Wednesday I shared my absolutely tonguegasmic Toasted Mini Baguettes with Turkey, Swiss Cheese and Caramelized Onions recipe that I created using Sister Schubert’s new Mini Baguettes, and in November I shared the Turkey Salad Stuffed Soft Pretzel Rolls Recipe with y’all.

2 Sweet Caramelized Onion Turkey Baguette Sandwiches

Today, along with the fabulous people at Sister Schubert’s, I’m thrilled to announce that two of y’all have the opportunity to WIN a Sister Schubert’s gift basket of deliciousness.

Sister Schuberts Bread Basket

Included in this goodie basket

  • a lovely bread basket and Sister Schubert’s linen napkin (pictured above) rolls not included
  • a Lenox Stainless butter knife – gorgeous!
  • That amazing Sister Schubert’s branded cutting board that you see in the photo below and featured in my sandwich recipe post
  • TWO coupons for your choice of Sister Schubert’s Products (I’m partial to the mini baguettes and the dinner yeast rolls – drool)
  • a Sister Schubert’s branded apron (I don’t know about y’all, but I can never have too many aprons, especially full length ones with pockets)
  • and … and… AND – Sister Schubert’s Cookbook – Cast Your Bread Upon The Waters – Recipes for Success, Cooking & Living

Y’all – I drooled all over this cookbook, the pictures are GORGEOUS


and the recipes… oh. my. word. y’all! NOM NOM NOM

There are recipes for Sausage Rolls, that Pound Cake pictured up there, Mama’s SourDough Bread, White Chocolate Banana Roll Pudding and even one called The Best Appletini.  I could (and have) spend hours looking through this cookbook, reading the recipes, drooling over the photographs and reading Sister’s notes.

Scattered throughout the book are anecdotes, tips, hints, and even do’s and don’ts from Sister herself – I can easily see this cookbook being a wonderful wedding gift, birthday present, or a just because gift for any budding chef in your life.

I have never made any sort of homemade bread (and why would I need to when I can buy hers and they are SO SO SO good) however this book makes is inspiring me to put that on my MUST DO in 2012 list!

So here’s the deal – want to win this goodie basket of deliciousness (of course you do!)

  • MANDATORY  first entry:  What is your family’s favorite meal to share and which of Sister Schubert’s breads do you think would best complement that meal?
  • BONUS entry: Tweet this giveaway and share the twitter URL in the comments
  • BONUS entry: What is your favorite part of getting the family together to share a meal?

Each entry must be left in a separate comment.  There are 3 possible entries per person.  This Contest will be open from December 30th to 11:59 PM December 31st, 2011.  The winner will have 24 hours to respond before another person will be chosen.


Congratulations to our 2 winners!

  • Comment: Angela England says My favorite part of getting together for dinner is that we are all TOGETHER. I didn’t realize how much my kids had become used to us having meals together until Vivian was born and I spent some days in bed having meals in my room….My oldest son brought me a plate of food one evening and said “Mommy. When are you going to eat with US again? I miss you being in your seat.” *laughing* It really IS the little things sometimes.
  • Comment: conniemelancon says my favorite part of spending the meal together just everyone being together at the same time!

I am one of eight bloggers selected by Sister Schubert’s Homemade Rolls to review their products.  I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program as well as my writing about my experience.  I have also been provided products for review.  However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.


  1. My family loves the sister shubert dinner rolls {quick and easy out of the freezer section} they go with EVERYTHING. We also like to use them as bread for our sliders ; ) Perfect size.

  2. My family’s favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs. Sister Schubert’s yeast rolls would go perfectly with that meal. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  3. Eating a meal with my family, especially dinner, is a time when we relax and enjoy good food. We talk about our day and just spend time together. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. favorite meal is definitely roast chicken (making it tonight, in fact!)… the dinner rolls would be a great compliment!

  5. Our favorite meal is grilled steaks served with mushroom-wine sauce and a side of potatoes and salad. I think the baguettes would be just about perfect with that meal.

  6. my favorite part of getting the family together to share a meal is the fun conversation that always comes about. you just can’t predict what crazy topic will come up!

  7. My kids love lasagna and it’s such an easy dish to share with others by cooking it in a portable dish. Dinner yeast rolls brushed with melted butter and garlic powder would be…yum. 🙂

  8. My favorite part of getting together for dinner is that we are all TOGETHER. I didn’t realize how much my kids had become used to us having meals together until Vivian was born and I spent some days in bed having meals in my room….My oldest son brought me a plate of food one evening and said “Mommy. When are you going to eat with US again? I miss you being in your seat.” *laughing* It really IS the little things sometimes.

  9. Our family loves chili…it’s one of the meals we make that we know every one will gobble down! The Sister Schubert Soft Multi Grain rolls would be the perfect accompaniment!

  10. My favorite thing about our family eating dinner together is how much my kids clearly enjoy it. They are disappointed when it can’t happen! 🙂

  11. My family’s favorite meal to share is a brunch, with my Spinach Custard Tart. And I think Sister Schubert’s Blueberry Rolls would best complement that meal! YUM YUM!

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  12. My favorite part of getting the family together to share a meal is sharing the good food that we all love, which nourish our body and soul. I love the conversation that we shared at the meal as well.

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  13. We serve Sunday dinner for our family every week, and we are on a rotation between Sister Schubert’s Yeast Rolls and Parker House Rolls. They are my kids’ favorite part of the meal; the daughter loves the Yeast Rolls best, and the son loves the Parker House better. My favorite would be hard to pick, but I do love to have a good yeast roll with my Roasted Chicken.

    I cannot wait to put these items to use in our weekly family celebration!!!

  14. My favorite part of gathering the family, well…let me just say that I do not take it for granted anymore. When my sister missed Christmas two years ago because of a Leukemia diagnosis, I became painfully aware of how important family gatherings are. I did get to spend last Christmas with her, and did not miss a moment of it. This Christmas Eve I held her hand as she prepared to spend her first Christmas in heaven. I gathered my family on Christmas Day, over way more food than we could eat, and everything seemed better somehow.

  15. Eating the dinner together gets everyone the ability to catch up with what has been going on with other members of the family.

  16. I love the Parker House Style Rolls – these would be perfect for any dinner what is served with gravy like our ham on christmas

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  17. Her Parker House rolls go with any evening meal but we especially love it with beef stew. They are great to sop up the rest of the stew left in the bowl.

  18. Our favorite family meal is meatloaf, mashed potatoes, sautéed spinach, and Sister Schubert yeast rolls. It’s the only meal where everyone eats everything with no complaining.

  19. Hmm, the mandatory one is hard as my family has never really been a bread family. Never did starches at dinner, and that sorta continues with me when I cook dinner. As for sharing, it’s usually a holiday meal – think Passover or Yom Kippur or Thanksgiving. For the first, well, no bread, but the second would be cinnamon or orange rolls (breaking of the fast is always breakfast at dinner) and for T-Day, I’d go with pretzel rolls.

    And my favorite part of family get togethers? Arguing!! 😀

  20. We started going around the table every night telling each other “What we did that day.” Now my 5YO asks “What did you do today?” as soon as we sit down.

  21. Our favorite meal to share is penne pasta with vodka marinara sauce! I think the pretzel rolls might be good with that! Want a reason to try them, in any case!

  22. My favorite part about getting the family together to share a meal are the conversations that happen. People open up over food. There’s always laughter. And those times when we linger at the table after the meal is finished and just talk, with no one rushing out to do something else or head to an event are simply precious, precious times.

  23. We purchase the 30 count yeast dinner rolls at Sam’s so that we can eat them with any meal. Favorite, though, is usually the gravy that goes with the roast beef, for sopping.

  24. The favorite part is just having the kids and grandkids together at one time, since they’re fairly scattered across the state.

  25. I have a lasagna that I make whenever I need to take it to a sick family, neighbor, etc. I always double it and sometimes even make 4 at once for the freezer. The baguettes would be perfect for it.

  26. My favorite part of getting together is actually having all my “chicks” in the nest and the safe feeling that provides. I also love seeing them enjoy new recipes I have tried or their favorites from home.

  27. All of us love roast beef (aka roasted beast; yes I have boys, why do you ask?) So, the yeast dinner rolls probably would work best for us. However, after looking at the website, I see they have cnnamon, orange and blueberry rolls! Why are these not in our store?? I shall investigate. Of course we can get the SS pigs in a blanket and those aren’t listed, so I guess I better not get too pushy with the grocery manager! 🙂

  28. The best part of eating together is hearing what everyone has to say about their day or their plans for tomorrow.

  29. My fsvorite meal to share is turkey ala king and I would love to have soft dinner rolls with it. I love to share meals with friends and family, there is so much love at the dinner table.

  30. I came up with a wonderful dish that I call creamy chiken Lasagne and everyone who has tasted it has loved it and it is my favorite thing to share

  31. I think the mini baguettes would be a great choice for my dish. I love to be able to spend quality time with my daughter and nieces because they are all about to be off to college.

  32. I love Sister Shubert’s and I use them for lots of meals. My favorite is Thanksgiving which we celebrate every year with Sister Shubert’s Dinner Rolls.


  34. My familys favorite meal would be my grandpas homeade spagetti and meathalls with the parker house rolls. He is no longer with us but I always work hard to make the recipe come out as great as he did.

  35. The best part of family dinners is when all of the extended family shows up and talks about past funny memories. There is nothing greater than laughter around the dinner table.

  36. We love to share a great vegetarian chili and I bet those soft pretzel rolls would be fantastic with it. I’ve not seen them in stores, but will keep looking as I really want to try them.

  37. Sharing family meals is great for just catching up on everyone’s news and creating new memories that will be shared the next time we all get together.

  38. Our favorite meal would be roast, mashed potatoes and green beans and I would like to try the pretzel rolls with it!

  39. My favorite part of getting everyone together for meals is to catch up and have everyone slow down and be in one place at the same time!

  40. fun to be together and catch up with what is going on in each other’s life especially since my son went off to college

  41. Our favorite meal to share is lasagna and I like to serve Sister Schubert’s parker house style rolls with it. The ones that come in the little circular aluminum pans. They are my absolute favorite!

  42. My favorite part about sharing a meal with family is the togetherness. Catching up with what is going on in each other’s lives and sharing laughs.

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