I love Lotus.

I have mentioned this many. many. many times.

I think  that the impossible has happened.

Someone check and see if Hell has frozen over because honestly, I didn’t think I could adore Lotus more, and yet now,  I do.

Look what she has created for the Saving Second Base Project:


I love this picture more than I can say.

If you want to post this 150X150 on your blog…. that would be quite spectacular and boobtacular and even more.

I can’t offer you any incentive for doing it.

I can only offer you the knowledge that you’re helping a really good cause.


Okay, apparently the text box didn’t work. Bad online instruction 🙁
Let’s try this:

Leave a comment here that you want it, and I’ll email you the code.
If you’re a person who can help me with a text box for the code… {bats eyelashes} I’d be grateful!!!

Loter, I loves you.


  1. I would love to add this to my blog not sure if many people read it but it can’t hurt right! could we just save the picture and link it back to your blog? Maybe too simplistic but if you get the code i would love to support it. I have a young cousin just 30 recovering from breast cancer with a double mastectomy and an Aunt who is 58 just being diagnosed and starting chemo after a mastectomy. So this is quite personal.

  2. I love your photo! Perfect for the project. Yeah Lotus…home-run with this one!

    I’d like to have the button on my side-bar. If you are still having trouble with the code, contact Becki at http://www.beckibakes.com/

    She made me the button for my blog and may be able to help you!

Talk to me!

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