Grilled spinach artichoke dip pizza.

spinach artichoke dip grilled pizza | A Southern Fairytale


Spinach and artichoke dip is one of my weaknesses; If it’s on a restaurant menu, chances are it’s going to find it’s way to my table and I’m going to eat all of it.

Nathan and I have been grilling a lot of pizzas this summer, and when the California Avocado Commission told me that I was free to do whatever I wanted with my avocados this month, I threw caution to the wind and started playing around with different combinations and then one day Nathan and I were having Spinach Artichoke dip at a restaurant and I swear, y’all, a lightbulb went off over my head.  I couldn’t wait to get home and recreate my mom’s spinach and artichoke dip recipe with avocados.  I topped that with thinly sliced prosciutto, grilled it, and holy yum, y’all!  This is one of the best pizzas I’ve ever eaten.

spinach artichoke grilled pizza | A Southern Fairytale

It’s savory, creamy, crispy, slightly salty; it’s so good!

If you like pizza and spinach and artichoke dip – go check out my Grilled Pizza with Spinach Artichoke Avocado Dip on the California Avocados Blog.

Disclosure: This recipe was created and inspired by my partnership with the California Avocado Commission. I’m honored to be a compensated 2015 brand ambassador and recipe developer for CAC.  For more great avocado recipes visit the California Avocado Commission website and follow them on Facebook and Twitter. – or use the handy search tool at the top of my blog and search Avocados!  


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