cook-off showdown followed by a potato themed cocktail party!  There will be a mashed potato-tini bar and potato vodka and MORE!

I’m so excited my heart can barely take it!!

Did I mention that at this lovely little conference… Harry Connick Jr is going to be serenading us and then having a meet and greet with us afterwords?  Oh yes, he is 😉 {swoon}  You STINK Justin Matisse!!!

If you’re going to be at Blissdom, please RSVP for the Tastemaker Party Here and let me know in the comments!

I can’t wait and if you’re going, make sure you let me know so that I can look for you and say HI!!

If you haven’t yet rated my Tastemaker Videos.. Please Do!  I’ll take all the help I can get! I’m up against some amazing people.

Video/Recipe 1:  Baked Potato Skins with Salmon and Creamy Dill Sauce (My favorite recipe)

Video/Recipe 2: Chilled Potato and Green Bean Salad

Video/Recipe 3:  Twice “Baked” Potatoes

*** oh, if you’re reading in a reader… you’re missing out on something over here today, trust me.


    1. Richella,I don’t want to enter the giveaway. Just wanetd to say hello and let you know how much I enjoyed meeting you at Dayspring’s (in)courage prayer meeting on Friday morning at Blissdom. Praying God’s richest blessings on you and your blog in the new year!Julie 🙂

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

    J’adore your new blog! Hats off to you, but bigger hats off to Deanna! I LOVE what you’ve done with the place, Potato Queen :).

    .-= Robin ~ PENSIEVE´s last blog .. =-.

  2. Can’t wait to meet you at the spudfest:) This whole conference sounds crazy, but good crazy. Your site looks terrific! -H
    .-= Hollee Temple´s last blog ..The Men’s Room: Why I Volunteer =-.

  3. I REALLY wish I were going to Blissdom, and I really wish I could attend the Tastemakers party! It would be so up my alley.

    Can’t wait to hear all about it!

    p.s. Love the new look you have here. It’s beautiful.
    .-= Momisodes´s last blog ..They really are magical =-.

  4. This is my first time here (via Twitter). I will be at BlissDom. It’s my first conference. I am looking forward to it and I would love to attend the #tastemaker event. 🙂 I am going to go on over and see about signing up. What a nice blog!

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