I had so much fun with last week’s Saturday Smorgasbord, I thought I’d do it again this week.

Up first:

It is all about Lotus, our very own Sarcastic Mom she and her darling hubs and gorgeous always naked son are in a bad spot. A deadly mold filled rental house. They
need help getting out and moving on up. Sing it with me now! Okay, anywhoo, the blogosphere being the fabulous place that is some awesome women have gotten together and created a whole movement to benefit Lotus and her family in their time of need. Want to find out how you can help? Click here
Want to display this darling button? Replace all the ( and ) with and you’re set.
(a href=”http://awholelotofnothing.net/lotus-hofosho/”)(img src=”https://southern-fairytale.com/wp-content/uploads/bp3.blogger.com/albums/p202/redray19/lotusface.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket”)(/a)

Next up:
The Tax Swap
My fellow Texan and adorable Anglophile, Holly, has teamed up with another awesome blogger, DC days to bring us this adorable tax swap idea. Go read up, sign up and then have some snail mail delivered fun and make some friends, too!

One of my very favorite bloggers, Jenni had some fabulous news to share this week! She’s preggers! That’s right, there’s going to be a new ‘pecker’ (her term, not mine) at the Chicken House! Go over and tell her congratulations on her pregnancy and check out all her frugal awesomeness at Just Chicken Feed

In more baby news, Mrs. Chicken, another one of my favorite people to stalk read has announced that they’re having a boy! Congratulations!! Boys are so fun. Pop over there and wish her congratulations and if you have any raising boys advice, she’d love some and I’ll listen too!

In more blogosphere fun, the superb Sarah has devised this awesomeness called The Great Blog Hunt. It is essentially a treasure hunt around the blogosphere. I’ve signed up along with some of my other favorites to be involved and I think it is going to be absolutely fabulous! Sarah is also the goddess behind Organized Mom and The Daily Home Planner. If you have not discovered her yet, you are truly missing out.

I received two amazing awards from two ladies whom I adore and respect greatly and I am so honored by them.

The supremely amazing Amy thinks I’m Fabulous and I must say, I’m flattered. I think she’s pretty fabulous too.

I am passing this award on to Chelsea at PB&J in a bowl She is sharp, smart, funny and adorable. Go. Now. Visit. Show her love!! The Royal Banana Lady commands you. stop rolling your eyes

The super sweet and darling HolleeAnn at TheVasquez3 gave me this darling award:


I want to share this award with Mrs. Flinger, because I great big puffy heart her and her blog.


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with this smorgasbord. On one hand it’s just fabulous. On the other, it’s just too fabulous. My reader is already going to explode. Now, because of your rave reviews and intriguing comments about other blogs, I will have to add them to my reader. Ergh.

  2. awwh cute post. i popped over from the buzz. did you hear my big ole “awwwhhh” when you said, “I great big puffy heart her and her blog”? that was adorable. greetings from kathleen in anchorage alaska 🙂 and the buzz

  3. Wow, you put in a lot of work on the weekend…my blog just languishes. *sigh* I am both jealous and inspired.

  4. Congrats on the bling and the links 🙂 I’ll surely have to check those out. Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday!

  5. congrats! I read your twitter about the comments, and my comment love has been low today also. 🙂 Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend.

  6. Ahhh!!! It’s totally mutual. I’d have to give it right back to you as a big puffy heart YOU award. Seriously. Muwha!

  7. Thanks for the info on the great blog hunt. When I read about it the other day, I inquired with Sarah and now I’m on the list. Forgot to pop back over and say thanks!

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