Nancy’s Pineapple Salad

Nancy’s Pineapple Salad

Welcome to the ELEVENTH post of the Saving Second Base project! Today’s contributor is my friend, Kim ******************************************************************************************************************************************* My name is Kim Hardwick and I am a mother of two boys. I started dating my high school sweetheart, who is now my husband, a few months after his mother, Nancy, had finished chemotherapy for breast…

Saving Second Base

Saving Second Base

I love Lotus. I have mentioned this many. many. many times. I think  that the impossible has happened. Someone check and see if Hell has frozen over because honestly, I didn’t think I could adore Lotus more, and yet now,  I do. Look what she has created for the Saving Second Base Project: I love…

Saving Second Base

Saving Second Base

The past two Octobers I’ve hosted a monthly posting of stories and letters from people who’ve been affected by Breast Cancer called Blogging For Boobs (I highly recommend clicking that and reading through the posts, they’re simply amazing) I was sitting thinking about how to make my 3rd year of Blogging for Boobs even better,…

Lauren’s Story

Lauren’s Story

I remember the pamphlet my parents gave me when I was six and my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was illustrated with colorful pictures of happy people and sad people, of healthy people and sick people, of normal cells and cancerous cells.  The drawings of the cells were what fascinated me.  There were…