One week from today, I’m hosting a Soup Swap at my house.

One week from today, people will come to my house to enjoy food and friends and to donate to the Corpus Christi Food Bank.

One week from today, these people will come to my house bearing quarts of soup

chicken tortilla chicken tortilla soup

Thanks to Wendy, I now know about this project.

Thanks to Wendy, I have a huge box of Cabot Cheese to play with and  use to create snacks and yummies to serve to my friends who come.


Thanks to Wendy and Cabot , The Food Bank of Corpus Christi is receiving $250.

Here’s what’s going to happen at my house on Saturday, January 22nd (and at many other homes across the country)

  • Friends and neighbors will show up, each bringing 6 Qts (6 – 1qt containers) of soup — the soup can be frozen
  • Each person who brings soup will also bring recipe cards for their soup
  • Everyone who attends is encouraged to bring canned soup that will  be donated to their local Food Bank (those who are invited but can’t attend, are encouraged to drop canned goods off at my (their local host’s) house
  • There will be eating and laughing, drinking and sharing, mingling and fun, silliness and frivolity
  • Everyone who brings soup, will be entered to win door prizes*
  • Each person who brings soup will draw a number: This is the order in which they’ll draw their soup to take home — Person #1 will choose their first quart of soup, then person #2 etc.. until everyone has six DIFFERENT quarts of soup to take home and fill their freezer and their tummies.

Oh YES! You read that right.  If you attend a Soup Swap and Bring Soup — YOU will go home with your CHOICE of 6 DIFFERENT soups that will grace your freezer, fridge, tummies and soul.  SIX new recipes that will keep your tummy warm during the winter and every time you make these recipes and eat these soups, you’ll be reminded of the fun you had, all while raising awareness and giving to those who aren’t as fortunate.

* I’ve been so blessed by the people who’ve donated door prizes for my Soup Swap:

  • Deb from The Hip Hostess has donated an apron as a door prize
  • I have Cabot Cheese cutting boards and grocery bags
  • A gift certificate from Premier Designs Jewelry
  • A friend who owns a restaurant, Southern Charm, is donating a Gift Certificate
  • A Gift Certificate to Thirty One gifts
  • A Pampered Chef chopper
  • I’m donating a photo session and CD

Shelly, inspired me in an email and so — I’m taking this even further.

I want to host an internet/virtual soup swap.

On Saturday, while I host the soup swap at my house — I’m going to host a virtual soup swap here on my blog.  I’ll post a linky and I ask y’all to write a post about your favorite soup recipe.  Link back to my blog and link to the soup swap in your post, encourage others to get involved.

Everyone who links and posts a soup recipe and links up — will be entered to win a special Soup Swap prize donated by ME.

I can’t express how excited I am about this event.

I really hope that y’all choose to participate and I’d LOVE it if you share this with your friends!!!

*** if you live in Corpus and want to come — email me!!!

ps — i have not received any compensation, of any kind in exchange for my participation in this event

PsS  Check out This AWESOME Souper Swapper Recipe Contest!


  1. OH. MY. WORD. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! Like LOVE it! Is this something you organized with several people or did Cabot sponsor it? Such an amazing idea. I especially love the gathering of cans for the food bank. They are in such need right now! I want to do one too! I’ll have to figure out the details since I’m supposed to move again soon. Thanks for the great idea. I’ll be back next week to link up!

    1. Hey Kathy,

      this is actually the 5th year! Cabot wanted to help spread the word this year so they asked a few people around the country to help spread the word and provided some cheese and the donation to the food bank to help!

      They are working on an official site right now, when it’s live — I’ll link to it! You can google Soup Swap and find out more!!!

      I hope you do get one going!

  2. Kudos to you and all your friends for doing the fantastic Soup Swap next week. There’s nothing like giving back by paying it forward. Good for you!

  3. Ooooooh, this sounds like fun. I have a handful of foodie friends that I might do this with on Saturday as well. Good times! And I think I’ll add “bring a can” to my Porkstravaganza Evite for February. What an AWESOME idea!

  4. ..For soupies everywhere January 22 three weeks from today means just one thing the …Soup Swap is the brainchild of Knox Gardner a Seattle technology consultant who got tired of eating only his own soup creations and decided to invite some friends to trade soups. ..Seven swap-worthy soup recipes from other food bloggers caught my eye this week ..

  5. Seriously, thank YOU for being a part of this. I love working on projects that feel this good! I can’t wait to see what you and your friends cook up!

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