
warm sun and a swing
endless possibilities
stretch out before her

my first born baby
soaring into the future
eyes and mind open

giggles and squeals rush
out of him, sweeping through me
childhood at it’s best

sun, sprinkler, backyard
the world open before him
nothing out of reach

** This picture of monkey to me epitomizes childhood. It brings back my own memories of playing in the sprinklers and the freedom of imagination and play. It’s my entry into 5 minutes for mom’s ‘Kid in you’ contest. The prize is a Wii and I so desperately want a Wii. Wii, Wii, Wii… I want a Wii so I can go WEEEEEEEEE!!!
More Haiku Friday can be found here and here.



  1. I just LOVE that sprinkler one. My kids adore the sprinkler. As long as their faces don’t get wet, that is. Oh, and Connor actually HATES the sprinkler. He acts like he’s being hit with sharp knives when the drops of water land on him. I’m sooooo very jealous of your sweet soaking wet little boy enjoying the heck out of that sprinkler

  2. Summer is my favorite season with the kids. They are so beautiful out in the sun and in their element.

    Great pictures and Haiku!

  3. wow, you continue to have such great pictures!! i love both of those pics and each so adorable and totally capture the moment!

    oh, the ‘ku was great too! πŸ™‚

  4. That monkey holding the sprinkler. Ahh. Boys. You have your work cut out for you. And, the princess looks like she rocks the swings!

  5. Those pictures and those words need to be framed and displayed on a wall in your house – beautiful!!

    Have a good weekend, RAchel – enjoy the coast – so nice to be near the beach at this time of year – if only to see it off in the distance!!!!!


  6. Great pictures and Haiku.

    OK, that PMS recipe that you left on my blog….I love you forever. πŸ˜‰

  7. Hi, just returning your visit. Sorry it took me so long. I love those photos of your two little monkeys. I call mine Miss E and Miss M and people seem comfortable with that. It’s a hard decision to make isn’t it? Hee hee. Hoe you come up with something you like.

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