
This post was originally posted in November of 2007. It’s a part of Scrolling Saturdays which is sponsored by Melissa at Such Simple Pleasures. The premise is simple, do you have a post that didn’t get enough blog love in your opnion? Are you lazy Do you just not have time to post something original on the weekend? ‘Scroll’ through your archives and find a post that’s worthy of a repeat performance and then jump on over to the Scrolling Saturday homepage here, sign the linky loo and then go visit some of the other wonderful scrollers.
Without further blathering from me ado…

Kids Say The Darndest Things
Originally posted: November 2007

So it’s Friday and I thought I’d share a few of the “my kids say the darndest things”. She’s never said that up there… but I can see it coming. She’s got a vey healthy dose of both her father’s and my snarky sense of humor.

#5. “Is it broken?”~ at 2 1/2 years old, I told my daughter to come to me so I could fix her hair. That was her response: “Why mom, is it broken?” Yep, literal to the bone.

#4. Princess’ explanation for her brother’s birth: “Mommy grew the baby in her tummy and then daddy went to the hospital and picked him up for her.” (I wish!)

#3. The power went out in our neighborhood because of a big storm (9 hours without power) My daughter’s response to this: “Mommy, you need to buy a new house, this one is broken”Keep in mind, we’d only been in this house for about 6 months at this time

#2. “Mommy, I want my hair in a bunion today, please”

and my all time hands down favorite

#1. Princess has almost impeccable manners. So one day, walking around Home Depot.. she farts… it happens, right. So at the top of her vocal abilities she says…”Excuse me, my bottom burped.” She then twists around and addresses her bottom and says to it.. “Bad bottom, stop burping, that’s yucky”

Yep. She’s something alright! I treasure her and love every hysterical moment. Even those times when a child muzzle seems like a great idea!! (you know you’ve thought it too!)

Oh wait! I thought of another one, this one might tie for my favorite and the most embarassing.
When Monkey was a newborn he had a pad of fat around his penis. It, his penis, would occasionally disappear into this fat pad… I mean almost completely! (it has since resolved itself)
I was giving him a bath and Princess noticed this and said with total astonishment; “MOM!! His penis is gone.. does that mean he’s a girl now?”
I was crying I was laughing so hard!!


  1. LOL….Ok, so THAT was exactly the stress relieving laughter that I needed this weekend…the bottom burping…the ‘is he a girl now’…i love it all!!!

  2. Oh those were so GOOD!!! I loved that bottom burping, and is he a girl now … I wonder if she got so excited that she might have a sister!!!

  3. That was hilarious! Great post to visit again. And I love the bottom burp thing. I’d have been cracking up in the store! This is the second scrolling Saturday that I’ve read (out of 3) that mentioned farting! How unusual is that?

  4. Ok, that was the motivation I needed to burn off those extra holiday pounds. I don’t want to turn into a girl!!

  5. Those are great!!!! Kids really do say the darndest things, huh?

    I hope you don’t mind, but I copied your description of scrolling saturdays. Couldn’t have said it any better myself ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Very fun repost! My fave saying about kids is that “They rarely misquote you. Rather, they repeat word-for-word what you shouldn’t have said.” Kids are GREAT!

  7. Those were priceless. I do this every once in a while (write down funny things the kids are saying, I mean), and it always makes me smile!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. It is great to ‘see’ you again!!

    Have a great Weekend!
    ~ Sweet Mummy

  8. I’d leave a comment, but I have to leave now because my hair is broken and stuck in a bunion.
    Also, my bottom burped.

  9. OMG! The penis thing! I was giving my son a bath and that happened. It totally freaked me out, and I had to call my husband to make sure that it was normal. lol ๐Ÿ™‚

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