Happy August, y’all!!!!  It’s my birthday month!!!!  I think this month calls for some fun, don’t y’all?

Let’s kick it off with these delicious Spicy Chocolate Bourbon Pops and a guest post from Sarah aka bluegrass redhead.  Sarah and I met at Blissdom in 2012 and instantly bonded over photography, food, southern-ness and redheadedness 🙂


Sarah and I were twitter chatting about randomness and recipes and we decided it would be fun for her to do a guest post and she took it to a whole other level of amazing with the recipe for these spicy chocolate bourbon pops which are a nod to both our homes – a little Texas heat and sass combined with Kentucky bourbon.

spicy chocolate bourbon pops


Okay, I’m going to let Sarah take over now!


I first met Rachel at Blissdom in 2012. It was my first time and I had come by myself. I was feeling a little intimidated and a lot overwhelmed when I introduced myself during a photo walk. I can spot a sassy Southern gal from a mile away and the moment I saw Rachel drop to the ground to get the perfect shot of my little S&N salt shaker  I knew we would be fast friends.

I also knew she had a passion for food … and Texas! This summer I launched my new blog bluegrass redhead, where I share my passion for food…and politics…and parenting…and of course my home state of Kentucky.

So, I decided to combine our passions for food and our home states in my newest summer obsession – the popsicle.

Meet the Spicy Chocolate Bourbon Pop.

There’s a little bit of Texas spice. There’s a little bit of Kentucky bourbon. Then there’s a WHOLE lot of chocolate – the great uniter!

If you don’t rest your head under the lone star or plant your feet in bluegrass, that’s ok. This pop is sure to cool down a hot summer night no matter where you live!



Don’t those sound AMAZING!  Thank you so much Sarah! If y’all haven’t met Sarah yet, get on over there and introduce yourself!  She’s an absolute doll and I know y’all will love her!


Spicy Chocolate Bourbon Pops

Texas heat, Kentucky bourbon and chocolate. Delicious and refreshing.
Print Recipe


  • 2 cups half and half
  • 6 ounces bittersweet chocolate
  • 1/4 teaspoon orange zest
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 2 tablespoons bourbon
  • 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar


  • Place chocolate, orange zest, cayenne pepper, bourbon, and dark brown sugar in glass bowl.
  • Bring half and half to a simmer over medium heat.
  • Pour the heated half and half over ingredients. Whisk until chocolate has melted and everything is well combined.
  • Pour the mixture into popsicle molds.
  • Freeze until firm, usually several hours or overnight.
Author: Rachel


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