It’s football season and Princess has her game face on

game face Do you have yours?

We’re Texans and y’all know about Texans and Football: It’s like Peanut Butter and Jelly– or Homemade Tortillas and Queso — or Ro*Tel and Velveeta

Like Friday Nights and High School Football — they just go together, they’re meant to be

Friday Night Lights B&W

We are a football watchin’ family — we’re also a football food lovin’ family πŸ™‚

For us, one of the original Game Day Foods is Ro*Tel’s Famous Queso


I honestly don’t remember the first time that I ate this Queso, it’s just always been a part of my life.

I remember in middle school, moving from Texas to Nevada and my parents making Queso for all of our new friends and them just falling head over heels in love with it. Β  I remember cans of Ro*Tel and blocks of Velveeta– whether it was for game day, slumber parties, get togethers or just because, it’s just always been a part of my life.

I love to use this Queso to top my hamburgers, nachos, chicken, fajitas, dip tortillas in or just as it was originally intended — as a delicious, slightly spicy, cheesy, tomato and green chilies dip; meant to be devoured with salty corn chips.

Today’s recipe is the original Ro*Tel Queso — I know it’s a super simple dip, and yet, I’m constantly shocked at how many people ask me for the recipe.

How have y’all NOT grown up with this recipe?Β  How is this NOT a staple of your game day/party day/just because I want cheese and spice and salt day recipes?

It’s SO super simple and crazy kinds of delicious

ro*tel and velveeta

Cube the Velveeta — this makes the melting process much easier

Combine the Velveeta and Ro*Tel in a microwaveable bowl (or in a saucepan to heat on the stove)


Stir frequently while heating and prepare your favorite game day serving dish —

Colts chip and dip tray

Pour in the Queso and serve with chips, crackers, veggies — whatever your little heart craves.


Put this on the table and watch as it disappears.

Recipe: Ro*Tel Signature Queso


  • 1 (10 oz) can Ro-Tel Diced Tomatoes and Green Chilies
  • 1 (16 oz) block of Velveeta


  1. Cut the cheese into cubes
  2. Combined the cheese and undrained tomatoes and green chilies in a microwaveable bowl or saucepan and heat until melted, stirring occasionally


* I adore using 8 oz of original Velveeta and 8 oz of the pepper jack Velveeta
* Ro*Tel now has a Diced Tomatoes with Cilantro and Lime Juice — I highly recommend trying this variation!

I’m really excited to tell y’all that I’m not only sharing the Ro*Tel Famous Queso dip with y’all today — I’m also partnering with Ro*Tel for their Feed Their Game Face promotion and offering y’all a chance to win a Queso Party Pack for 100! Oh yes, you read that correctly — One Hundred! Just think of the game day party you can have with THAT!


This includes:

  • Queso for 100
  • $50 grocery card
  • Goodies from Fans Edge

Why yes — it is awesome.

In addition to entering to win this Tonguegasmic Queso Prize Pack, you can go to the Ro*Tel Feed Their Game Face site and get Queso serving tips,Β  AND enter to win their SUPER SUPERB (pardon my cheerleading flashback) Feed Their Game Face sweepstakes — the grand prize of which is —

I swear I need a drumroll here…

  • FREE groceries for a year AND 2 tickets, flight and lodging to ANY College Football Game during the 2011 season!!

enter and find official rules HERE

Okay, so y’all want to enter to win the Queso for 100, goodies from Fans Edge, $50 Grocery Card that I am giving away?

I’m going to make it easy for y’all, easy peasy Queso cheesyΒ  (I couldn’t resist)

remember — each entry must be in a separate comment

  • MANDATORY first entry:Β  If you won this amazing Queso Prize Pack — what would you do with it?Β  Would you have a game day fiesta? A neighborhood block party?
  • (bonus entry) Tweet this giveaway and link your tweet url in a separate comment
  • (bonus entry) Take a picture of your game face and link to it in a comment (Facebook, flickr, twitter, blog etc…)Β  I just might post the best ones

***This contest is open from Monday — November 1st to Friday, November 5th at 10:00 PM CST**

I will use Comment Contest Plug-In to choose the winner of the contest.Β  They have 48 hours to respond, or another winner will be chosen.

It’s Mouthwatering Monday — the super Cheesy edition (wink wink) I can’t wait to see what y’all have been cookin’ up! Make sure to enter your link, enter to win the contest, visit the other participants and go visit the Ro*Tel Feed Their Game Face homepage to enter to win the super superb grand prize!

**I’ll be receiving a goody pack from Ro*Tel as compensation for hosting this giveaway and be entered to win a trip to BlogHer 2011. However, as my regular readers and twitter followers know — I’m completely in love with both Ro*Tel and Velveeta and talk about, tweet about and share recipes including them a lot. So, while I am participating in this and getting some nummy treats — my passion, love, experiences with and feelings about, that I’ve shared with y’all — 100% my own and true

Contest Closed~ Congrats to our Winner! @RoseMillsOhio


  1. This prize pack would come in handy for our annual superbowl party!!!

    P.S. We love Ro*tel and Velveeta! We add one can of Cream of Mushroom soup and a pound of Jimmy Dean sausage to make our amazing queso!!! It’s a hit with everyone!

  2. Like AmazingGreis said, we love the cheese dip with spicy sausage added – yum!

    I should also note how much I love your cheese/dip serveware! Husband and I went to the same school and it’s so tempting to decorate everything in Virginia Tech colors. πŸ™‚

  3. I’m always amazed when this dip is NEW to people!! I always blend my rotel with extra cumin and cilantro – and maybe jalepens- must doctor up everything!!
    BIG ole party if we win!
    Blessings, KS.

  4. I’ve seen this dip with crumbled sausage too and it looks awesome! I use Rotel a lot and LOVE it! I’ve never made this dip before though!

    I’m quite sure I would have an appetizer party. I’ve been meaning to have one for a long time, we have a huge congregation and I would invite many and it would be a ton of fun! Yes, now that I think of it, I WILL do that and this dip would be perfect! Thanks!

  5. With a brother who lives in Texas, I am well familiar with how yummy this queso is. I’d definitely have a huge football watching party! What an amazing prize!!!

  6. I used to always make queso with salsa, but I’ve recently switched to Rotel and like it SO much better. I’ve been known to eat chips and queso for dinner several nights a week…

  7. Oh…my eyes lit up in this one….If I won, I would have the best College Football watching party around. You know us Texans…we do love our football. And our family could invite many over to watch it with us. And share the delicious queso!

  8. RoTel has become a part of my cooking I just love the stuff. I was introduced to RoTel about 34 years ago. I would use the winnings for a great big family get together.

  9. I would have a football pity party for me and all my fellow dallas cowboy and texas longhorn fans. Stuffing our face w/lots of delicious, mouthwatering queso will make it all better =)

    fyi: i LOVE making my queso w/the extra HOT Rotel!!

  10. I’m with you – how have people NOT had this yummy (and so easy) dip before?? I made some just last night, but I also added taco meat. I haven’t tried pepper jack Velveeta, though – might have to check that out!

    If I win, I’ll have a big Superbowl party with all the Ro-Tel and Velveeta appetizers a football fan could want!!

  11. I’ve never tried Ro’Tel and Velveeta (although I have no idea why not — it seems like such a natural combo) but I did eat a lot of Velveeta with Pace picante sauce. Sadly getting Velveeta in Germany is not an easy task — although I have brought some back with me before and begged people to bring it to me from the PX πŸ™‚

  12. In the winter, we have a monthly soup night with a group of friends, We don’t have 100 in our group, but that might be the first of many get togethers I’d use the prize pkg.

  13. I would definitely have the world’s biggest game day party. I’m a Texas girl too, and a huge college sports fan – my team is currently having its best season in over a decade. I would invite everyone I know for College GameDay and Queso Fest!

  14. I’ve got two teens at home, they each bring friends over, and they are all ALWAYS starving! I’m thinking New Year’s Day would be a great day to have them all over and fill them up!

  15. where my son works they have monthly get togethers after work- and since all are sorta broke this would help with the munchies- they deserve it working fulltime and going to school ft

  16. I would have a huge football game watching party featuring oodles of queso and package queso favors for everyone to take home and make the queso for themselves!

  17. If I were to win, consider me selfish, but I would serve it to my family on 20 different occasions!!! We are a family of 5, so if it feeds 100, then it would last along time. No seriously, I would donate some of it to my local food pantry so others could enjoy it too. When people utilize a food pantry, often times they don’t et to enjoy the extras like this. I spent many years of my childhood eating from local food pantries and mac ‘n cheese and rice dishes are good, but they get tiresome fast. So, I would share.

    Oh, I love Rotel!!! I remember not being able to find it after moving to IL and I had my mom ship it up from OK. YUM!

  18. Although I am not a huge football fan, I do like to watch it. I would have a football-watching party with my cousins who are HUGE COLTS fans too!!

  19. I’m chuckling because every. single. commercial. during Penn State games on the Big 10 Network is about Rotel and Velveeta queso. And YES, we have always eaten it at tailgate parties. Love the stuff. If we won the prize pack we would totally throw a big party for whatever bowl game Penn State ends up going to this year πŸ™‚

  20. Being a buckeye, I’d most definitely use it to serve at an Ohio State bowl game party. I always make dips for football games.

  21. If I won, I’d feed all the wonderful ladies in my Mother’s of Preschoolers (MOPS) group because they deserve it! πŸ™‚

  22. That’s my favorite dip to bring, too, and people are always shocked at how easy it is! I like to add fresh cilantro. I would use this as a Texas app on Thanksgiving.

  23. Rotel and Velveeta were just made for each other… I would so be using this for our Super Bowl party if I won! Being an Indiana girl, gotta root for those Colts!!!

  24. If I won, I’d have my family over…grown kids and grandkids. We can eat a full recipe of this in no time flat. It is one of our “go to” appetizers at almost all of our gatherings. I can’t imagine this being new to anyone…oh, yeah, there are places outside of Texas! Bless their hearts to have missed out on this treat for so long.

  25. We would hold a party at our new apt complexes club house so we could get to know some neighbors and make new friends here in texas

  26. I would definitely have a party to celebrate my Colts taking the Steelers some day. I like it when my husband cries!

  27. I would have the ultimate youth group party with those teens who eat out my pantry once a week since my man is a youth pastor who cannot refuse them!!

  28. There are so many upcoming get-togethers the next 2 months that this prize would come in handy. There’s Thanksgiving, my daughter’s birthday party, Christmas, our baby being born – queso would go a looon way!

  29. This would DEFINITELY be joining me at the OHIO STATE BUCKEYE! tailgates!

    I mean there is always queso at the tailgates – but usually only enough to feed myself. Now I’d at least be able to share with one other person πŸ™‚

  30. Heh, I’m with Sam! I’m planning a birthday party for myself because my next birthday falls on 1/11/11. How awesome is that? Queso would be perfect, as would the $50 card for getting the rest of the goodies!

  31. I’d donate the Queso Prize Pack to Nashville Rescue Mission. I LOVE Ro*Tel and Velveeta but I can’t handle queso for 100 at my house.

  32. I’ll be honest … I’ve never had Rotel and Velveeta before but I’m willing to give it a shot! πŸ™‚

  33. Figuring..ok…hoping… that my team will be in the Fiesta Bowl –I would have a BIG watch party (How perfect, right?! A “Fiesta Bowl Fiesta”) :). The sponsor of the Fiesta Bowl is Tostitos–the perfect compliment to yummy queso!
    How fun would that be?! πŸ™‚

  34. Game day party for sure. Since the Horns have been so bad this year, it would probably be a party for my husband’s beloved OU Sooners who may ACTUALLY GO to a bowl game!

  35. I’ve never had Queso dip. I’m adding the ingredients of the recipe for this weekend’s shopping trip.

    Of the Queso dip for 100 prize pkg, I’d probably keep enough to make a couple of batches of Queso for my family & donate the rest to the food pantry. I’d like to donate to them more often, but my family’s budget not being what it used to be, we are not able too.

  36. I would SOOOO have a huge game-day party! It would be amazing. Would have to figure out a way to hook the video projector to the TV and broadcast the game on a sheet/screen so everyone could see. But it would be amazing.

  37. I have a small condo so I would take this party over to my friend and fellow sportsblogger GoonSquadSarah’s on a football Sunday. Her neighbors are always up for some food and football, and we could invite more friends too. πŸ™‚

  38. Delicious Dishes Just Something I Whipped Up and Mouthwatering Monday This post is also linked to: Come join Soup-a-Palooza

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