Twice Baked Potatoes.  Double Baked Potatoes.  Whatever you call them, they’re one of my favorite comfort foods.

So very, very many mouthwatering adjectives could be used to describe this wonderful dish from my childhood.

Delicious, Creamy, Cheesy, Comforting, Rich…. the list goes on and on.

twice baked potatoes with grilled sausage  |

This is a combination of two of my favorite dishes from childhood — grilled sausage links and twice baked potatoes.

My Dad used to make these for us and every time that I make them, I’m taken back.

I love the simplicity and deliciousness of twice baked potatoes — crisp skins, fluffy, buttery, garlicky, cheesy topped potatoes that are taken to the next level by filling them with spicy sliced grilled sausage.

Grilled Sausage Stuffed Twice Baked Potatoes

These are so easy to make:

Cook 6 potatoes, and slice them in half

 I get the best results when I stick my knife straight down into the center of the potato and then push down from there to cut it in half.

Use a spoon to scoop out the insides of the potatoes — they don’t have to be perfect, but you do want to leave enough to create a good shell.


Put the insides of the potatoes into a mixer with 3/4 C warm milk, 1 stick butter, 2 tsp garlic salt and 1 tsp black pepper.  Whip them together, don’t overmix the potatoes or they become gluey and starchy and nobody wants that! You can add more milk for creamier potatoes.  Make sure that you stick a spoon into the bowl to taste the potatoes 😉 TASTE, do not devour by the giant spoonful 🙂


 Once the potatoes have reached the consistency that makes you want to dive into the bowl with your fingers a spoon, add in your chopped/sliced cooked sausage.

 I use 1 whole sausage link per 8 prepared potato halves

Now comes the fun part — fill your potato halves with the creamy, delicious, sausage stuffed potato mixture – feel free to lick the spatula once you’re done.  Overfill the potatoes – it’s worth it.


Top the potato halves with cheese and place in the 370° F oven

cheese topped potatoes ready for the oven


Remove from the oven after 25 minutes, or when the cheese is melted and bubbly and the insides are hot

Twice Baked Potatoes


You really don’t *need* a side dish with these but, Nathan loves to eat these with saltines and sliced apples and I like them with a side salad or grilled asparagus.



Grilled Sausage Twice Baked Potatoes

Smoky, Spicy Sausage turns these rich, cheesy twice baked potatoes into a hearty, filling, soul comforting meal.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:20 minutes
Total Time:30 minutes


  • 6 medium potatoes baked
  • 1 stick 1/2 Cup butter
  • 1 sausage link cooked
  • 1/2 Tbsp garlic salt
  • 2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 Cups grated sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 to 3/4 Cups warm milk


  • Cook the potatoes to firm, but not perfect baked potato, and set aside
  • pre-heat the oven to 370° F
  • Using a hot pad, hold the potato and slice each one in half length-wise. I have found that putting a sharp knife point down in the middle of the potato and cutting down from there, leaves me with the most intact potato
  • Scoop out the insides, leaving enough potato in the shell so that the sides are sturdy
  • Place the potato insides into a mixing bowl and the potato halves in a baking dish (6 whole potatoes for me, means 10 potato halves in the dish)
  • Whip together the potato insides with the butter, garlic salt & pepper. Feel free to taste and adjust at will.
  • Slowly add warm milk, up to 3/4 Cup, whipping together until the potato mixture has reached your favorite consistency, don’t hesitate to reach in and scoop out a taste or two 😉 you want to make sure they’re irresistible.
  • Add in one chopped/sliced sausage link and use a wooden spoon to fold the sausage in to the potato mixture.
  • stuff each potato half with the mixture and then top with cheese
  • bake in the oven until the insides are hot and the cheese is all bubbly and melted and yummy


Roasted Garlic Cloves beaten in with the butter and cream is another way to take these potatoes to a whole new level of delicious.
Servings: 20 min
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale

This post was originally posted in 2010 – here is one of the photos from the original post


  1. Oh my goodness those look fantastic. I love twice baked potatoes but have never made them. Will be putting on my menu list this week. thanks grace

  2. I just found this blog so I thought . . . It must be a sign that this is where I should put my Cheddar Cheese Soup recipe!!! Seems like cheese is sort of a theme here. Love it!!!

  3. Oh, friend, you had me at Twice Baked. And then again at Sausage. And then again at Stuffed. And then at Potatoes.

  4. Oh my goodness I guess you don’t need a side dish! These look like they’d fill you up all by themselves! By the way, I baked your Best Ever Chocolate Chip cookies a few month ago. Delicious and a new family favourite. I just did them yesterday with chunks of Toblerone chocolate instead of chocolate chips and made slight alterations to your original recipe for them. I posted them and linked back to your blog. Thank you for sharing your recipe.

  5. Hi Rachel! OOOHHH those potatoes look awesome! I love loaded mash and in the skin would be simply divine! Happy New year and I hope all is going well with you and your family! I am linking up a recipe for pork tenderloin that my sister eavesdropped from her butcher! All the best! Alex

  6. I love twice baked potatoes, but have never thought of putting sausage in them – it sounds sooo good though!

  7. What a great collection of recipes…so many new ones to try! This is my first time linking here; I found you through a link at Comfy in the Kitchen. My ten-year-old daughter and I are on a muffin baking adventure — a new muffin recipe every Monday morning in 2011. Join us!

  8. I made these to take to a friends house. Everyone LOVED them. I’ve been asked for the recipe so I gave them the link and sent them here! Thanks for the amazing recipe, I will for sure be making these again!

  9. Thanks for the great recipe. This is going to be perfect for the Annual Labor Day Party. We need to get ahold of some good sausage and if I have the time, I might smoke them before we grill them. Yum!

    1. Kelly – these take twice baked potatoes to a whole new level of delicious! I can’t wait to hear what y’all do with your next batch of twice baked potatoes! Have a delicious week!

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