
or “Snickering Doodles” as Princess calls them is one of our family’s favorite cookies.

Cinnamon and Sugar Snickerdoodle Cookies | A Southern Fairytale


Sweet buttery cookies, rolled in cinnamon-sugar, slow baked to a chewy-crisp perfection, and then sprinkled with a bit more cinnamon-sugar just as they’re removed from the oven to finish them off.


oodles of snickerdoodles | A Southern Fairytale

Snickerdoodles have been declared to be the Matthews family cookie.  The second these are out of the oven little hands – and big ones – start hovering around the kitchen, waiting for me to turn my back so they can snatch a cookie.

This is my favorite cookie to make with the kids because the ingredients are simple and they can be actively involved in the whole process. Princess and Monkey both love to roll the dough and cover them in the ‘sprinkles’.

helping hands rolling snickerdoodles

those little freckled hands, y’all!

Snickerdoodles are so easy to make, and they’re a perfect cookie to get the kids involved in the kitchen with you since they’re literally a hands-on cookie!


Snickerdoodles are a delicious and easy cookie, perfect to make with the kids, and always a family favorite! They're buttery, chewy, and the perfect blend of sweet and spice.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:15 minutes
Cook Time:13 minutes
Total Time:28 minutes


  • 1 Cup butter 2 full sticks
  • 1 Cup granulated white sugar
  • 2/3 Cup Dark Brown Sugar
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 Cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • Cinnamon-Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Granulated White Sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon


  • In a large mixing bowl; cream the butter until fluffy; add in the sugars and cream together.
  • Add in the eggs and vanilla; scrape the sides and bottom and then cream together
  • In an another large bowl; combine the flour, salt, baking soda, and cream of tartar
  • Add the flour mixture to the butter/sugar mixture 1 cup at a time - blending thoroughly between each addition.
  • Cover the bowl and chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to 2 hours
  • Pre-heat the oven to 300°F
  • Mix together the Cinnamon-Sugar mixture in a bowl and set aside
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
  • Pinch a bit of cookie dough between your fingers and roll into a 1/4" to 1/2" ball, roll this in the cinnamon sugar mixture and place on the baking sheet.
  • Repeat this process - placing the dough about 1' to 1 1/2" apart on the baking sheet
  • Bake for 12 to 13 minutes
  • Cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes; then remove to a cooling rack to cool completely
  • Store in a sealed container for up to a week (insert laugh here.. as if they'll last that long)


Don't forget to take into account the 30 minutes to 1 hour chill time.
Servings: 3 to 4 dozen
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale


On the left are 1/2″ rolled snickerdoodles, lightly pressed down; the right are 1/4″ snickerdoodles, no pressing

rolled and pressed snickerdoodles versus rolled and non-pressed snickerdoodles 

I prefer the 1/4″ rolled snickerdoodle with no pressing, as opposed to the 1/2″ rolled lightly pressed snickerdoodle, as I get more cookies, and they’re a bit chewier and puffier 🙂  Smaller cookies mean you can eat more, right? 🙂

Easy and Delicious Homemade Snickerdoodles

I give two warnings.

1. They are highly addictive and may cause neighbors and friends to spontaneously appear on your doorstep.

2. Beware of sneaky monkeys.


This recipe originally appeared on A Southern Fairytale on September 7, 2008.  I have updated the pictures and the printable recipe.

Here are the pictures that appeared on the original post



  1. Any cookie (or anything) with cinnamon in it – I LOVE – YUM! I need to make these – Alexis luvs cookies – me too!

    Have a good Monday, Rachel – see you soon – Kellan

  2. I totally KNEW that those were the cookies that the monkey was stealing in your last post.

    Off to check my pantry to see if I have the right ingredients.

  3. I man when I saw Monkey stealing those in Weekly Winners, I was thinking those looked scrumptious!!!

    On another note, I love saying cream of tartar. Weird, I know.


  4. I sure was hoping there would be a recipe for this one! Just need some cream of tartar and these bad boys are mine.

  5. I am SOOO making those tomorrow with the peapod squad. We have a playdate tomorrow morning so I’ll pick up the ingredients on the way home. Yummmmmmy!

  6. I have been busier than crap on a cracker, but smack dab in the middle of my day I thought, “It’s Monday! I MUST see what Rachel is up to!” Of course, as always, everything appears delicious!

  7. Oh, this recipe is so on. Seriously, I don’t really do the whole kitchen thing, but I’m willing to give it a try for these. If I blow something up, at least I’ll have something to blog about.

  8. I may personally hold you responsible for the weight I gain this winter.

    Girl, you’ve got some of the best recipes and photos of them on the web.

  9. I see these cookies in books and think, I could touch these cookies with my midas cooking touch and make them.

    But then I see there is no chocolate in the cookie whatsoever and that seems so very wrong.

  10. Those are my dad’s favorite cookies and both times I’ve tried to make them (using different recipes each time), they’ve come out as CRUNCHY lumps (stayed mostly balled up). Yours look nice and flat and chewy and I’m TOTALLY gonna try that recipe! YUM YUM YUM!!

  11. Those look amazing! My husband looooves Snickerdoodle cookies, so I’m sure I will be using this recipe soon! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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