June 2, 2001

Seven Years Ago. The day I became Mrs. A Southern Fairytale.
Do you know what I remember?
I remember Ten years ago walking by the San Marcos River in December with the Christmas Lights twinkling like diamonds in the black night and steam rising off the river, wearing your jacket, our breath clouding in the air before us. I remember holding your hand with butterflies in my stomach as you told me that you wanted it to be just us. Only us. Exclusively us.
I remember 1 1/2 years later sitting in my pajamas with a lime green cast on my left arm studying for finals, you in the recliner in a towel asking me to marry you and me thinking you were kidding, then realizing you were serious and failing my final the next day.
I remember walking down the aisle with my dad. Looking at you and thinking, “Yes”
I remember 1 1/2 years later sitting in a bathroom in our first house looking at those two pink lines and thinking, “holy shit”.
Me asking if you were ready to be a Daddy and your whole face lighting up.
I remember tears in your eyes when you found out it was a girl.
2 1/2 years later, I remember tears in your eyes when you found out it was a boy.
I remember love, laughter, tears, support, promise, possibilities, friendship, happiness, strength and faith.
I remember every single day the way I felt with that first kiss.
The kiss that made my heart stop, my toes curl and the butterflies in my stomach turn to dancing elephants.
I remember trying to chase you away and you refusing and fighting for me.
Thank you.
God gave you to me because you make me better. You make me feel beautiful, powerful, smart, strong, special and loved.

Seven years in the blink of an eye.
I can’t wait for 70.

I Do then, I Do Now, I Do Always.

You are my Prince Charming.
Rusted, Dented Armor and all.
You are my heart’s deepest wish and my little girl dreams come to life.
We are not perfect, but we are perfect for each other.
Thank you for your love, for your patience, for your laughter, your kindness, your understanding, your humor, your strength and your compassion.
I love you more now than I did then, but not nearly as much as I will tomorrow.
Forever and For Always.
Happy 7th Anniversary.
From your very blessed wife,




  1. I’m so lucky to be the first to read this beautiful Anniversary post – Congratuations and Happy Anniversary – I have tears in my eyes – it was so beautiful!!!

    Have a good day – Kellan

  2. wonderful post! We just had our 6th anniversary last week. Time does fly. How do we have 2 kids already? Well, I guess I know but…..

  3. Yay. Happy Anni to the Fairytale couple. They never propose quite the way you think they will, do they? I hope you get some seriously divine stuff from the land of robin’s egg blue boxes.

  4. How lovely!

    It took me twice to get it right. Congrats to you to find him the first time!
    Happy Anniversary!

    PS thanks for the visit to my blog! (I gave you a click here myself 🙂

  5. Happy Anniversary! That was just beautiful – you’re both so very blessed. God chooses well, doesn’t He?

  6. That was absolutely beautiful! What a blessed marriage you have. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
    Gorgeous post!

  7. That was beautiful! Thanks for making me cry today… *grin* I love a good romantic piece of writing!

  8. What an absolutely beautiful post! Happy anniversary – you are truly lucky to have each other.

  9. That made me teary – oh, Rachel! That is so sweet and full of love!!! May you have a lovely night with your prince, and here’s to 70 more years!!!

    PS – Today is my grandparent’s 60th anniversary. A good day for weddings, huh?

  10. Happy Anniversary Rachel…love the beautiful photo to accompany an equally beautiful post!

  11. Absolutely beautiful – touching – I’ve got tears in my eyes and it’s not even my anniversary!

    Congrats & Good Luck on the next 70!

  12. Our 12th anniversary is coming up in a week, so this posting made tears well up in my eyes.

    Congratulations on your anniversary!!!

  13. Congratulations on a wonderful anniversary…and a beautiful post…we celebrate our 40th in October…so it’s possible you’ll get your 70…
    David sent me

  14. Happy Anniversary! I wish I felt that way about somebody and they felt that way about me! You are truly blessed!

  15. Happy Belated Anniversary. I love the line about dented armour, such poetry, such love. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful!

  16. Now you are just making me cry. That was so sweet…so very very sweet. I am so glad he asked you in your pjs and green cast. I am even glad you failed your final because really, does it matter anymore other then to tell a story of magic?

  17. Wow very nice to see so much love between two people. Congrats on 7 and I wish you many many more happy years together.

  18. Yeah! I love this post. You silly girl, it is the perfect choice. It is so sweet and just makes me want to come back in 63 years to hear the rest of the story…

    Thanks for linking today!

  19. I adore what you said about remembering what that first kiss felt like every day…I remember ours too. Completely shocked me.
    Blessings on the next 63 years and 2 days!
    *hugs, KS*

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