This month is flying by and I’m so floored by the talent that these amazing guest posters have shared.

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us… it’s full tilt ahead to Christmas!

I’m really excited about today’s guest blogger.  While Christina and I haven’t yet met.. I feel like I know her.  She shares gorgeous photos, delicious recipes and wonderful parts of her life in such a way that you feel as if you’re reading your best friend’s diary and recipe book.  Christina is one of my favorite commenters, Mouthwatering Monday participants and new discoveries.  Christina’s blog, Small Kitchen Chronicles, is a source of inspiration, beauty and drool worthy yumminess.

If you haven’t yet met Christina, please stop by her blog and say hello… you won’t regret it.

Don’t forget to stop by According 2 Kelly to get some Craft inspiration and Skip To My Lou for your daily does of Sewing inspiration, plus the links to the other 2 amazing giveaways we have going on!!!



Firstly, a big thank you to Miss Rachel of A Southern Fairytale for being the awesome-est hostess with the most-est.

I was just thrilled when she asked me to participate in this year’s Holiday Bake Craft and Sew Along and really, how could I refuse? Rachel’s such the coolest cat and one of the most gracious fellow food bloggers ever.

So, thank you for having me over at A Southern Fairytale today, Rachel, so glad to be here!

And, of course, Happy Holidays, everyone!

My name is Christina Lazarakis and I am the writer and creator of Small Kitchen Chronicles. This is me.

My motto over at Small Kitchen Chronicles is all about cooking and living big in the small space you’ve got.

But, let’s face it, you can’t cook or live big if you’re busy stressing out. But that’s what the holidays can sadly often be.

And with less than a month to go now ’til Christmas — if you’re in the camp of Still Haven’t A Clue As In What To Give — it can get pretty stressful, pretty quick, indeed.

Well, stress be gone, because I’m here to help with a fabulous homemade gift idea that’s not only abso-positively delicious but an absolute snap to make too. Such a snap in fact, that it just might change your mind about how you think about the holidays.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you … Super Duper Chocolate Toffee Crunch. So super, it’s duper.

The toffee and chocolate are what make it so. But then, it could also be the delightful one-two crunch of those salty-good pretzels combined with that just-sweet-enough Chex. I’ll let you decide.

A chocolate-y, salty-sweet flavor extravaganza with just a hint of kick, this recipe not only makes the perfect cuter-than-a-button stocking stuffer for practically everyone on your list but — believe it or not — is pretty healthy too. You just wouldn’t know it by how good it tastes.

And all in less than an hour, you’ve got not one but eight delectable stocking stuffers d-o-n-e, done.

Now, how easy and stress-free was that?

Super Duper Chocolate Toffee Crunch

Inspired from Eating Well

Makes approximately 8 – 3/4 cup gift baggies

2 cups Wheat Chex cereal
2 cups pretzel sticks, broken in half
1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup milk chocolate toffee bits
1 pinch cayenne pepper
8 – 4 inch by 10 inch clear treat bags
5 yards red ribbon

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

In a large mixing bowl — using clean hands — combine cereal and pretzels together until well combined.

In a separate, small microwave-safe mixing bowl, add chocolate chips and place bowl into microwave. Microwave chocolate chips on medium setting for approximately 45 seconds.

Stir mixture with a spoon, return to microwave and microwave again on medium setting in 30 seconds intervals until chocolate chips are completely melted.

Note: You will have to do this a few times, making sure to stir well after each interval. Just be careful not to burn yourself — chocolate will be hot!

Drizzle melted chocolate over cereal and pretzel mixture slowly and — using spatula — fold gently to combine.

Add toffee bits and cayenne pepper. Fold well.

Turn crunch out onto your prepared baking sheet and place in refrigerator for chocolate to set, about 20 – 25 minutes.

While crunch is cooling, set out bags and cut 8 – 1 and 1/2 foot strips of ribbon.

When chocolate has set, remove crunch from refrigerator and — using clean hands — divide mixture evenly into each of your eight treat bags and — using your prepared strips of ribbon — tie each with a bow.

Gift and enjoy! Have a very happy holidays, everyone!

x x x

Be sure to stop by Small Kitchen Chronicles today to enter the incredible giveaway these awesome ladies have going on. While you’re there, look around and say hi — I’d love to hear from you!

Christina Lazarakis and Small Kitchen Chronicles have been featured by such sites as The Huffington Post, Yummly and Baked by Joanna, to name a few. Her work can also be seen on Tastespotting and Foodgawker. Connect with Christina through her blog, as well as through Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.


  1. Oh Rachel, thank you so much for all the kind words! I feel the same! Perhaps one day, we will meet, but ’til then I feel blessed and honored to share the foodie-sphere with you. You’re the best, Rachel!

    And thank you so much again — to you and to the other two brilliant ladies — for hosting such a great event for us all. You truly make out little corner of the internet a better place =)

  2. Hi Christina! This looks so good! And I love the idea of using it as a gift and a stocking stuffer. I think I’m making this bark called “Christmas crack” for my gift baskets this year…I’ll share that one! I may just have to incorporate a bag of this as well…I really don’t think anyone will complain.
    I’m really loving the idea of making gifts this year . I’m putting together baskets for everyone with a small personal item I purchase, a homemade snow globe, and a baked good, make that goods plural now!
    Lovely post as always!

    1. Awesome, glad you liked it, Rebekah!

      And thanks for leaving a comment — it’s always a pleasure seeing one from you =)

      Oh, that bark sounds just perfect! Can’t wait to read all about it. And what a great idea to put together baskets filled with goodies — you’ve inspired me to do that myself =)


  3. Thank you for sharing your recipe…I love this idea! Perfect for a quick holiday party treat and office treats and treats for the super nice delivery guy we have. Love your polka dot bags too. Cheers!

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