a bite of apple pie

I love Thanksgiving Dinner.Β  The Turkey (there’s NEVER enough leftovers) my Aunt Cyndie’s super delicious marshmallow topped sweet potatoes, the creamy, subtly spicy, savory, rich, deliciously amazing jalapeno corn pudding and the sour cream apple pie.

I am not traditionally a fan of apple pies, the cloying gooey sweetness of the filling and the traditionally dry, crispy, flaky crust.. nah… I’d rather save those calories for a glass of wine or a handful of Dove Dark Chocolate squares.

However, this… this recipe will knock your socks off.Β  It is crispy, crunchy, savory, with just the right amount of sweet and a bit of savory from the sour cream filling and the granny smith apples… try it.Β  It’s simple, delicious and I promise that you’ll never look at apple pie the same way again.


Step By Step Picture Directions πŸ™‚

1. Heat oven to 400 F.
2. Place pie crust in a 9″ glass pie plate as directed on the box.
3. In a large bowl, beat all filling ingredients (except apples) together with a wire whisk until well blended.
4. Fold in apples and mix until well coated
5. Pour into the crust lined pie platesour cream apple pie filling
6. Cover the edges of the pie crust with strips of foil to prevent burning
7. Bake 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 F and bake 30 more minutes.

8. While the pie is baking, mix all topping ingredients (except butter).sour cream apple pie topping

Cut in butter, using a Pastry blender, or if like me you don’t have one.. use a fork, you want the mixture to resemble coarse crumbs; refrigerate until ready to use.

9. Sprinkle the topping over pie; bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until the topping is golden brown.Β Β  During the last 5 minutes remove the foil strips to get the crust edges golden brown sour cream apple pie in oven

If you have a broiler or a broil setting on your oven, set it to Lo and broil for a few minutes to add a nice caramelization to the topping.

This pie is almost better the next day, sliced and heated in the microwave.Β  That gives the topping the chance to get all ooey gooey and crispy and the filling to blend that much better.Β  Top with Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla and it is the perfect Thanksgiving Dessert Recipe.

The Best Apple Pie Ever

In honor of Thanksgiving, giving, sharing blessings and Turkey… I’ve been offered a few $15 Butterball Turkey Checks to give to a few readers. (why yes, I am getting one too… thankyouverymuch)

In order to be entered to win one, just share your favorite Thanksgiving recipe or memory here and I’ll use random.org to choose the winners.Β  Due to time constraints.. this contest runs from NOW until 11:59 PM CST November 10, 2009.Β  The winner will have 24 hours to get back to me or someone else will be chosen.

If you’re linking up. THANK YOU!Β  Sign MckLinky with your recipe URL, leave a comment, visit others and make sure that you link back here in your post so that others can share in the fun!


Gobble Gobble! Turkey Winners

Congratulations to the Butterball Turkey Check Winners (and thanks to Butterball for giving me these checks to make other’s Thanksgivings a little brighter and tastier)

The Winners:

#2> Liz from Hoosier Homemade

#19> Melissa Donahue

#13> Malia from Live Laugh Love

#20 Stephanie


  1. I’m not a fan of apple pie but that looks pretty darn good.

    My favorite thanksgiving recipe is my stuffing…but I couldn’t quantify it easily. But I can share that my “secret” ingredients are apples and portabella mushrooms. But the best part of thanksgiving is the left overs! I never understand all of these magazines with recipes to disguise your leftovers – we eat them happily until they are gone!
    .-= Michelle Smiles´s last blog ..Pumpkin bread =-.

  2. I love the sounds of your apple pie -something different which I have been trying this last week. I’m not sure what my favorite Thanksgiving recipe is – maybe the sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows because don’t usually have them.
    .-= Vickie´s last blog ..Taco Lasagna =-.

  3. This pie looks AWESOME. I’m trying this one on my dad, the apple pie fan.

    My favorite Thanksgiving recipe is my Grandma Grace’s Pineapple Fluff. Thanksgiving day was the only day of the year it was made and I completely associate Thanksgiving with her and her Fluff. I’ve been making it for my husband’s family now for 15 years and every Thanksgiving they all ask to make sure I’m bringing the Fluff!
    .-= amy2boys´s last blog ..Candied Sweet Potatoes =-.

  4. I’ve linked this recipe before on MM before, Crunchy Caramel Apple Pie, http://livelaughlove95.wordpress.com/2009/09/14/crunchy-caramel-apple-pie/

    That’s my favorite Thanksgiving *dessert*.

    It would be rather hard to pick my favorite Thanksgiving meal recipe. My mom’s dressing would be the top contender, but it’s not a real “recipe”. In other words, it’s not written down anywhere, she just makes it up as she goes along. One of these days, I’ll have to write it down for the sake of posterity! πŸ˜‰
    .-= Malia´s last blog ..Butternut Squash Soup =-.

  5. Would you believe that my favorite Thanksgiving memory involves raw sewage and screaming babies?
    .-= Joie´s last blog ..SAD in Suburbia =-.

  6. I love your blog and wish I had a great recipe. My older relatives never wrote their great ones down…..I try to recreate, but, the dishes are never the same. I am going to make this pie though. It looks delicious!! Thanks!

  7. My favorite thanksgiving memory is when I was pregnant with my 1st daughter. I was determined to cook my 1st thanksgiving dinner and i was so exhausted after waking up early & doing everything myself that I fell asleep. It was the best after nap meal EVER.

  8. My favorite thing from thanksgiving is my moms lime green jello with red del. Apples and pecans in it. The BEST! Also love her rolls… Slathered in butter. I’m going to miss being home this year for thanksgiving

  9. My favorite memory is running around town to buy a dinning room table so we could host our first thanksgiving. The table was small but everyone crowded around and i silently gave thanks for 0% financing, LOL
    .-= Erin´s last blog ..Awe look a baby (and some TMI) =-.

  10. My best Thanksgiving memory has yet to happen. It will this year. My brother made poor decisions when he was younger & went to jail. This year will be the first time in several years that we will all be together! He’s first true holiday with my husband & our girls too! We all have lots of years to make up for. I can’t wait!!

  11. That looks YUMMY, I think I will try it this year!

    My favorite recipe is the one from my Aunt – her magical Green Stuff. A super easy recipe, super yummy, but for years we cousins all thought that it was made by fairies in the middle of the night!! I was so thankful she passed the recipe on to me before she passed away a couple years ago.
    .-= pgoodness´s last blog ..Cloudy =-.

  12. My favorite Thanksgiving memory I get to relive every year πŸ™‚ My oldest daughter was a turkey baby. She was born the day before Thanksgiving in 1998. So every year we talk about her birth and the dead goats. I’m gonna blog about that one…
    .-= Micki @addhousewife´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday=Nov 9 =-.

  13. My favorite thanksgiving memory is the first year I got to host and cook dinner for my entire family. It was that day, that moment that I realized why thanksgiving is so special, its now my fave holiday!!

    That apple pie looks amazing!

  14. I have no recipe just yet, but OHMYGOD YUM. I think I’ll be trying this one out, especially since I have a BRAND NEW KITCHEN AID MIXER! WOOT!

    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Scalding: Part Deux =-.

  15. This recipe actually looks pretty good. I’m not much of one for apple pie, but I might try this recipe this year (My anniversary falls on thanksgiving this year, and I’m looking for some ideas) Anyway, in response to your giveaway, it’s not quite my fondest or even necessarily a favorite memory, but it’s actually a thanksgiving I will never forget. Warning: this story may be a little gross, so if you’re squeamish, then you may want to stop reading. So on thanksgiving when I was only about 13 years old, I was in the kitchen helping my mother prepare for the feast, and my sister was also helping out. I had stepped away from the food to take a break and started talking to my sister about something while she was still preparing food. I believe we started fighting about something (I don’t remember that part,) but then all of a sudden she needed to sneeze…but she was preparing food so she turned her head away, and ACHOOO…I look down, and all I see is the biggest woogie I’ve EVER seen…on my HAND….GROSSSSSSSSS!!!! LOL. I can’t believe I just told that story, but it’s true! I hope I didn’t gross anyone out, but that was one of the best stories from thanksgiving that I have I hope I don’t get my comment edited out. Good Luck everyone!
    .-= Erica´s last blog ..HHH: Mood =-.

  16. I am a HUGE fan of apple pies…in any form. I haven’t tried it with sour cream though. That sounds like a lovely addition. I will have to try this!
    .-= Momisodes´s last blog ..You spin me right round =-.

  17. So, I just masacred an apple pie a few weeks ago, and it bummed me out, as I really wanted to get into the whole pie thing this time of year. I think the biggest disappointment was the topping.


    I am pretty psyched to try this out, I love crunchy, and this is so right up my alley.
    .-= Brittany´s last blog ..I am pretty sure MySpace is like the mafia, only with less shooting people in the face. =-.

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