Happy Seventh Birthday Monkey.

birthday dirtbike surprise


Happy Birthday to the boy who completed our family, the one who brings us such joy, laughter, tears, exhaustion, and happiness.

Our lives are better because you are in them.

You are exuberance.  You are childhood joy.  You are a whirling dervish with a heart bigger than Texas.

You’re a mini southern gentleman, a dare devil that makes this mama’s heart freeze in it’s tracks, and you’re the sweetest brother that ever could be.

You’ve made our family complete and better for having you in it.

I’m so thankful that God chose our family for you.

I love you to the moon and back and beyond again and again.








  1. I am thrilled to be the first to wish Monkey a wonderful and happy birthday! You’re probably amazed that he’s SEVEN already! Time does fly .. mine are 18 and 14 .. don’t know how that happened ..

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