The smallest changes can make the biggest difference.

I don’t know about you, but I’m hearing that everywhere lately; from the Disney Channel, to American Idol, to the commercials celebrating the 40th anniversary of Earth Day.

I fully believe that we should be the change we want to see in the world, stop waiting for someone else to pick up the slack for us and set the example for our friends, families and children.  This is the lesson that I strive to teach my children every day.

Everyone can help change the world for the better, one step at a time.  The American Express Members Project in conjunction with is bringing you the opportunity to make a difference and provide a platform to express your passion.

Find the charity that matches your passion on the TakePart.Com website and vote for them.  Whether you’re passionate about the environment, health and wellness,  education or arts and culture, there’s a charity on there that will fit.

Every three months the charity with the most votes in each category will receive $200,000 from the American Express Members Project.

If you aren’t a take action person, take 3 minutes out of your day, register, log-in and vote.

If you are a person who wants to see the change in person; check out the Volunteer tab on the TakePart.Com website.

No matter which kind of person you are, make sure that you share the TakePart.Com website with your friends via: Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Your Blog or even E-mail.

I registered, logged in and voted for my favorite charities, will you?

What are your passions?  How do you get involved?

Spread the word.  Be the change.

This is a sponsored post supporting the Members Project from American Express


  1. Pepsi also has the same type of deal. There are so many charities listed, it amazing. The winning prize is $250,00. This is a big thing where I live in PA. Where I live there is a project started by a man named John Kanzius. It is a cure for cancer. We are very proud of it here. Unfortunately Mr. Kanzius died before he could see it to the end. It is important for everyone to play a part in changing the thigns worng wiht our counrty. Whether it’s for cancer, children’s diseases, animals the homeless; we all have to take part somehow. Going to a web site is a great request!!!

    This link will connect you to several tabs to click on and it’s absolutley free to help others help others, The particular link I have listed is to donate bowls of food to animals. There are also tabs to assist in reading, the rain forest, etc. Check it out!!!

  2. This is great! i will definitely check this out. Thanks for sharing!
    .-= Doll Clothes Gal Pal´s most recent blog ..American Girl Word Scrambles =-.

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