I have a confession to make.

When I’m browsing bookstores, libraries, garage sales – I completely 100% judge a book by the cover.  If the cover of the book doesn’t call out to me, chances are I won’t pick up the book.

I absolutely love the cover of Vintage, it’s simple, stylish, and elegant. The muted colors, the slight iridescence, the fonts (yes, the fonts – hush), everything about it draws me in.

Vintage:  A Novel by Susan Gloss

I saw the cover posted on Instagram a few months ago, and actually commented that I would pick up the book based on the cover alone.  My friend contacted me asking if I’d like to receive a copy of the book for a possible review – I immediately said yes!  I needed a book for my pool lounging on the cruise!

Vintage: A Novel


This book, I love this book, y’all.  I became completely immersed in this book.  The characters in Vintage are so well written,  I felt as if I genuinely knew them.  I laughed when they laughed, I got frustrated with them and for them, and most of all – I connected with them.  I saw bits of myself, my friends, family members – they were real.

I devoured this book on the ship.  I lay by the pool and read, I sat on the balcony of our room while the kids napped and read with sound of the ocean in my ears.  When I saw that I was nearing the end of the book, I wanted to slow down, savor each word, each moment, I really didn’t want the book to end.  I felt such a kinship with the women in Vintage.

Vintage is chick-lit, but it’s not flighty or fluffy – it’s rich, warm, engaging, and charming.   It’s a story of dreams found and lost, re-discovery, strength, friendship, love, family, and hope.

I really, truly love this book, and while I’d like to share my copy with you – I’m not going to, because I want to lay on my hammock with an ice cold drink, and immerse myself in the lives of Violet, April, Amithi and Hourglass Vintage in Madison, Wisconsin AGAIN.

Lucky for you – Susan, the author,  has agreed to GIVE ONE YOU A COPY OF VINTAGE!!!!!

I’m going to make it really easy for you to enter – Just use the Rafflecopter below to enter to win a copy of Vintage for yourself! <<<<< or use the Amazon Affiliate Link there and buy it in Hardback or Kindle Edition!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My favorite summer reads are lite. Just like summer movies. I want something that won’t just get me down because the weather is usually so nice. It helps if there are nice romances at the end as well.
    Such a pretty cover!

  2. I always say “I don’t find books, books find me” so I can’t really say I have a “type” of book I like to read because it all depends on what the Great Author upstairs has decided to drop in my hands.

    Right now I’m reading a laugh out loud hilarious book about a hot mess of a vacation and the girl who just wants to live life. I happen to have a few things in common with her so of course I’m learning a lesson! 😉

    1. Silly me…I should include the name of this book I’m laughing at right now! Must Love Otters by Elizabeth Gordon. I could easily see this in theaters one summer as the Laugh Out Loud RomCom of the season 🙂

  3. Love to read biographies. And some chick lit for the summer 🙂 Sitting along the channel & reading is my happy place.

  4. I’m with you, the cover totally is a factor in me looking at the book. I have a very eclectic taste when it comes to book. As long as I have a book…I’m a happy girl! 🙂
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. It’s funny, I like to read books with the word Summer or beach in them. Summer Lake, Beach House, etc.

  6. I can’t decide if I should read this book NOW or wait and bring it up the next time I host book club! Maybe both!

  7. I’m not too picky on the actual content of a summer read, I just like a book that will cause me to journey into the world of the characters. A book that sometimes makes me forget where I am for a second because I’m so drawn into its world – and one that I can’t get enough of.

  8. I like reading Lisa Wingate’s books. You identify with the characters, often the locations and has a faith theme throughout. Thanks!

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