This Southwestern Pot Roast was inspired by some of my favorite ingredients: chipotles, garlic, tomatoes, chilies, and garlic.. did I mention garlic?  

southwestern Pot Roast

Garlic and Tomatoes, two of my favorite foods, are known to have Cancer Fighting properties, you can read more about their awesomeness and other foods that may help to reduce the risk of Breast and other kinds of cancers here. For me, that’s an added bonus, I just love the way they taste.. whether it’s roasted, baked, fresh, raw, sauteed… I could go on and on. My mom has actually asked me if I’m capable of cooking without garlic.  Ummm yes, but only if I have too 😉

This Southwestern Pot Roast is chock full of tomatoes and garlic and a lot of other savory and spicy ingredients.  Nathan has declared this his new favorite and the best Roast that I’ve ever made.

It was simple to make, CHOCK full of flavors and my house smelled amazing while it was cooking.

Southwestern Pot Roast

  • 3 pound boneless roast (chuck, shoulder… your choice)
  • 2 pat butter (1 Tbsp & 1 Tbsp)
  • 2 anaheim peppers, chopped (these aren’t as hot as jalapenos, but have more spice than bell peppers)
  • 3 chipotles in adobo sauce, chopped
  • 1 1/2 yellow onions, chopped
  • 6 to 8 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • 3 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp salt
  • (dash of crushed red pepper flakes if ya like it like that)
  • 3 medium roma tomatoes (or the equivalent), chopped
  • 2 tomatillos, chopped
  • 1/2 C beef broth
  • optional rice for serving this over)

Southwestern Pot Roast Collage

Heat oven to 250

Put butter into your 4 QT dutch oven over medium heat and when it’s melted, brown your roast about 3 to 4 minutes per side.  Remove roast and set aside.

Put one more pat butter in your Dutch oven and when it’s melted add in peppers, chipotles, onions, garlic and spices, saute’ about 4 minutes. southwestern pot roast veggies

Add tomatoes and tomatillos, saute’ another 4 minutes and then add in broth.

Put roast back into the Dutch Oven, spoon the mixture up over the roast and cover with a tight-fitting lidSouthwestern Pot Roast ready for the oven

Cook 2 1/2 to 3 hours or until the roast falls apart with a fork.

southwestern Pot Roast

You can serve this as is (which is how we eat it) or over rice.

southwestern inspired pot roast

Easy Southwestern Inspired Pot Roast

This Southwestern Pot Roast is chock full of tomatoes and garlic and all kinds of AMAZINGLY yummy ingredients. 
Print Recipe
Prep Time:20 minutes
Cook Time:3 hours
Total Time:3 hours 20 minutes


  • 3 pound boneless roast chuck, shoulder… your choice
  • 2 pat butter 1 Tbsp & 1 Tbsp
  • 2 anaheim peppers chopped (these aren’t as hot as jalapenos, but have more spice than bell peppers)
  • 3 chipotles in adobo sauce chopped
  • 1 1/2 yellow onions chopped
  • 6 to 8 cloves garlic chopped
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • 3 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp salt
  • dash of crushed red pepper flakes if ya like it like that
  • 3 medium roma tomatoes or the equivalent, chopped
  • 2 to matillos chopped
  • 1/2 C beef broth
  • optional rice for serving this over)


  • Heat oven to 250
  • Put butter into your 4 QT dutch oven over medium heat and when it’s melted, brown your roast about 3 to 4 minutes per side.  Remove roast and set aside.
  • Put one more pat butter in your Dutch oven and when it’s melted add in peppers, chipotles, onions, garlic and spices, saute’ about 4 minutes.
  • Add tomatoes and tomatillos, saute’ another 4 minutes and then add in broth.
  • Put roast back into the Dutch Oven, spoon the mixture up over the roast and cover with a tight-fitting lid
  • Cook 2 1/2 to 3 hours or until the roast falls apart with a fork.

Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale

Since this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I’m doing the whole month of Blogging for Boobs I have a special treat for y’all today.  The WONDERFUL ladies from The Hip Hostess have donated the most DELICIOUS pink demi apron to the cause!  Pink Demi Apron from The Hip Hostess

One of y’all is going to win this adorable apron.  I have a demi apron from The Hip Hostess and I love, love, love it!  It’s sassy, durable and so cute! I think this pink one is going on my wish list and a matching one for Princess!

The rules:

*This first entry must be done to be eligible: Leave a comment telling me how Breast Cancer has affected your life, or someone’s life close to you. (this can be in the same comment as your comment about today’s recipe) 🙂

* Bonus entry: Visit The Hip Hostess and tell me which apron you like the best

* Bonus entry:  Donate to Susan G Komen Photobucket using the Blogging For Boobs link and leave me a comment. Once I validate the donation, your bonus entry will be counted. Any amount at all.. every penny, dime, dollar takes us that much closer to finding a cure.

This contest will run from October 12,2009 to October 15, 2009 at 11:59 PM CST will be used to choose the winner

If you’re joining the Mouthwatering Monday Fun. Thanks!  Sign the Link list with your recipe URL, leave a comment saying Hi or about today’s Tonguegasmic recipe.  Make sure you link back here in your post and go visit the other participants and spread the Recipe Sharing Love!


  1. I clicked on over to the Hip Hostess – figuring I couldn’t love any other apron more than the one you are giving away – but have to confess, I adore the Black A’la Mode, the Espresso Swirl and the Pink Sorbet (I probably need to get a sheath style in the long run – I’m a messy chef/baker)

    Thanks for the Giveaway – and for dedicating yourself and your blog to Blogging for Boobs, you inspire.
    .-= ExtraordinaryMommy´s last blog ..Brands and Bloggers: Starting the Conversation =-.

  2. I don’t anyone personally that has gone through battling breast cancer (amazing I know) but I did have many breast cancer patients when I worked in the hospital. It amazes me till this day the amount of strength and determination these women have to beat this awful disease.

  3. The roast looks amazing, and the apron is SO CUTE! Breast cancer has affected me in a couple of ways, but what is most on my heart this month is the loss of my friend Tricia’s sister Jen. Jen was only 34 and left a husband and 5 little ones (ages 7 down to 1) when she died of breast cancer in 2008 after a courageous fight. It’s so incredibly sad. Beyond words.
    .-= amy2boys´s last blog ..Old-Fashioned Pineapple Upside-Down Cake =-.

  4. That roast looks yummy! And the apron is adorable.

    Breast cancer doesn’t run in my biological family but my step mother had a mastectomy about 15 years ago and her sister had one 3 years ago and her daughters keep a very close watch on themselves.
    .-= Michelle Smiles´s last blog ..Tomatillo Stew =-.

  5. Your post roast looks amazing! You could make my roast beef burritos with the leftovers!

    Blessedly, breast cancer has not hit my family… yet. But, my MIL is fighting ovarian cancer. She’s holding steady at 4 years. It’s tough on the whole family.
    .-= Amy @ Finer Things´s last blog ..Winners =-.

  6. Breast Cancer took my aunt away from my when I was just a teenager. It’s really such a scary and disgusting thing. My aunt would say it took my breasts from me, but it won’t take my life. And, she really did live by that mantra- she lived life to the fullest till her last days here with us.

    And, oh my word, that roast looks delicious. Looks like it would go good with tortillas for a burrito. I am so putting it on my menu for this week!

  7. Two of my dad’s sisters are currently losing their battle with breast cancer, so the family is in turmoil about having to face the loss of two strong and determined women. Going thru genetic testing next month to determine if I might be at risk. What kills me is that my sister who lives in Quebec cannot request this genetic test at this time, so she’s losing the prevention fight.

    On a lighter note, roast looks amazing! Constantly looking for new recipes and appreciate yours!

  8. I’m making this tomorrow – got all the ingredients – even the MYSTERIOUS TOMATILLOS – and will have this one simmering in the crock pot all day.


  9. A good friend and co-worker went through radiation AND chemo for breast cancer last year. I’d never seen the whole process, from diagnosis to healing. It was educating, painful, and awful, but she is completely in remission and we praise God for that!

  10. OK the pot roast? AMAZING
    I’ll have to get someone to make it for me 😉

    My favorite aunt is a bc survivor…she found out she had it shortly after my mom died (lung cancer). I was so afraid of losing them both, but she is doing great now!
    .-= Linney´s last blog ..Social Media Meets History – Columbus discovers the New World =-.

  11. The pot roast looks so tasty Rachel. I love the Cherry Time Aprons the full length and the hipster ones to cute. Breast cancer has affected my life directly but indirectly. I still feel the hurt of the one diagnosed so it directly does affect me i guess. My online friend found out she has breast cancer and is going through Chemo. She is more than a online friend we have been freinds for years and years I feel as if i know her on a whole new level then just though my computer. She is a mother and a fighter and its just not fair. I am fighting for Beth who is more than my computer buddy she has touched my heart in so many ways. When I found out she had BC I felt as if it was a part of my family. Please pray for her.
    .-= Tina (Mommys Kitchen)´s last blog ..Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball "Fun and Yummy" =-.

  12. First… that dish looks amazing. Yum.

    Second, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000 – she’s in remission and doing wonderfully, but there is a daily reminder of cancer in our lives.
    .-= SnoWhite´s last blog ..Sweet Potato Treats =-.

  13. My grandmother battled breast cancer and won. Then it came back worse than before and she lost her battle & I lost my grandmother at 6.

    I love that you are blogging for boobs this month. I wish I could remember the great woman that my grandmother was. Instead all I have are stories of her passed down from my parents & relatives.

  14. Looks delicious! Have you tried growing garlic? It’s supposed to be pretty easy, but our starters are still hanging in the garage. 😉
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..Mute Monday – Science =-.

  15. So this recipe is copied and is what I will be using on my next roast. I usually make on on Sunday (won’t be this week, I’ll be in Vegas *smile*) so it will have to be next weekend. I read this to my husband and he was like, “Yes, please”.

    I really don’t know what else I can say about breast cancer. The fact that I am watching my sister in law go through what she is has opened my eyes and definitely made me more aware. I do self checks regularly, and I have scheduled a mammogram for the 26th of this month. I don’t know if I would have every worried about any of it if it wasn’t so close to home. I mean I know that breast cancer is something I need to be aware of, just am more aware and cautious because of her circumstance.
    .-= RewritingKel´s last blog ..Blogging for Boobs – Day 8 =-.

  16. Oh, was going to tell you that the Cherry Me! full apron is my favorite: Cherry Me! S101-CME. I absolutely love cherries and this is simply adorable. All of the aprons are nice though but that one is my fave. 🙂
    .-= RewritingKel´s last blog ..Blogging for Boobs – Day 8 =-.

  17. Only my aunt has battled cancer among my close relatives, but she’s beaten it. It affects me the most when I think about my daughter and do research on the dangers of this and that…I’d like to avoid all of them for both of us, please.

    And about the recipe!!! I’ve bookmarked it, although it will probably be with the venison roast my brother gave us that’s begging to be thawed and peppered! Please consider linking this up to the Super Foods carnival at Kitchen Stewardship this Thursday – lots of super foods in this dish! (More details here:

    .-= Katie @ Kitchen Stewardship´s last blog ..Monday Mission: Consider Full Fat Dairy =-.

  18. I don’t like pot roast at all, but you make it look so yummy!!! Thanks for this recipe and so happy to see blogging for boobs is going well! I have the button on my sidebar hopefully that is helping spread the word a bit!! I admire your wonderful attitude and helpful nature!
    .-= Brandy´s last blog ..Yoplait Kids Less Sugar Giveaway =-.

  19. My mom got it when I was 10, right afer my dad left. It was a very scary, sad time for us! Luckily we had prayer and my grandma to pull us through it safely.

  20. I love this apron. My mother (deceased now), my 2 aunts, my 1st cousin, my mother’s first cousin, all have had mastectomies. This is a cause that is dear to my heart, er boobs. Thank you for doing this blog.

  21. My aunt and my friend’s mother were affected by Breast Cancer. Thankfully they are survivors because of early detection. Breast Cancer Awareness is so important to beating this disease.

  22. I also like the Pink Mocha Demi Style Apron. The recipe looks delicious. I would love to try to make it some time. Thanks for sharing.

  23. My best friends mom passed away almost a year ago and she was devastated, I was the only one who could speak at the funeral, all of her kids couldn’t even speak. we all miss her and think about her everyday. We are way more cautious now, and all of us a contributing to komen in any way we can.

  24. A family friend admitted to me that she had not gotten a mammogram in many years despite having the good fortune of having health insurance, something that millions of Americans unfortunately do not have access to. I told her to make an appointment and a month later she found out she had breast cancer. She survived but I don’t know what would’ve happened if she had waited any longer to get a check-up.

  25. My aunt is a breast cancer survivor. Watching her go through having a double mastectomy and chemo and getting up everyday looking at life in to most upbeat way made me realize that life is short and you need to live everyday as it was your last and love like you have never loved before. She is one of the people I look up to most in my life.

  26. My mom had breast cancer about 15 years ago. She has not had any other problems since then, thank goodness!! So, I will turn 34 this Halloween and I will start getting mammograms in the next year or so. I’m a little scared about this, I don’t know what to expect!!

    Love you website! I’m a southern girl from Nawlins, Looziana myself!!

  27. A former co-worker had breast cancer . She went through the whole treatment while holding down two jobs.
    Another former co-worker had a daughter who was my age and battled it two or three times. This young woman had two children who were not yet in double digit ages. The young woman died just before she turned 40.

  28. Yummy, can hardly wait to try the pot roast.
    Breast Cancer took my first cousins life, she left behind a husband and four children. Her death inspired my brother and his wife to start a foundation called the Healing Art Foundation.

  29. I have been blessed to not have any family members experience breast cancer. Many of my friends have though, and we’ve been working hard for the past few months to raise enough money for 2 of them to do the Breast Cancer 3 Day walk in Atlanta. I plan on volunteering at the walk – I think it’s going to be inspiring to see so many people walking for such a great cause.

  30. Got diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 38. It was the shock of my life since it was discovered during a routine gyn exam. Still here though 12 years later and very thankful. Spicy pot roast. Yum.

  31. I have had 2 relatives (an aunt and my grandmother) who had breast cancer. It was tramatic and inspiraing at the same time. Watching them suffer through chemo treatments was awful. But I was inspired by their strength.

  32. My best friend is a breast cancer survivor and she had to have a total removal. She has been cancer-free 6 years now and is the most positive, happiest, upbeat person i know.
    The recipe sounds and looks scrumptious!! I don’t know if my husband would like it, though.
    Happy Fall!

  33. Thanks for the recipe and the contest!! They both look delicious 🙂

    My husbands grandmother is a two time breast cancer survivor. She is 94 now and says she’s been ready to go home for ages and wishes God would just get on with it already. I’m personally glad He hasn’t though as each new story she tells me creates a deeper love and respect for her and all she’s lived through. She’s tough, and fiesty, and I wouldn’t have her any other way!!

    The pink demi apron is cute, and I’d love to win it for my daughter, but I absolutely LOVE the sheath style Avocado ala mode for me! It’s FANTASTIC!!
    .-= Sallie´s last blog ..The Mysterious Island 2 DVD Set — DVD Presale — 20% off =-.

  34. I have been very blessed not to have anyone in my life affected by breast cancer. I am 24, so I know that this will probably change at some point in my life but pray that it does not.

  35. I started working at age 14 and my first boss was a mentor to me. Twenty years later she died of breast cancer. Luckily it has not yet affected anyone in my immediate family.

  36. I’m a huge slob so I like the sheath style aprons for better coverage when I lift the beaters out of the batter without turning them off, and other dumb stuff like that. My favorite fabric is Avocado a la Mode.

  37. I’m sooo lucky that it hasn’t directly affected me (yet)..but I’ve seen how it affects family of aquaintances & only hope I can have their strength if it does


  38. That pot roast sounds really good! Definitely not your typical roast! My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer, and thankfully she fought through it.

  39. The pot roast looks great. Perfect food for the dreary chilly weather we’re having in Ohio. When I was 13 years old, my best friend’s mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy. I had spent a lot of time at their house, and was very close to the family. A few years later, her cancer returned, and she passed away. It was as if I’d lost a close relative, and my friend was her only daughter, so it was so sad to see what she went through. My mother died of cancer (not breast) at the age of 51, when I was just 21 years old. It’s a horrible disease, and I pray they find a way to prevent and cure it.
    .-= Amy Leach´s last blog ..Joshua Bell At Home With Friends =-.

  40. My great grandmother died of breast cancer as did my Aunt Margaret. I know they are making strides in cancer treatments but my prayer is that someday all cancers can be cured. My dad just died of pancreatic cancer.
    On a lighter note….the apron is beautiful:-)

  41. My grandmother is a breast cancer survivor (twice). I’m so thankful I still get to enjoy her and have her in my life since my great-grandmother passed away from breast cancer.

  42. YUM! Pot roast is one of our favorite meals also. I wonder if you could substitute a can of tomatoes instead of the fresh roma. Or would that be cheating?

    I have a cousin who had a mastectomy about a year ago due to cancer and my best friend lost her sister to it. I have abnormal cells in my breast that luckily aren’t cancerous but make me at a higher risk. I’m just finishing my 5th year of tamoxifen treatment.

    Thanks so much!

  43. Mmm, the pot roast looks awesome!
    We’ve had a lot of cancer in our family, but no breast cancer yet. However, we have had very good friends affected by it, and as a woman it of course hits close to home that it could happen to me.

  44. Breast cancer has effected my life when my friend was diagnosed. watching her lose her hair and having her breast removed. We need to find a cure, no woman should have to go thru this.

  45. I am lucky to have not had anyone I know personally affected by breast cancer. I am concerned about it though and do what I can to support research to find a cure.

  46. my grandmother was in her late 70’s or early 80’s when she had a mastectomy came right through it like a trooper

  47. I have lost many friends to breast cancer and one of my best friends is currently battling her second diagnosis.

  48. I like the pink mocha sheath apron. My mother had breast cancer about 5 years ago and since then has been in remission

  49. My mother passed way from breast cancer.I learned so much from her
    and the diease.Cancer took her body,but her spirit was untouched,She
    loved life and her family and let that carry her through the difficult
    times.We laughed,we joked and we cried but it was good because
    we had each other and the Lord held her hand.Now for the recipe,
    my mouth is watering,it looks so delicious and I am going to have it for
    dinner next week or maybe sooner

  50. The pot roast looks delicious. Can’t wait to try the recipe. Thanks. My sister was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

  51. My aunt died of breast cancer at 23. My parents raised her daughter as my sister, and it makes me so vigilant about my own health now that I’m 24.

  52. I am thankful to you for sharing this post with us. I have already been in research associated with this publish and discovered the actual publish at the proper time. We value for your own effort.

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