Silent Night, Silly Night

After hearing the Christmas story and singing “Silent Night,” a Sunday School Class in Sao Paulo, Brazil was asked to draw what they thought the Nativity Scene might have looked like…. One little fellow did a good likeness of Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus, but off to the side was a roly-poly figure.

The teacher, afraid that he had somehow worked St. Nick into the scene asked him who that was. She wasn’t sure whether she was relieved or even more worried when the boy responded, “Oh, that’s Round John Virgin


  1. Tee hee! That’s really cute.

    Miss C is asking me all KINDS of questions about Christmas, especially Santa. Yikes!

  2. Very funny.
    I can’t wait for the Christmas lyric mishaps to start around here. This year I will have to write them down so I don’t forget.

  3. LOL. Makes sense to me!

    (Rather than “My country ’tis of thee…”, my sister used to sing, “My country kisses a tree”. Finally told her the real verse when she was about 12.

  4. I’m glad I could amuse y’all 🙂
    I aim to tickle the grey matter as often as possible on here 🙂

    Courtney~ that’s hysterical! I can’t believe you let that go on until she was 12!! Oh wait, yes I can.

  5. That is just too cute!!! I can’t wait for the misshaps to happen around here! I know they have said some pretty funny stuff in the past but never wrote them down.

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