

How is that possible?

Even as I type the words, I can’t believe it.

Even after you came barreling into my bedroom this morning at 4:45AM

(thank-you-very-much) screaming –

“It’s my birthday!!! I’m SIX TODAY!”


I still can’t believe that it’s been six years since I first held you in my arms.

Since you changed our lives forever.


Monkey, 2 hours old


How is it possible that six years has passed since you were a minutes old teeny tiny 6lb baby??

How did that teensy baby turn into THIS in what I would swear on a stack of bibles wasn’t more than a minute?


and this


and this


in just the blink of an eye?

I can’t believe that six years has passed since we brought you home


Every day with you is a new adventure…


a new story waiting to unravel


a new reason to smile and be thankful



My sweet darling boy, our lives haven’t been the same since you came into them.

You are a fireball, a bundle of energy and heart and passion and excitement and pure life.

You don’t let a moment pass you by, you’ve never met a stranger and you love and laugh with everything you have.

I am so blessed to be your Mama.

You make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me smile, you make me want to bang my head against a wall – – –

You make me proud.

I love you so much.


Happy 6th birthday Monkey!




Thank you, Hallmark, for choosing me as one of their “Life Is A Special Occasion” bloggers and allowing my life and stories to be a part of their Life is A Special Occasion program. While I am compensated for my work with Hallmark as a Life is A Special Occasion ambassador, everything posted is original and real and from our life


  1. Happy birthday little man. You can see how much joy you bring into so many people’s lives just by reading your Mama’s post. Praying a year filled with adventure, excitement and beautiful surprises. God bless you with His Best this year and always.

    Have an extra big slice of cake because it’s your special day (Uhm actually yesterday was….but that still counts ;>)

    1. Thank you so much Marina! He had several cupcakes and a GIANT Volcano cake from the Rainforest Cafe 😉 🙂

      SO excited for you, friend! Congrats on your win!!!

      1. – These are absolutely stnnuing, Alisia! You did a fantastic job capturing so many of the intimate details from their special day. I am especially in love with the shot of the newlyweds with all the beautiful bokeh from the lights in the background.

  2. I have had the pleasure of watching you grow to be 6 yrs old (through your mother’s blog) & I have loved reading about all the experiences you have made on your family’s life, with your family & I wish I could harness some of your energy.. May God bless you with many more birthday’s to come & bless your family as well. Blessings & love Janice Maiolatesi

  3. Hip Hip Horray for SEPT 20 Birthdays! That is my birthday too : ) He is going to grow up to be a special young man. My granddaughter is 6. It is an age to treasure! When you are in the middle of it with your own children some days it is hard to see the wonder. Sounds like You are catching it by the tail of your little monkey 🙂 enjoy something in each day. When my kids were little I think a lot of days we forgot to laugh and just enjoy each other because there is so much to do. You have a very sweet family. Janita

  4. I can echo every single word of your post – except try adding “teen” behind the “six”. That’s what I’m facing and I’m just not used to it. You never loose sight of the baby that was in your arms, no matter how unshaven and teen-agey they get.

    Beautiful boy.


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