
Last week, I told y’all about how I was partnering up with Bush’s Beans to host a grillin’ cookout with my friends to celebrate good food, good friends and family.

Last week, I was buying barbecue shaped invitations and red white and blue decorations in anticipation of this cookout.

This week, our family was shattered by loss.

I contacted Edelman to let them know that I wasn’t going to be able to uphold my end of the contract.  That today, instead of hosting a cookout and serving Bush’s Grillin’ Beans and pork chops and chicken and vinaigrette potato salad and watermelon coolers –we would be planning a memorial service, going through family pictures – laughing, crying and simultaneously rejoicing the life and mourning the passing of a very much loved husband, son, father, grandfather, friend.

I told them in no uncertain terms that I understood that I was voiding our contract, I would send them back the check – but the gift card had been spent on decorations.

It took virtually no time for them to get back to me and let me know that they and Bush’s understood, were sorry for our loss and absolutely still wanted to work with me when it was convenient for my family.

This may not sound like a big deal but, I want y’all to know that it is.

There are many companies out there that would have said ‘thank you and we’re sorry but, we have time constraints, contracts and deadlines.

Bush’s and Edelman — did not.

Bush’s and Edelman sympathized with my family and our loss – they sent beautiful flowers and a lovely card.

They won my family’s heart and thanks.

I am proud to still work with this company (Bush’s and Edelman) – I’m excited that I’ll still get to celebrate life with my friends and family — just a bit later than planned and I’ll still get to give y’all the chance to win your own Grillin’ Cookout kit.


yes, I will still be paid to work with them and to host this cookout and giveaway and share my thoughts about their delicious Grillin’ Beans – however, I do it now with a stronger devotion to them and an understanding that their Family Company appearance is not just a good marketing campaign, it truly is who they are.  A family company that truly understands and supports the importance of Family.


  1. Rachel, I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope it’s an uplifting weekend for you and your family as you sort through memories. And what a cool story about Bush’s! I’m glad you shared that.

    1. Thank you, Shelly — it has been a weekend filled with tears and laughter and memories and heartache and smiles.

      I thought it was definitely something that needed to be shared. 🙂 The good should definitely be more celebrated.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure it has been a difficult week. I have loved working with Bush’s Beans and Edelmans and it is great to hear that they understood your situation.

  3. I’m so sorry for your loss.

    I have always been impressed with Bush’s as a company & have used their products for years. This really seals the deal. Thank you for sharing their reaction – what a great company!

  4. Rachel – I am so incredibly sorry for your loss!!

    How wonderful that Bush’s and Edelman are being so understanding and accommodating! I love Edelman and I have to say, I am not at ALL surprised they responded so compassionately. And now, I will just have to go buy a whole bunch of Busch’ beans to say thanks to them too! 🙂

  5. Rachel, I think it’s really nice how they reacted too. But I think it’s really important to note that it started with you and your straightforward, and honest approach. Sure they could’ve been all corporate-y, but you being who you are and approaching it as you did – that started the magic – they just followed your lead I think. God bless you and your family, I know of the loss the family, I can think of no person better than you for a family to have around at a time like this.

  6. I’m so sorry for you loss. I have been buying Bush’s beans for a long time and glad to hear I support a company that cares about more than making money.

  7. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my prayers.

    This alone would make me try Bush’s products if we didn’t already buy them. I used to work with some of the Edelman folks when I was writing the Toy Test feature for the magazine I’ve always found them easy to work with. I hope you get to enjoy your barbecue soon 🙂

  8. With all that you and your family have gone through these past several months and what you are going through right now, for you to take the time to acknowledge the wonderful understanding and heartfelt gesture done by the people at Bush Beans speaks volumes to your great strength of character and very giving heart.
    Bless you and your family during this difficult time and kudos to the caring folks at Bush Beans.

  9. it’s good to know there are companies that really care. xoxo to your family in this difficult time.

  10. Rachel,
    Thank you for taking the time to share this, especially when you have so very many other responsibilities to take care of with your family. It is important to take this time to celebrate the life of your father-in-law and share wonderful memories with those who loved him best. Your family has been lifted up in prayer and I know that God will surround you with His peace and love. I will look forward to your BBQ post later, but am glad that Bush’s and Edelman care about real people, not just their money. Wishing you peace and comfort.

  11. I just came across to your blog through a referral from my sister and I really enjoyed your entries and have joined your following.

    I am so sorry for you loss, it isn’t much of a condolensce and it can’t replace who you’ve lost, but my heart goes out to you in this difficult time. I am glad that you were able to continue working the company and have to admit that I am surprised at how courteous they were. This is definitely a plus for them in my book.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss. Very impressive how Bush’s handled your situation. As a lover of their beans, I will continue to be loyal. I like to hear that companies have heart too!

  13. Just wanted to say sorry for your loss. Danny seemed like an absolutely amazing man. Prayers are with you and yours. Many of us sympathize and understand this kind of loss. There is not one of us who is not been touched by the loss of one who is precious to us. So we stand together and support and love one another doing those times. It’s nice to know that a company can have heart as well. Peace and love be with you.

  14. Sorry for your loss. I appreciate you sharing this story the way you have. It’s nice to hear there are companies that have real “value”. tfs!

  15. Oh my goodness, I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’m on the Grillin’ Team too and was stopping by to leave you a comment on your cookout post and saw this…I agree that Bush’s really IS a family/quality company that really does value what matters most. This is a perfect example…this brought me to tears. I hope that the healing has begun for you & your family and I’ll be back to show you support! ~Blessings to you & your family.

  16. Dear Rachel, We’ve been keeping you and your family in our prayers. It is so good to know that the B &E companies have been so supportive and understanding. That makes things that much less stressful for you and says a lot about them. I know I’ll be buying more of their products to help support them since they support those who need it. Blessings,, LAURA

  17. Oh, Rachel I am so sorry for your loss. I have been out of the loop for a while and just checked in and saw that your family has lost Danny.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    As far as Bush’s goes, my family LOVES their beans. ALL OF THEM. Now, I will have a particularly good feeling when buying them. What wonderful people!

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