The past two Octobers I’ve hosted a monthly posting of stories and letters from people who’ve been affected by Breast Cancer called Blogging For Boobs

(I highly recommend clicking that and reading through the posts, they’re simply amazing)


I was sitting thinking about how to make my 3rd year of Blogging for Boobs even better, more powerful, more impactful.  Most of y’all who follow(ed) along know that my mom was born with brain tumors, my MIL is a two time breast cancer survivor, we lost my SIL to cancer, my Grandfather to cancer and this summer my FIL was diagnosed with lung cancer.  I am a bit passionate about supporting Cancer Research and doing whatever I can to raise awareness and money.

Well, my prayers were answered when PING a DM  from the darling Tricia the author of the delicious Once A Month Mom blog.  She wanted to know if I wanted to partner with her this year on a project for October, National Breast Cancer Month.  The more we skyped the more enchanted I became both with her and this idea!

I’m so excited to announce that Tricia and I are partnering on a month long project that we’re calling:  Saving Second Base: A Breast Cancer eCookbook Project! (nod to my friend Dragon for the suggestion!)

(I’m working on a graphic right now but, I’m trying to find a tasteful picture of hands or arms over breasts that I can use in B&W with script and have all rights to..with credit to the photographer, of course)

Okay, more about the project, which I am SO excited about!

Saving Second Base: A Breast Cancer eCookbook Project

We are looking for recipes and stories/memories accompanying those recipes that are special to, from, or remind you of someone whom you have known or loved that have survived or passed away from breast cancer. We will be using these recipes/posts throughout the month of October on A Southern Fairytale and Once A Month Mom.

In addition, at the conclusion of the month we will take each of these recipes and create a commemorative ecookbook that you can then purchase for yourself or as a gift to the loved one and/or their family. All PROFITS from the sale of these ecookbooks will go to the Susan G Koman Foundation. Tricia and I will keep NONE of the proceeds, not a portion, not a percent, not a brass farthing (I know brass farthing!!! But, it just sounds good). 🙂

We hope that you find that this is a memorable way to honor those in your life and to relive some of their (or your) favorite culinary creations. Here is how you can contribute:

  1. Include an original recipe. It can be one of the following: a recipe of theirs, a recipe of yours that they loved, or a recipe that makes you think of them/remember them when you make it.
  2. Write a food related memory or story about someone that has survived or passed whom you knew or were close to that had breast cancer to go with the recipe.
  3. Include a picture of that person, a picture of you with that person, a picture of the recipe, or another photo that would be appropriate.
  4. A one-two sentence bio about you, include a URL if you have a blog.
  5. Email all of the above to breastcancerebook@

Note: Those entering will be asked to sign a publication release for print of the commemorative ecookbook.

If you have known a loved one with a love for the kitchen that has survived or been a victim of breast cancer I hope that you will consider joining us by contributing a recipe and story, visiting during the month of October, or by purchasing the ecookbook in November!


  1. What a wonderful project and what a great new name for it. Have no doubt that you and Tricia will score a *home run* with this one.

  2. As much as you know I don’t “do” recipes much, cancer research is near and dear to me. I may just want to throw my hat (?) into the ring on this one. Let me think about what recipes remind me of my Aunt (breast cancer survivor – YAY!) and I’ll email you!

  3. I just think it is important to not only keep the issue at the front of the public’s attention, but make it “fun” too. In our society, talking about breasts is so taboo…. or any other body part. Second base (in the “old days”) was when I guy was allowed to touch your breasts on a date or when you were hiding from your parents or whatever…. so, I think this is something even guys can appreciate and support (no pun intended). I have a shirt with the slogan, “Caught you staring – Save the tatas”. My husband loves it, but I don’t really wear it out alot, because people are so…. well, people.

    So, I thought the “Saving Second Base” was the most tasteful way, but still fun!

    Glad you are going to use it…. it is a great play on words and you can do so much with it… like your friend up there said…. “It’s a Homerun”! You could even label your categories… “Pinch Hitter” – this would be those recipes you need to get accomplished quickly for surprise guests; “Safe at Home” – the old fashioned good homecooked meals – meatloaf, roast, etc.

    Much Love — Your Dragon

  4. For this I am willing to shed my top and allow my boobs to be photographed. I live in Pittsburgh so if you know any photographers around these parts let me know. It would be a true honor to help with this rachel

    1. Jull says: “boobs to be photographed” Wish I still had mine. What does taking photos of your droopy boobs have to do with this? If you only knew how hearing your wish to flaunt your tits hurts those of us who have had ours cut off, to save our lives! Get real!

  5. Rachel,
    This is a great idea! As you know, I follow you through @fidipidi on Twitter and love your posts as do my followers. I oversee the social media marketing for fidipidi, which is a Facebook application allowing you to create custom greeting cards that we mail. I am intrigued by your blog post because we are about to launch a line of Breast Cancer Awareness cards October 1st in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. They are some really neat cards that inspire and encourage. We will be partnering with a Breast Cancer organization to give back and help increase awareness, but I thought there may be some ways we could create synergy. We were just seen in the latest issue of “Everyday with Rachael Ray” and think we have something good going for us. Take a look at our Facebook page at Look forward to hearing from you!!

  6. what a great idea! i am posting the link to this on my twitter and facebook and forwarding it to my family and friends that don’t use those two sites.
    can’t really enter a recipe as (thankfully) i have not been personally touched by breast cancer in my family. other cancers yes, lost my grandpa to cancer and my mom has survived two different types of cancer!! but i will be looking forward to purchasing the cookbook! thanks for all you are doing

  7. How wonderful! I love this. My mother is a two-time survivor of breast cancer who is about to undergo another surgery for a brain aneurysm on Monday. I also have a male friend who is a two-time survivor (yes, it happens to men too).

    I would love to have the code to put a badge on my blog, in support of all the folks who fight this terrible disease.

    I will fish around and see about submitting a recipe.

    Blessings and hugs from The Moon ~

  8. I love this idea! I will definitely contribute. I even have an idea of what I would like to submit!

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