With 6 1/2 days of school left – most of the conversations I hear when around other parents start with:

“What are y’all doing this summer?”  What Camps are your kids going to this summer?”  “Holy cow I have to plan something for my kids this summer!”

The lazy days of summer are all well and good, but I want my kids to still have goals, a little bit of routine, but most importantly – I want them to keep their brains engaged.  We have both kids signed up for a couple of sports camps, we’re looking into some VBS’, but I wanted something more for them, and I found that something more when I was contacted by Camp Invention abut partnering with them as an ambassador (and having the kids act as ambassadors, too)

Camp Invention Ambassador


Camp Invention is the only nationally recognized summer program focused on creativity, innovation, real-world problem solving and the spirit of invention.

Well, both my kids are gaga for science, one of their favorite gifts of the past two years were “science lab” kits aka Mad Scientist Kits, so this immediately caught my attention.  When I mentioned this opportunity to some ladies in my Social Media Group, they told me that this is an amazing opportunity for the kids and I’d be crazy not to jump on it.

The more research that I did, the more convinced I was that my kids absolutely had to attend Camp Invention.

Camp Invention is the only nationally acclaimed summer enrichment day experience for children entering grades 1 – 6 led by local certified educators, with a great staff ratio of 1:8.

kids at camp invention


I showed my kids the Camp Invention website, let them watch some of their videos, and walked them through a typical day at camp they were immediately hooked, and begged me to let them go to camp.

seriously, y’all – I want to go to camp invention, too!

experiments at camp invention


I checked out the locations and dates nearest us, found one that works with our schedules and the kids are registered!  They start camp on June 9th, and they’ve already pored over the information packets that came in the mail.  Telling them what to wear, what to bring etc…

(we’ll talk about that later, though)

FOR NOW – I have some pretty cool news.

As a Camp Invention ambassador, I get to give away ONE CAMP INVENTION REGISTRATION!  That’s a $200 value, y’all!

I’m going to keep it simple.  Just use the Rafflecopter to enter to win!

Make Sure there is a Camp Invention NEAR YOU!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This giveaway is sponsored by Camp Invention, for whom the Kids and I are ambassadors.  My kids have received Camp Invention Registrations for their participation, and I have been compensated for my time and participation.  The ideas, opinions, and thoughts expressed are our own, honest ones.


  1. My child’s GT teacher recommended this camp. I am so excited you will be teaching there this summer. I will share this with a few of my Facebook groups, too.

  2. Looks like a great camp! Our daughter would LOVE getting to learn have fun with science and other kids her age!

  3. I think my daughter would love this camp. She’s a problem solver, loves science (and school!) and this would be a fun way to keep her engaged and learning over the summer!

  4. A woman just told me about this yesterday, but I don’t know that I can afford for both boys to go. Winning a scholarship would make it more affordable, fo sho!

  5. My son would love this! He actually doesn’t get science at his school and he is obsessed with all things science. We have to do what we can at home to give him the knowledge he craves.

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