Ground Turkey.  Homemade Taco Seasoning.  Spinach Salad Mix.  Pico De Gallo.
taco salad

This is the Cycle 1 recipe of the The 17 Day Diet  that won my husband over.  This is the recipe that lock, stock and barrel sold him on the diet and kept him going through the 1st cycle.

I’ll admit it, taking a steak and potatoes and beer boy and saying – “Oh, by the way for 17 days – it’s nothing but veggies, protein and low carb fruits… oh, did I mention you are only supposed to drink water and green tea” it’s sort of like waving raw meat in front of a crocodile — dangerous.

Here’s the thing.  This diet, it’s worked for us.

Nathan has lost and maintained the loss of 40 pounds.  I have lost and maintained the loss of 30 pounds.

Nate and Me

This isn’t so much a recipe, as a suggestion.

It’s more a … here’s how we put this together.


It may not work for y’all.  Do the research give it a chance, it might work for you.

Taco Salad

Less recipe, more suggestion. This Turkey Taco Salad is simple, delicious and filling.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:3 minutes
Cook Time:20 minutes
Total Time:23 minutes


  • 1 1/2 lb fresh ground turkey
  • 1/4 to 1/2 C Homemade Taco Seasoning
  • 1/4 C water
  • 2 C spinach or other leafy dark green salad mix
  • 1/2 C pico de gallo


  • In a medium skillet over low - medium heat, add 1 1/2 lb ground turkey and 2 Tbsp taco seasoning. Cook, stirring occasionally, until done.
  • Add 2 Tbsp to 1/4 C more taco seasoning and 1/4 C water, cover and simmer for 15 minutes to 1 hr.

To Serve: Take your favorite dark leafy green salad mix, top it with 1/4 to 1/2 C turkey taco meat and then top that with 1/4 C of your favorite pico de gallo.


    This is a quick and delicious recipe, the turkey taco meat is easily customizable to your family's taste preferences and the serving is up to you! Served atop greens, garnished by pico de gallo, topping nachos or as a quesadilla filling -- this is a delicious and easy alternative to traditional taco meat
    Author: Rachel


    Favorites from Last Week:


    I know, it wasn’t a *real* recipe, but it’s one that has proved invaluable to us.  It’s one of our favorites.

    I can’t wait to see what y’all have to share this week!

    Remember to visit others, leave comments, link back and share the love!

    ‘); // ]]>


    1. That is an amazing weight loss! Well done to both you and your husband! How wonderful you were able to eat things like this while working on it – I do love the sound of this taco salad. It looks so tasty and appealing too. Thank you for sharing it, and for hosting.

    2. Congrats Rachel! I started the 17 day diet and completed the first cycle as well. I only had 5-10lbs I wanted to lose, I lost 7 and have kept it off so far! My mom is on it as well, and is doing great. I too lived on taco salad…yummy! Thanks for hosting.

    3. Hi,
      I shared my video for dripping yogurt for whey and yogurt cheese and a video for making sauerkraut. Lastly, as article about the benefits of sourdough leavening.

      Join me in my Probiotic Foods Challenge starting January 9 at Real Food Forager!

      And link up your cultured and fermented foods here!
      Thanks for hosting!

    4. Hi Rachel,
      Your salad looks delicious, congratulation on the weight loss and maintaining, that’s awesome! I am sharing my Herb Crusted Ribs with Orange Sauce today. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!
      Miz Helen

    5. Thanks for sharing about the 17 day diet! I put it on hold at my local library and look forward to starting…I LOVE taco salad.

      Sharing our recipe for cranberry almond muffins along with some info on the health benefits to including cranberries in our diets. Thanks for hosting!

      Blessings, ~Lisa

    6. Congrats to you and your husband. I like your idea for taco salad – it’s easy, and easy works best for us particularly when we are trying to diet. We’re on week 2 of what I’ve taken to calling The New Health Regime, so I’m headed over to check out the 17 day diet next. Thanks for the tips!

    7. So there’s no dairy on the first part of the 17 day diet? lack of cheese might bug me…but lossing 30 lbs would NOT! I’ve looked at it and am considering it myself!
      if you can have dairy at any point, this recipe is as good as dessert and healthy:

    8. This salad looks delicious! Continued success to you and your husband in maintaining that weight loss. How nice that both of you went on this new eating regime…makes dieting so much easier when you have support sitting across the table from you.

    9. First of all, congratulations on your and your husband’s weight loss! That’s fabulous! Your taco salad definitely looks like a tasty way to lose weight! Thanks for hosting the hop!

    10. There sure are some yummy looking recipes being shared this week. I brought my Orange Push-Up Smoothies. Thanks for hosting and have a great week!

    11. I so should not go looking at food sites when I’m hungry. Because I’m now sitting here with leftover bbq shredded chicken (though it IS my lunch). I love using ground turkey – or chicken – instead of ground beef. And I’m with you on the not so much recipes, but how I do it. Even the bbq sauce I could never put up as a post right now because I just moved it around here and there until it tasted the way I wanted it to. That said, I could currently drink a bowl of it.

      So yes, you post healthy diet food and I put up a decadent hot chocolate. No wonder you look great and are losing weight and ummmm I’m not 😉

    12. You are so inspiring! I’m glad you posted this ‘here’s how we make this’…I did really well for cycle 1 (lost 7lbs) but now I’m stuck with a few straggling lbs plus 5 more…I know this way of eating works for me. It’s the diet mentality that doesn’t, I rebel. Its frustrating to feel that way. I may have to trick myself into really watching what I’m eating the next couple of weeks to get things going again.

      This looks delicious by the way. My husband would happily eat this for dinner if I made it for him 🙂

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