These Bourbon Balls from Aggie’s Kitchen are a delicious and easy holiday treat that will put you straight to the top of the nice list! 

Hey there! I’m Aggie from Aggie’s Kitchen and can I tell you how happy I am to be here sharing with you these holiday bourbon balls.

Southern Living Bourbon Balls

These bourbon balls are a classic holiday treat in my opinion. I remember my mom always making rum balls around the holidays when I was a kid…not sure if she let me actually ever try them or not, but I do remember helping her roll them up. A couple of years ago I picked up a copy of Southern Living’s Best Loved Cookies cookbook and was happy to come across this recipe for bourbon balls. I immediately knew I wanted to gift them to my husband’s coworkers and a few friends I was sure would enjoy these “adult cookies”.

To package them up I use mini muffin liners tucked into a cookie tin or box. You can use a piece of white or festive tissue paper to cover them before closing to keep them from moving around too much in the tin.

Bourbon Balls

Recipe slightly adapted from Southern Living Best Loved Cookies

Southern Living Bourbon Balls

Delicious and easy these Bourbon Balls are a delightfully adult treat that is both sweet and rich with a bit of a savoriness from the bourbon.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:5 minutes
Cook Time:10 minutes
Total Time:15 minutes


  • 1 12-oz. package vanilla wafers, finely crushed
  • 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons light corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup bourbon
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • Powdered sugar


  • Combine vanilla wafers, pecans, powdered sugar, and cocoa in a large bowl; stir well.
  • Combine corn syrup and bourbon, stirring well.
  • Pour bourbon mixture over wafer mixture; stir until blended. Shape into 1-inch balls; roll in additional powdered sugar.
  • Store in an airtight container up to 2 weeks.
Course: holiday craft along


Needless to say…these are quite easy to whip up. And anyone I have ever gifted them to has been very happy to receive them. Just make sure to keep them away from the kiddos!

Better yet…give the kiddos a batch of this Holiday Candy Mix and the whole family will be happy!

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  1. The bourbon balls are a perfect gift idea for all the adults on the Christmas list. I suppose you could change up the bourbon for another liquor too? Loving the look of the holiday candy mix for kids too (lots of adults would enjoy some too no doubt!)

  2. I would think rum would be a great substitute for bourbon…I’ve thought to experiment with rum and coconut this year! πŸ™‚ MMmmmmm

    That holiday candy is ADDICTING πŸ™‚

  3. LOVE this! A friend made me rum balls last year and…well…let’s just say they were enjoyed, heartily. πŸ˜‰ But bourbon is my drink of choice so this is definitely going to happen in my house this year! Thanks for sharing this recipe.

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