Spinach Garlic Vinaigrette Salad

It has been about an hour since I made this salad and paired it with a perfectly cooked, thinly sliced 4 oz steak

garlic vinaigrette salad with steak

and I still have a pleasantly tangy peppery flavor in my mouth.

I’ve been playing around with a spicy mustard garlic vinaigrette for a few months because I adore the flavors, the ease and tonight — tonight, I achieved the pinnacle of Tonguegasmic Mustard/Garlic/Vinegar-y deliciousness

My family and I are huge fans of garlic, mustard and fresh raw spinach.  If you put raw spinach out, my kids will devour it, they don’t need any dressing or dipping sauce — it’s one of my consolations and nods that somewhere, somehow– I’m doing something right.

I’ve made a few sauces with spicy mustard and garlic and I love sprinkling garlic over spinach so I just knew, that out there somewhere, there was a vinaigrette just waiting for me — one that would double as a dressing, a spread for toasted bread and a marinade.

Oh baby, oh hail yes.  This – is it.

Beware, if you do not adore garlic, spicy mustard and tang — walk away now.

vinaigrette ingredients

Those 5 simple ingredients blend together to produce a tangy, savory, peppery, delicious, unforgettable vinaigrette that is perfect when tossed with fresh spinach and topped with freshly grated parmesan cheese, sliced tomatoes and freshly ground black pepper.

Mince 4 garlic cloves and put in your bowl.

Add in 1 rounded tsp spicy mustard

Tsp of spicy mustard

Add 1 1/2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil and 2 Tbsp white wine vinegar.

Add 2 to 5 turns of freshly ground black pepper, according to your preferences — 1/4 to 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper

If you have a food processor, blender, hand mixer — you can puree this up nicely and reduce the garlic to mere shreds — this is not necessary, this is not a smooth vinaigrette, but it definitely sharpens the flavors.

Let the vinaigrette rest for an hour at room temperature and then toss it over about 5 oz of fresh raw spinach; toss until fully coated.

I have found that for me, the best accompaniments for this are freshly grated parmesan

parmesan cheese for vin.

sliced cherry/grape tomatoes and crumbled bacon

Spinach Garlic Vinaigrette Salad

This is honestly, my favorite salad combination to date, and that is saying a lot.

This is a salad that my husband will devour willingly and ask for seconds and THAT is a monumental accomplishment, y’all.  He is a chicken fried steak and potatoes boy.

Enough of my yammering, y’all just want the recipe!
garlic vinaigrette salad with steak

Spicy Garlic Vinaigrette

A simple and delicious spicy garlic vinaigrette. The perfect complement to a spinach salad
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • 4 garlic cloves minced
  • 1/2 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil or light olive oil for salad dressings
  • 1 heaping teaspoon spicy mustard
  • 2 Tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • Freshly ground black pepper 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon or 4 to 5 turns of a pepper grinder


  • Mince the garlic
  • Combine the garlic, olive oil, mustard, vinegar, and pepper. Whisk vigorously and let rest for 30 minutes to an hour.


Toss this dressing with spinach and top with freshly grated parmesan, cherry tomatoes, crumbled bacon, and sliced red onions and mushrooms.
Author: Rachel

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