The Holiday Bake, Craft, Sew Along is BACK!


The amazingly talented Cindy and Kelly and I have teamed up again to bring you 30 days of Handmade Christmas gift ideas!

Do you want some Sewing Inspiration for Holiday Gift Ideas? Skip To My Lou has those!

How about some new Craft Ideas for handmade Holiday Gifts? According to Kelly has those!

Need ideas for Homemade Food Gift ideas for the Holidays? I’ll have those here!

You can visit each of our blogs every day in September for great inspiration for all your Handmade Holiday Ideas!!

I’m really excited to introduce today’s Handmade Holidays Guest Poster, Debra from Smith Bites.  I frequently find myself inspired by and drooling over Deb’s blog.  I hope after y’all finish drooling over her Rum-Raisin Shortbread cookies, you’ll go over and visit her blog.

Hey there ~ I’m Debra and so excited that Rachel asked me to be here sharing one of my all-time favorite
holiday cookie recipes! I realize I’m probably in the minority here but one of my favorite ice creams in the
world is rum raisin . . . and when Martha Stewart rolled out (pun intended) her Cookie App for the iPad, I
was thrilled to find a recipe for this Rum-Raisin Shortbread cookie – it is a wowzer!

Admittedly, this is a grown up cookie and probably not appealing to the kiddos in your life but hey, that’s
fine because it means more cookies for moi . . .

I also happen to think these little gems are perfect for holiday gift-giving, cookie swaps, host/hostess gifts
or any time you simply want to say ‘thank you.’ And the best part is that once your currents are soaked
in rum overnight, the dough comes together in less than 10 minutes, is rolled into logs, refrigerated for
an hour (or up to three days) and then you simply slice and bake . . . easy-peasy! But please use currants
instead of raisins – these cookies are smaller and currants just plain work better here.

Place in clear, decorative gift bags, small tins, Chinese take-out containers lined with parchment or bundle
in plastic wrap, then place in holiday tissue paper, tie with holiday ribbon and you’re ready to roll!

Thanks for having me Rachel!



  1. The second I saw Rum Rasin Shortbread my arms got all goosebumpy! I loveRum Rasin ice cream too so these sound right up my alley! I think I will have to make these soon , you know, try them out before the holidays to make sure they are really good. I just might have to eat all of them in case the recipe isn’t right, yeah right!

  2. Awesome, this is absolutely good for holiday snacks with our family and I’m sure they will ask for another round of this when I make one. I’ll go get ready for baking these sweet cookies. Thanks

  3. This recipe sounds really delicious! Thank you for sharing it with us! Can’t wait to give them a try!

  4. Hi. I was searching for rum raisin shortbread cookies and came across your site. I wanted to let you know that Martha Stewart should be credited for this recipe and not Debra from Smith Bakes. Other than a few minor changes in wording, this is the EXACT same recipe. Some in the recipe world might call that stealing. Not very professional to take credit for somebody’s work…

    1. Hi Deb,

      Thank you for bringing this to my attention! It looks like in Debra’s description of the cookies she did give Martha Stewart credit for the recipe saying she found it on the new Martha Stewart iPad app, however it wasn’t in the printable recipe section, which is my fault. I have updated and changed it.

      As someone who’s had her content plagiarized, I’m very sensitive to this subject. Thank you, again for bringing this to our attention.

      Happy Holidays, and happy baking!


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