our table

It’s hard to believe that tonight was our last night dining at Table 578.

We’re heading home.. we’ve left the turquoise waters of the Caribbean and have headed back in to the darker oil rig studded waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

I can’t believe that tomorrow night I won’t be served dinner by the delightful team of the smiling Renato and the charming (and young) Ryan.

After tomorrow… I have to cook again.

I should say get to cook again because truly, I love it.  It’s one of my joys in life, however…

Table 578 has been a haven.

Delicious food appears and re-appears, suggestions are made, new delicacies tried and gorgeous crystal glasses are filled with sultry merlots that slide over our tongues and delight our tastebuds.

Tomorrow, it’s back to reality and my own kitchen table.

For tonight, I’ll curl up under these heavy white covers in a room with my family and let the gentle rocking and shushing of the ocean lull me to sleep.


  1. The first day back to reality after a cruise is definitely the hardest! Did you try the Melting chocolate dessert at any point on this trip? It was by far my MOST favorite dessert on board the ship.

  2. Always bittersweet to have vacation come to a close. I hope your last night was as amazing as the rest of the trip! Soon you’ll find comfort in the familiar surroundings of home 🙂

  3. What a wonderful vaca for you!! I’m assuming you are home now, so Welcome back!! Want to see more pics!!! I’m sure you have tons!!

  4. By now you are home and getting settled back in. Happy that you all enjoyed your cruise. The food and service is amazing I know and while it’s a lovely treat for awhile, taking the helm in your own kitchen once again is always nice too.

    Looking forward to your next post.

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